Lacero Ghoststar @LaceroGhoststar

Pfalz (Lacero´s Place) Offline

Joined 8 years ago

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The First, One and Only PFALZ, with Club, Shop´s , Freebies, Avatars Athena Petite PHNX Tweenster SMB, Clothes, Fkk-Strand/ Nude-Beach, Furniture, Animesh, Games, Arts, Houses for Rent,Home of the First Official StarDesign Shop, Alle Avatare sind willkommen, all Avatars are welcome,
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Ich und mein Team wir haben uns dazu Entschieden, den Metro´s die jetzt erstmal Heimatlos werden, Vorrübergehend Unterschlupf zu gewähren, Kostenlos. In dem zuge bin ich jetzt dabei einen kleinen Vorort zu schaffen wo einige Häuser zur Verfügung stehen.
I am glad to share with you,
Me and my team have decided to temporarily give shelter to the metro ́s that are now homeless for the time being, free of charge. In the process I am now in the process of creating a small suburb where some houses are available

Misty_Falls: You are a most generous person... Kudos to you!! 2 years ago
Leider wird metropolis zum 30.06. geschlossen und damit auch meine Region. Ich werde alles versuchen meine Region in ein anderes Grid zu bekommen und hoffe das ihr Alle wieder kommt :-)
Unfortunately, Metropolis will be on June 30th. closed and with it my region. I will try to get my region in another grid and hope that you will all come back :-)

Thirza Ember: Goodbye to a lovely Grid with so much history. Looking forward to seeing the last few residents pop up in new places! And thank you to everyone in this comment chain who chose not to make this sad new... 2 years ago
Die Pfalz ist wieder zurück, entgegen aller Hater, Neider und Umstäden die uns Zerstören Wollten, die Pfalz stirb nicht so schnell. Wie gewohnt mit Shop´s, FKK Strand und vielem zu Entdecken, Mietshäuser kommen auch wieder sind zur zeit in Planung
The Pfalz is back again, contrary to all haters, envious and circumstances who wanted to destroy us, the Pfalz does not die so quickly. As usual with shop ́s, naturism beach and much to discover, apartment buildings are coming again are currently in planning

Allie Dawson: congrats!! good to see you back online!! :) 2 years ago
Where: Pfalz
When: 4 years ago [29 Aug 2020 07:00 SLT]

Das grösste Weinfest der Welt findet ja Leider dieses Jahr nicht statt, dehalb habe ich eine Anlehnung geschaffen und wird am Samstag den 29. um 16:00 eröffnet und geht über 2 wochenenden.
Unfortunately, the biggest wine festival in the world does not take place this year, which is where I created a reference and will open on Saturday the 29th at 7:00 Pst and goes over 2 weekends.

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My Reviews


Firestorm 6.6.14 are banned??

AMB Mall

OS shouldt be Free, sorry

The Furniture Vault

Nice to see that Furniture Vault is on again, but unfortunately some things are not to buy or copy, maybe because of the scripts that are not released


denied access to private region luxurya: you do not have access to that region. Very Bad :-(

Free Life Freebie Freeway

yes all free but any things dont becom the Scripts inside are no Copy no Trans, so you dont becom it :-(


i cannot go there, it say´s it is an Privat region :-((

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