LOpensLim @LOpenSLim

Slim, Oklahoma Offline

I live six miles north of Valliant, about one-half mile south of Pine Creek Lake, and one mile west of Mound Grove. It's in McCurtain County, Oklahoma. The name of the place is Slim.

Joined 7 months ago

About Myself

I love my job as Rural Carrier Associate. A post office operated in our town from 1916 to 1933. Now I head over to the Pushmataha County Albion PO (est. 1887), like Pop Pop did, and the Grand Dude before him. The big news at work is that we'll be getting an electric powered postal vehicle soon. But for now I use my Leyat Helica.

Oh ya, and hey. Just call me Slim.

My Interests

Gaming on my new PS5 Slim

I'm Looking For

A Slim Volume of Poetry – May 28, 2015. By Richard Stockford. It's out of print.

Favorite Quote

From Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Ranch-hand Slim speaking to George and Lennie...
"Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other."

Seems that way, don't it.

Music I Like

Buzzin the Blues by Slim Harpo.
Indian Love Call by Slim Whitman.
Me and My Guitar by Slim Dusty.

Films I Like

Down Laredo Way with Slim Pickens.
Uncle Joe with Slim Summerville.
The Cactus Kid with Slim Whitaker.

Books I Like

The Adventures of Slim & Howdy by Kix Brooks & Ronnie Dunn.
Slim's Good-bye by John R. Erickson.
Airtight Willie & Me by Iceberg Slim.

My Heroes

Viewer Version



Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


While QAmom Minna Krustina has been busy trolling all-ages grids with lies about what is happening there, what has ole Krusty done about these people and places?

The Mitzfits Grid?

What has Krusty done about that grid? My guess? Nothing.

What did Krusty do about Travesty Winesmith? His QAnon friends will be shocked that this MAGA Trump supporter is also a virtual pedophile.

Screenshots of his former Adoption Center on Zeta:

Travis is a member of the "We Age Play. So What?" group, as is the owner of the Little Big City Metaverse Mall. In the Mall, you can find vendor photos of a male child and a male adult AV having sex.

As far as anyone knows, QAmom Minna Krustina did nothing about fellow QAnon member Travis or the Little Big City Metaverse Mall. Perhaps, he needs to lie about grids because he has no real skills at investigating real offenders.

Krusty: you disappoint everyone.

Wasted: I believe what Krustina and mistressdalgato are trying to point out is Darkhearts sim and Little Big City mall are within the 10 ten most visited grids on the Opensimworld beacon, and looking at Hyper... 5 months ago
Photo-journalist Minna Krustina reveals the results of her latest investigation. "The point being made here is to simply point out the fact that this all-ages grid has all ages there." Yes, the children are hiding out in plain sight. This has red flags flying! Whatever a grid tells you, don't fall for the truth!

But let's have some empathy for the tragedy of QAmom Krustina. She believes she is fighting an international cabal of OS elites who are abusing and trafficking child AVs. In addition, she is working to uncover the cabal of reptilian aliens secretly running OS. Apparently. these lizard people are murdering and eating the pixels of child AVs.

So far, QAmom Krustina has found a pizza parlor in the [redacted] grid she thinks is home to a child sex ring. In addition, she claims to have discovered a certain in world shop that is selling children in the guise of furniture. However, this effort comes at a cost. QAmom Krustina has stopped taking care of herself. She no longer takes her medications. She hardly cooks or sees her grandkids anymore. Her relationship with her husband is falling apart. QAmom Krustina is gaining weight. She spends nearly every waking hour glued to her phone, bingeing QAmom videos and living in fear of whatever deep-state monstrosity is supposed to happen next. Unfortunately, “Where We Go One We Go All”...into insanity and beyond.

Wasted: Oh, was Ava Clinton in the Pizza parlor ? er and the Ava President Clinton should be impeached for his actions with Ava Lewinski. Os needs to purge these evil Ava's from the world of make believe pixe... 6 months ago

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