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Important message.
We are in process to make the Reborn store and male hair shop with new hairs at the SIM.
No worry we will open as soon as we are done with both stores.
Angie Owner
Santorini shop
Here we go again...I have let every GRID come to my shop at Santorini.
But when I try to go and visit others it says I can´t because they have made so my mac can´t enter the GRID. But the thing in all this that they can come to our GRID with no problems with there Avatars and buy all free new stuff at my shop. " Alternatemetaverse" now I have to close the SIM...until I can find an alternative way to let people come to my shops and I can go to there GRIDS without my mac gets locked from enter the GRIDS.
I really wanna know why this GRID have take my IP number and locked me of to enter the GRID??? WTF Really....But you can enter my area with no problems ....Whats wrong with you people...
Santorini shop will be closed until the constructions are done and the GRID owners that have locked me out from there GRID can contact me and tell me what the fuck is wrong with you...!!
