Lampithaler Artist @Lampithaler Offline


Liked posts

SN Gena Outfit
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

A visit from @FerdFrederix today. Bringing more magic to the Sakuragawa region! He added horse stables and horses so that we can ride and explore this 3x3! He tested it out and said you can ride the whole way even going over the bridges! After your ride, you might be hungry so stop in at the Ramen House next to the Fish Market! Thank you, Ferd!
Note: This version has a digital selector at the top that lets you select ANY attachment point to put the item on.
The Closet.
This amazing new product lets you drop in an item of clothing, and a picture of that clothing (or shoes, or hair) and click through the items in your closet. Then you can choose to have the item GIVEn to you, or to AUTOMATICALLY WEAR the item. Note: Please use copy items. If you find any bugs, please contact me and let me know. I'm leaving it at my welcome center for you to buy for 0$. (yes the doors open and close...) Note 2: The automatic WEAR only works if you are on dreamgrid, or if you own your own grid your on and have OSSL functions enabled. :) Note 3: This was Arielle's idea. So I think she should have the first one. But anybody can get one. Enjoy!

This one was fun making gotta love the oldies and them peace days peace NOT war

Set up an event calendar for your grid... Do you want an event calendar? This calendar has many different colors, styles, and skins. You can easily find a look to match your grids theme. You can also allow multiple users the right to post events with their own separate password, and you can approve or not approve events as you like. To everyone else who is not an authorized user the calendar will be read only. It has recurring events and many more features. Get it here:
To install it unzip it to a sub directory of your web server and run the install to set it up. :) It's an amazing event calendar and runs flawlessly. :D

WEDNESDAY 22 MAY 10am Slt / 19Uhr Cet

DJ Marlon

Put on your dancing shoes and come to the Bourbon Bar !


Turn on your Shared Environment, max your graphics settings, and max that draw—oh, and turn up the music. Experience the possibilities of EEP art like never before in any virtual world.
May 8th 11 AM SLT
DJ Marlon Wayne and the unique EEP Art of Nyx Breen

nyxbreen: YOU have never seen anything like this before in any virtual world! Guaranteed 8x8 VAR size viewing area. 25 days ago

Orphic EEP immersive exploration to expand your virtual world's mind.
Largest EEP Art Immersive Experience in OS.

VoranKündigung !!!!!

Sunday 02 June 9am Slt / 18 Uhr Cet
Latcho Dives auf der PangeaGrid im Gypsy Camp
18 Uhr - 19 Uhr Gypsy Music
19 Uhr - 20 Uhr Putri Solo
20 Uhr - 21 Uhr Aint
21 Uhr - 22 Uhr Evan Williams

Dresscode: Gypsy Clothes / Formal

Taxi: hop://

Latcho Dives (zu deutsch...ein schöner Tag )

Thanks to all who came on Safari this week to visit Karsten and Lavia's great builds! For the full story, do check out the Safari blog, or watch Lifted Pixel's walk through of the event on Youtube

Luna Lunaria: I really wanted to participate in this one but RL work held me hostage :-P 30 days ago

Atraxia on Pangea, EEP Experience a new level of immersive in OS Worlds.

This evening Reggae!
We all need Sunshine and the best way to get sunshine in the
hearts is listen to Reggae.
So it is a Bob Marley Reggae Night Party!!!
Come over with your friends and lets have a great evening.

Join us in Wizardry at The School of Magic. Learn to fight evil hackers, evil scripters, greifers, and maligned individuals.

===Starchild Kin: On the Order of Celestials===
‘…the humans inquire about the Hierarchy of Angels, as they call us. They have conceived a hierarchy of what they call choirs, which does not seem inappropriate, for there is a First Song, that is also the Last...'
'...And from the First Song, that is the Last, the Song without Sound, condensing like pearls of harmonic melody, came the Seraphim, falling like rain upon the mountain, and they Sang to the Song, and there was Harmony....'
[The fragment below is a continuation of the prologue to the background story of the Starchild family at Darkheart’s Playground grid in OpenSimulator and the future development of a HUD (akin to Bloodlines in Second Life) that will foster a roleplay of vampires, demons, angels, and other races.]

Latex, Sequin, Gowns, Lingerie, come check out the new items, hot off the sewing machine. Fits Xara/LaraX, Only at vesti