Leighton Marjoram @LeightonMarjoram


Opensim Lab is my new project focusing on the use of Virtual Worlds for online training for therapists and other mental health professionals who work with their clients online.

Always looking for opportunities to collaborate with other virtual world educators to share knowledge, skills and develop ideas.

Joined 10 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

HG Traveller
3 0 grid.opensimlab.co.uk:8002:HG Traveller 0 Users
The region is a companion to the HG Traveller blog where I blog about the regions I visit, the people I encounter and the events that I attend. The region has teleporters to the destinations that are on the blog either as a featured post or as a numbered teleporter. See website for more details:...
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3 0 grid.opensimlab.co.uk:8002:Buglebourg 0 Users
An adult region with many things to do, boat rides, pontoons and balloon rides there are many themed areas for adult fun. The space is aimed at LGBTQ+ and open minded people. No hate is the main rule. Hang out with friends and take in the region.
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1 0 grid.opensimlab.co.uk:8002:Chakrama 0 Users
A place aimed at providing a virtual space for relaxation, guided meditations and other mindfulness practices. Still under construction.
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3 0 grid.opensimlab.co.uk:8002:VWEDU 0 Users
The main educational project region of the Opensim Lab grid. Based on a Masters course that I completed in Virtual World Education.
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Opensim Lab
5 0 grid.opensimlab.co.uk:8002:Opensim Lab 0 Users
The welcome region for an educationally focused grid. More info: https://opensimlab.co.uk
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