Lampithaler Artist @Lampithaler Online


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Liebe Freunde,
bald ist es wieder soweit – die fünfte Jahreszeit steht vor der Tür, und wir können es kaum erwarten, sie gemeinsam mit euch zu feiern! Dieses Jahr erwartet euch ein kunterbuntes Programm voller Spaß, Musik und guter Laune.
Los geht’s am Donnerstag, den 27. Februar, mit unserer großartigen Kostümparty. Kommt in euren kreativsten, verrücktesten oder elegantesten Outfits und startet mit uns in die Karnevalstage. Für die perfekte musikalische Stimmung sorgt unser DJ Marlon, der euch mit den besten Klängen den ganzen Abend über begleitet. Tanzen, lachen und feiern ist angesagt – das dürft ihr nicht verpassen!
Weiter geht es am Montag, den 3. März, mit dem Höhepunkt der Karnevalssaison: dem großen Pangea Rosenmontagsumzug in Köln. Freut euch auf farbenfrohe Wagen, beeindruckende Kostüme und die einzigartige Karnevalsatmosphäre, die Köln so besonders macht. „Kamelle!“ und jede Menge Spaß erwarten euch in den Straßen der Domstadt – seid dabei und feiert mit uns diesen unvergesslichen Tag!
Den Abschluss bildet am Dienstag, den 4. März, die traditionelle Nubbelverbrennung. Gemeinsam verabschieden wir uns von den Karnevalstagen und lassen mit dem Nubbel symbolisch all unsere „Sünden“ zurück. Lasst uns diesen Moment nutzen, um die festliche Zeit mit einem Lächeln ausklingen zu lassen.
Markiert euch die Termine im Kalender und bringt Freunde, Familie und gute Laune mit. Wir freuen uns auf euch und eine unvergessliche Karnevalszeit!
Alaaf und Helau!
Euer Pangea Team
Dear Friends,
The time has come – the festive season of Carnival is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to celebrate it with you! This year, we’ve prepared a vibrant program full of fun, music, and great vibes.
We’ll kick things off on Thursday, February 27th, with our amazing Costume Party. Put on your most creative, wacky, or elegant costumes and join us to start the Carnival festivities with a bang. To keep the party alive, our fantastic DJ Marlon will be spinning the best tunes all evening, ensuring a night full of dancing, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss it!
The highlight of the season awaits us on Monday, March 3rd, with the grand Pangea Rose Monday Parade in Cologne. Get ready for colorful floats, stunning costumes, and the unique Carnival atmosphere that Cologne is famous for. Shouts of “Kamelle!” and pure joy will fill the streets – come and be part of this spectacular day!
Finally, on Tuesday, March 4th, we’ll wrap things up with the traditional Nubbel Burning. Together, we’ll bid farewell to the Carnival days and symbolically leave behind all the “sins” of the season. Let’s enjoy this special moment and end the festive time with smiles and good spirits.
Mark these dates in your calendar, and bring your friends, family, and good vibes along. We’re looking forward to seeing you and sharing an unforgettable Carnival season!
Cheers and let’s celebrate!
Your Pangea Team
Fifteen years, how fast they flew,
Dorena’s World, a dream come true.
A digital realm, so full of life,
With shared ideas, escaping strife.

From the first pixel to today’s delight,
You’ve built a world that shines so bright.
Friendship, dreams, and fantasy,
All united in harmony.

Let’s celebrate, day by day,
For all the wonders that pave the way.
Fifteen years of inspiration,
A reason for joyful celebration!
Further information on the upcoming events will follow.

Dorena Verne: Of course, everyone is cordially invited. 3 days ago
The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 8 days ago
Big thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's event @ Rosies, not to mention the fabulous singers Charice Singer and Putri Solo! See you in 2025, Happy New Year!

Lynne Lundquist: Great show Andremus and Alchy. Thanks for the invite. 17 days ago
The Japanese Home with Garden build is complete now and going through final testing. Every surface has both PBR and standard textures, including the prim water with movement. This has been a fun project and I'm excited to release it at the store soon.

Mistressdalgato: already trying to figure out where i am going to put this. cant wait to see it when its finished. 18 days ago

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! From Andremus & Alchy

Lise: Joyeux Noël et bonnes vacances ! 23 days ago

Black White Castle wird schon bald 1 Jahr alt - Zeit, die Region endlich mit einer Party einzuweihen! Wie der Name schon sagt, ist Black White Castle komplett in schwarz-weiß Tönen gehalten, daher sind möglichst monochrome Outfits, vielleicht sogar im Vintage-Stil sehr wünschenswert!!! Schließlich soll sich jeder Partygast wie auf einer Zeitreise zurück in die Schwarzweiß-Film-Ära fühlen.

* * * * *

Black White Castle will be 1 year old soon - so it is time to finally inaugurate the region with a party! Black White Castle is completely designed in black and white tones, so monochrome outfits, perhaps even vintage style, are highly desirable!!! Every party guest should feel like traveling back in time to the black and white film era.
SPECIAL EVENT! Sunday, December 8, 2024 from 4pm – 5pm SLT join us at the OpenSimulator Community Conference (#OSCC24) for a fireside chat with Second Life’s founder Philip Rosedale! This is not to be missed!

Hypergrid to "OSCC Keynote 2", or watch live at:

Check out our Schedule:

Register & support OSCC.
Eröffnung der Gallery Path of Glory – Candoranien

Erlebt die faszinierende Geschichte Candoraniens in einer beeindruckenden Bildergalerie!!
Feiert mit uns diesen besonderen Abend!
Am 05. Dezember 2024
um 19:00 Uhr öffnen wir die Türen für die Gallery.
Ab 20:00 Uhr sorgt DJ Draupnir mit epischen Beats für die perfekte Atmosphäre.
Ein Abend voller Kunst, Geschichten und Musik erwartet euch – lasst euch verzaubern!

Kein Dresscode ;)

Cosa: cooole Musik .... 1 month ago
AMV5B - Alternate Metaverse Grid Celebrates 5 Years!

All of you are invited to our 5th Birthday celebration on the Region AMV Birthday, A Co-Creation of Ted Junior and Chris McCracken, two excellent builders and landscapers! There are a few touches by the talented Lilie Finesmith and by Cataplexia Numbers as well. We will start off with a Short Grid Address to open and the Re-Inauguration of our Grid's Mayor, The lovely Taffy Star. After the Inauguration we will celebrate at the main stage with a Live Performance by Mavenn Live & Joao Frazao!

We will have 3 more days of parties & Events, and wrap it up on December 8th. Live Performers, DJs & Storytelling, Free gifts, and Free portraits by Zelle Mist are available throughout the 4 day event!

We are so fortunate...Cliff & be able to call so many incredible people Our friends and family! Love and Light to all of you and a most gracious THANK YOU for helping to make this grid the wonderful and diverse place that it is! Birthday (235, 174, 23)

Alternate Metaverse 5th Birthday Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 5th

9:30 AM - 10:30am - Grid Address & Inauguration At Cafe' Espresso Stage
10;30am - 11:30am Mavenn Live @ The Living Stage
11:30am - 12:30pm Joao Frazao @ The Living Stage
12:30pm-1:30pm DJ Baby Miller @ The Butterfly Stage
1:30pm-2:30 DJ Naya Pinazzo @ The Butterfly Stage
4 - 6pm Maldrul Smith @ The Butterfly Stage

Friday, December 6th

10am-11am DJ DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem @ The Butterfly Stage
12noon -1pm Storytelling by Yichard Muni @ The Garden Of Journeys
2pm-3pm Dave King Live @ The Guitar Stage
3pm-4pm DJ Anys @ The Guitar Stage
4-5pm Zoree Jupiter @ The Guitar Stage
5pm - 6pm Beccca Baxton @ The Guitar Stage
6pm - 7pm DJ Maia Antarra Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage
7pm - 8pm DJ April McKenna Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage

Saturday, December 7th

9am - 10am DJ Tyler Mathews
10am -11am Mr Mikie String @ The Living Stage
11am - 12noon Clan Escotia & Clans Band Live @ The Living Stage
12noon - 1pm Ernest Moncrieff @ The Living Stage
1pm - 2pm Icky Thump Live @ The Living Stage
4pm -5pm DJ Jordan Melody @ The Butterfly Stage
5pm - 6pm DJ Chris McCracken @ The Butterfly Stage


Sunday, December 8th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ The Butterfly Stage
11am -1pm Dave King & Wintermyst Tangerae's Video Party @ The Butterfly Stage
1pm - 2pm Ian Kitsilano Live w Mr M & The All-nighters @ The Guitar Stage
2pm - 3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Guitar Stage
Let the magic begin, December is here and Rosies ballroom is ready to welcome you in a cosy environment.
You can come anytime to enjoy great music and dance with your friends or your loved one. (Use the teleport board on the right at the landing point) Pangea-Grid

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 1 month ago

Note: Novale's uses GMT (or UCT) as reference Timezone
Info: Click the huge bauble for info
Good Luck !

Faith Fromund: Thank you so much! Beautiful Region and the Advent Hunt is fun. =) 1 month ago
The Dinkies Advent Calendar is now Active, Every day leading up to Christmas, a new surprise awaits for you Dinkies in the Advent Calendar. The first day had arrived, ENJOY!!!
Located at: Dinkies
(Once landing at the Resort, click on the big Christmas Market board (you can not miss seeing) and it will take you there :-))

Bink Draconia: I've grabbed the 1st gift - it is soooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!!! 1 month ago


Clock is ticking - first Advent door opens at midnight CET! Every day - until December 24, 2024 - there will be a new gift to take home. So that it doesn't become too stressful to visit the Advent calendar every day, all gifts can also be taken home at a later date.
You will find the Advent calendar pictured here inside the traffic circle directly in front of the landing point. Have fun!
* * * * *
Die Uhr läuft - um Mitternacht MEZ öffnet sich das erste Adventstürchen! Bis 24. Dezember 2024 gibt es jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk zum Mitnehmen. Damit es nicht zu stressig wird, jeden Tag den Adventskalender zu besuchen, können alle Geschenke auch nachträglich noch mitgenommen werden.
Ihr findet den abgebildeten Adventskalender innerhalb des Rondells direkt vor dem Landepunkt. Viel Spaß!

Dorena Verne: Juhuuuuuuuu. :-) 2 months ago
On June 25, 2022, we had the great honor of presenting an extraordinary artist as part of the Pangea Art and Culture Festival: Paul Stephen Dixon, known by his stage name Tryad Destiny. Under the theme "Creator of Dreams and Nightmares," he captivated us with his stunning artistry and visionary creativity, taking us on a journey through a world of emotions and imagination.
Today, on November 30, 2024, we are thrilled to reunite and host a special Revival Event in celebration of his remarkable work. Together with you, we will once again immerse ourselves in the magic and brilliance of his creations – set against the backdrop of an unforgettable evening filled with music and inspiration.
Providing the soundtrack for the night is the amazing DJ Loru Destiny, who will guide us through the evening with an electrifying mix of Blues, Rock, and Oldies. Let us come together to celebrate the artistry of Paul Stephen Dixon, dance, revel, and be inspired!
Join us for this extraordinary occasion – an evening that perfectly blends art and music into a harmonious experience.
We can’t wait to see you there! _ Revival Event – Eine Hommage an Paul Stephen Dixon alias Tryad Destiny
Am 25. Juni 2022 hatten wir die große Ehre, im Rahmen des Pangea Art and Culture Festival einen außergewöhnlichen Künstler zu präsentieren: Paul Stephen Dixon, bekannt unter seinem Künstlernamen Tryad Destiny. Unter dem Motto „Schöpfer von Träumen und Albträumen“ hat er uns mit seiner beeindruckenden Kunst und seinem kreativen Geist in eine Welt voller Emotionen und Visionen entführt.
Heute, am 30. November 2024, blicken wir voller Freude zurück und feiern ein besonderes Revival Event, das seiner Kunst gewidmet ist. Gemeinsam mit euch möchten wir die Magie und den Zauber seiner Werke erneut erleben – eingebettet in einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Musik und Inspiration.
Für die musikalische Begleitung sorgt niemand Geringeres als die wunderbare DJ Loru Destiny, die uns mit einer mitreißenden Mischung aus Blues, Rock und Oldies durch die Nacht führen wird. Lasst uns gemeinsam die Kunst von Paul Stephen Dixon feiern, tanzen, genießen und uns inspirieren lassen!
Seid dabei und werdet Teil dieses besonderen Moments – ein Abend, der Kunst und Musik in perfekter Harmonie vereint.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/157/109/3827

My current project. Getting back into a style I really love after a long hiatus.

Mistressdalgato: tosses you some gloebit, gimmie gimmie gimmie! 2 months ago
„Das süßeste Fleckchen der Weihnachtszeit, wo süße Träume wahr werden und der Duft von Weihnachten zu Hause ist!"
"The sweetest spot of the Christmas season, where sweet dreams come true and the scent of Christmas is at home!"

MiguelTorres: So wundervoll.. Hoffe sie bemerkt nicht das ich geknabbert habe.. Lebkuchen mit Mett ganz neue creation. Ein Besuch lohnt sich. 2 months ago
Winter Wonderland is back in Eden, so I temporarily changed the landing point for you to enjoy it!
snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding....
You can also take a pic with Santa, listen to the singing dinkies band,
play greedy or whack a game Christmas, have a ride on the carousel.
And don't forget to grab some of the gifts boxes!
let's feel the magic of Christmas while having fun! :) Pangea-Grid
News!!! Group Gift
Hello everyone here you have this sweet and funny christmas hat, if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gift, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and get your group gift.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
¡¡¡¡We Lava U ♥!!!!
hop:// De Volcanes/174/261/3827
After building the glass house, it gave me an idea, a log home. This log home is partial mesh and partial prim the mesh is modifiable only in that you can re texture it. It has large glass windows to provide a beautiful view, a built in fireplace, cedar and tile floors, spiral steps, carved wood doors and stain glass windows and beautifully carved wood baluster for the kitchen area and a acacia wood and stained glass baluster for the loft. It's a home I could live in for sure. It's full perm and free here at the mall and you will find it next to the "Ancient Builds" which is listed on the Kiosk Teleporter. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

RemmyRavenhurst: You are a building machine!! 2 months ago


Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design #christmas2024 #arkhamgrid


SilviaFrey: Que lindo todo. Gracias. 2 months ago


Kitely Winter fair setup. Merchants from all grids welcome. Opening 15 dec with DJ Melanie Auxifur!

Trouble Ahead : HOW TO GET THERE: Archipelago Use the winter fair sign to teleport. Pick TWO stalls you like and rezz a prim so people can see its taken. It is popular it seems :) so m... 2 months ago
One of my mother's favorite flowering bushes was the Forsythia with it's bright gold flowers and lime green leaves she often cut a few branches and put them in a vase of water on the dining room table, it was simple but very pretty. So I decided to make a Forsythia bush and make it available to all who would like one, it could make great hedges or privacy walls, it's mesh and resizable and only one prim. You can find it in our ''Garden Center" here at the mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia
PS I upgraded the bush to be totally 3D which is more prims but well worth it for how pretty it looks, it's now 10 prims instead of 1 but the first one looked cheep this one actually looks real.

Faith Fromund: Beautiful memory and thank you for sharing with the rest of us both the memory of your wonderful mother and the Forsythia Bush. I'll be by later today to pick one up. Thank you! 2 months ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/156/117/3827

Funsize Dinkies ROAD TRIP on ICE at SilverFox Winter Region
The Dinkies always has so much fun on Wednesdays

JustCurious: Where can i find the christmas outfits for my dinkie? 2 months ago

Today @ Rosies, Live singers Andremus, Maribol and Putri - Starts at 3.30 PM grid time on Pangea Grid

Nazirah Avro has to cancel all her concerts (from 3 to 7 pm grid time) for tomorrow -Friday 22nd- due to RL reasons.
Event at Rosies will then start at 3.30 PM as I will take the stage for half an hour.

LaviaLavine: I very much look forward to hearing you sing Andre. 2 months ago

I love Opensim so much! Getting ready for winter is always fun. Thanks to everyone providing winter stuff its much appreciated.

Arcfury: I like that snapshot. 2 months ago

Saturday 23th November
Rave Party
at the Pangea Grid
Dj Marlon: Techno & Hands Up
Dj Adriana: Vocal Trance
Start 11am PDT / 20 Uhr CET

🎄✨ Bonjour à tous ! ✨🎄
L’esprit de Noël commence à s’installer doucement, et j’ai envie de partager avec vous un peu de cette magie ! 🌟
C’est le moment de se réjouir, de penser à ceux qu’on aime, et de préparer de jolis souvenirs pour la fin d’année. 🎁❤️
Je vous souhaite déjà plein de douceur, d’amour, et une belle dose de féerie dans vos cœurs ! ❄️🎶
Et surtout… n’oubliez pas : Noël, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour illuminer nos vies et celles des autres.

Avec toute ma joie et mon sourire ! 😊
Joyeuses fêtes à l’avance ! 🎅🌟

Ankhsenaton: brrrrr j'ai déjà froid ;-) .... mais je vais venir ! :-) 2 months ago