LeonitasLionheart @LeonitasLionheart

Uranus Offline

The King


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I am very high on cakes & drinks of this type! Marpil! You baked so we could get baked, too! So sweet!
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that is cool and detailed, but do tell us, dear Hyacinth, how many look at ya curves and wish they could "wampum"? *teases* hugs & happy holidays to you and yours!
That's what the triangles are. lol
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even the watch stopped to watch Aeris...
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Hilarious. Fyi, myself and Richard are not the same person, and I have run into more than 1 Lionheart who was not myself nor Richard, nor my family or people from my grid. It was also the name of an early Jean-Claude Van Damme movie from the late 1980s/early 1990s. R.lion is a nice shopping destination, but it's not on my grid, nor affiliated with me 😁
Omg... not sure how I got those mxied up :O
;-) both Lionhearts are great ! even if I am closest to one of them :-)
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Anglais est le meilleure 😜
même pas vrai !! :-P
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this is touching and so true. we all have real lives and challenges and obstacles that pull us away, but our friends and the mutual admiration and respect pulls us back to our fantasy realms, whenever time allows. safe journeys and adventures to all! :)
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I can see what's holding me down...I'll turn it around!
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Je suis né l'année de cet album, peut-être délivré par cet ovni 😜
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It seems like the least we can do! 😉 😍😘🤗 I have more than enough of my own problems, but I still do my best to help as many as I can.... spread cheer, a compliment, advice, perhaps some things behind the scenes when I can. Thanking a soldier, police, fire department, dr, nurse, or even your local coffee barista or waitress, who is probably just scraping by.
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Let's all have a bash! 😁
Dos horas para reproducir el dichoso script con chatGPT lol
Bueno, gracias por trabajar tan duro para OpenSim.
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Let's not forget The Nun, The Nun II, The Pope's Exorcist....
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Home of the prettiest and most intelligent woman in all the lands! Je t'aime, ma femme! ♥ Toujours! Bisouusssss
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¡Esta fiesta fue muy divertida! ¡Mantente siempre joven y divertido, amigo!
una Fiesta Espectacular!!!!
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feliz cumpleaños! happy birthday, and many more! :D
Thank you Leo !!! gracias amigo
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Wow its like when I look in a pbr mirror at my bald head! Shineyyyyy
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I blessed the rains down in Africaaaa...love this!
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Like many, I took the inworldz path, around starting 2009 or so, til they closed in 2017. Most of us are also consumers, even if we also build. What I love most is when we pool and share knowledge and items and creations. We can all grow together. I may never build as good as Luna, I may never have the technical wizardry of Hyacinth or Lone Wolf or the scripting prowess of Cyberglo, or the rigging prowess of Prince. But the hunger to learn more and hone my skills and dream big will never cease! Remember to have fun, and to consider what others might be feeling and going through! 😍 hugs and handshakes to all 🤗 👋
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Yay for not f-ing crashing! Rated nearly as rewarding as the feeling you get of not crashing when f-ing.
Belly laugh!
Well, we all know people just "crash" when they are done. haha
O.o maybe most people do. 😉
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Luna has a few nice castles for sale. I love them! 😍
Right, Luna's castles are no where the same quality as even Abel Dreamscapes were.
Well... No, not Luna's castles. These 3 castles that are lost are gigantic and were not allowed to be circulated. They were so good it was like walking in a real life castle. Incredible beauty. I have not seen even 1 castle in osgrid today that remotely touches their beauty.
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Eye Lava Everybody! Ty for doing so much for all, Marpil!
same goes for you!