LaviaLavine @LaviaLavine


What you see is what you get. I'm not looking for romance or relaionships, though friends are nice family is better. Flattery will get you nowhere because I know BS when I hear it. If you're looking for a lover don't look at me, I'm not interested.


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SORRY, SORRY this dance is canceled due to unforeseen technical difficulties. We'll be back in 2 weeks!!
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LOL thank you Leonitas, it goes with the theme of our mall and is on all the major archways. I think, but I'm not sure, that it was made by Thirza Ember. I could be incorrect in that matter or have missunderstood.
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Star, your creations are always beautiful!! Outstanding job on these, I'll be around to pick some up for my my regions!!!
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That's exactly how our RP group feels Fit, the more people you have in an RP group the more issues that arise. We're doing well and happy though we do recruit. But, we know well, that RP is not for everyone, and that's fine.
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We're doing okay with our Plymouth RP. :) It takes a lot more work but it can happen.
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I will let Thorvaldr know so he gets one prepared as he's doing an Historical reenactment RP grid. It may take a day or so to get the information.
cool thank you !
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Thank you for your kind words and I'm glad you like it, I'm honored that you will have it as your main arrival area. Blessings and much love, Lavia
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If you encounter any problems with it just let me know I'll come help, the sliding gates, sliding door script, will need to be adjusted so if you need help with that just holler and I truly hope you will enjoy it on your grid. Blessings and Much love, Lavia
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We had a very good time and great music, it was lots of fun!
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There are two HUB's the Masala Estate Partner Grids, and then The Friends of Genesis Roleplay Grid, you my friend, are in both. And I'm getting a good response both here and in world, and I'm very happy to help people and other grids to help bring a sense of unity into Opensim.
Its wonderful! With so much frequent negative, you are a ray of good light and good feeling. Thank you friend xxx
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They're really not joining anything here either just sending me their information and I'm making the portals and I think Open Sim is big enough for more than one place to be a hub, no? And I never said it was a new idea, just a good one.
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I have it and it is installed. Thank you.
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Something's in the air....
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I got exhausted just reading all those combinations LOL Glad I'm too old for that stuff.
Hahahaha imagine writing them down, or worse: having to test them
::just faints:::
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It is wise to err on the side of caution than to wind up in a boat load of trouble.
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Had a great time, sadly I had to leave early to attend to IRL, but I'll be back next time. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Thanks for coming Lavia! I appreciate the support. Take care and huggs
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Spero che tu ti riprenda velocemente e che tu sia ben curato. Che Dio vi benedica!
"Grazie ♥
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Our Masala Al Kohav region is back on line for all who wish to do a little shopping. I will be sure to let you know when the other regions are available. :) Thank you all for your wonderful support and encouragement.
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We are slowly coming back up, but anything worth having is worth waiting for. Please be patient and bear with us while we undergo this upgrade. Blessings and much love, Lavia
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Due to unforeseen circumstances in real life (family emergency) the upgrade for the grid will take place at a later date and we will continue on the original system for a time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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Always happy to be able to make people's virtual lives a little brighter and happier! I hope to be adding more animals as time goes by.