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Chiria @Lexa

Germany Offline

Sims with magic, witches, wicca and seasonal stuff and ambience

Infos zum Hypergrid-Adventskalender und den Dezember-Events gibt es auf http://startpunkt.greenworld.online/winterzauber/
Oder inworld bei Chiria Celt
Ort: StartPunktSim im Greenworld Grid
... meist abends online... z. B. am Donnerstag um 20:30 Uhr deutsche Zeit

Bitte Voice einschalten – hoeren reicht.

All information in (German) on the website: http://startpunkt.greenworld.online/winterzauber/
You can participate with your sim and / or with yor events in December.
I speak English and can explain the details to you, if the google translator doesn't work.

You can meet me inworld:
Avatar: Chiria Celt

Location: region StartPunkt in greenworld Grid
Mondays and Saturdays, 20:30 German time. (11:30 a. m. SL-Time)

Please switch on voice - being able to listen is sufficient.