Lacero Ghoststar @LaceroGhoststar

Pfalz (Lacero´s Place) Offline

Joined 9 years ago

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The one and Only Pfalz!!!! Club, Shop´s , Freebies, Avatare Athena Petite PHNX Tweenster SMB, Clothes, Fkk-Strand/ Nude-Beach, Furniture, Animesh, Games, Arts, Houses for Rent, Home of the First Official StarDesign Shop, Alle Avatare sind willkommen, all Avatars are welcome, Have Fun
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Die Pfalz ist wieder zurück, entgegen aller Hater, Neider und Umstäden die uns Zerstören Wollten, die Pfalz stirb nicht so schnell. Wie gewohnt mit Shop´s, FKK Strand und vielem zu Entdecken, Mietshäuser kommen auch wieder sind zur zeit in Planung
The Pfalz is back again, contrary to all haters, envious and circumstances who wanted to destroy us, the Pfalz does not die so quickly. As usual with shop ́s, naturism beach and much to discover, apartment buildings are coming again are currently in planning

Allie Dawson: congrats!! good to see you back online!! :) 2 years ago

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AMB Mall

OS shouldt be Free, sorry

The Furniture Vault

Nice to see that Furniture Vault is on again, but unfortunately some things are not to buy or copy, maybe because of the scripts that are not released

Free Life Freebie Freeway

yes all free but any things dont becom the Scripts inside are no Copy no Trans, so you dont becom it :-(


i cannot go there, it say´s it is an Privat region :-((

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