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At least somewhere if it arrives, When OSG is on menutenção you will not go anywhere and do not talk to anyone. I've stayed more than a month without going into OSG because of maintenance and never said badly, each grid has its way of working this is ours. Now after talking to Dan Banner we have managed to get into OSG and the OSG staff can get into AviTron.
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The lack of what to do and envy is the biggest problem of people who attack the AviTron, this was a forgetfulness of the shopkeeper to change the valo configuration from TR $ 10 to TR $0, err is human. You just take one item and make that joke. Visit all the stores of AviTron and see if there are any shopkeepers selling something for TR$ and even if you have the grid currency is given to the player, who made this report knows very well of it. Shame on and look for grids that actually sell the products for grid coins that are bought for real money. It's not just GOD who kills, envy too. I've known Oni Kiri for years and would never allow anyone to sell any Adachi product.
You cannot EXPORT ANYTHING from AVITRON. Yet they can copy every other grid. SHAME is on them.
Yes you can export whatever you want from AviTron is invited to go to AviTron and see if any of our content pleases you and take and take to your grid, we did not close the output of grid inventories, there was a time that was really closed, but more than a month is open. I still inform you that if you try to enter today will not succeed because we were attacked and we are clearing the cache of servers. Anyway it is welcome to visit our stores.
Well is probably now, that it was exposed for such actions. But all it takes, is one bad experience. That was approx. a month ago.
Time can be better spent maintaining all 120 radegast clients which are artificially inflating the online traffic data.
If you think we are inflating our traffic, enter the grid and check yourself, talk until parrot speaks, but have the courage to enter and see the reality no one wants. You are invited and look for me that I take you everywhere where there are avatars so you can talk to them yourself.
120 radegast clients which are artificially inflating the online traffic data.
And he call us all of rats and hyprocrites but he oftens posts about "the best grid ever"......smh.... well, as the Nazi Joseph Goebbels once used to say: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”
Yikes! Nazis! Be careful now. Citing Godwin's law, Adolph Hitler once said he won an internet debate when someone compared him to Hitler.
It is forgetfulness to change a full perm item to no transfer? And it is not just one item. It is at least 20-30 items. I'm glad to hear that you've known Oni Kiri for years and would never allow anyone to sell any Adachi product. But what you would allow and what actually happened are totally unrelated. And I'm disappointed to see that you did not read the post at all carefully. Try again.
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Thanks for your clarification
Hyacinth, some people would rather fail than know the reality of the facts.
Logan Hunter
Compliance Officer
AviTron Grid
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This friend of yours is very uninformed, if you gave less ears to what people with elbow pain talk and go to AviTron would find that this is not true. if you don't want to go look at the grid page on Facebook. before wasting time with words has before your certainty and not that of others.
I see you are an administrator of AviTron. Then you are exactly the right man to answer questions. We carefully studied the AviTron page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/299061101879948/), but we only find a lot of photos of dancing avatars and some photos of regions. But no answer to the question why my friend e.g. can neither teleport to my region nor visit almost all other grids. Where is the mistake, is a setting wrong. I can go wherever I want but my friend can't. Why?
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Beautiful ring, really wonderful.
Thank you I added a classic too, in the foyer, it is much less LOD without the rigging