Knazarath_Firethorn @Knazarath_Firethorn


Builder of Robians and Robotropolis


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I own a lot that is a 3x3 (The equivalent of 9 full sims in SL) sim. Massive Megaprim availability (Unlike the main grid, where you still have to import from outside sources anything over 256x256z256). I am able to make prims large enough to span the entire sim. Opensim gives you the same creative freedom as SL WITHOUT breaking your bank or pocket-book. Their prim alotments are HUGE. Uploads of texture maps, sounds, animations, and meshes are completely free.

This is a growing community of creator's, and if you join up now, you can pretty-much be in on the ground floor of content creation on Mobius Grid..You could be the first to bring your unique flair and identity to Opensim. Let's face it, Second Life is over-populated already with artists, scripters, creators, etc., so it's hard to really break into the creative scene there unless you're a frickin' legend.

So come on over to Mobius Grid, and check out all the wonderful things we have here for everyone to enjoy! Games, music, full sims dedicated to various parts of the Sonic Franchise (My contribution is Robotropolis!).

I have built, with the help of "DorkMonger", the entire city of Robotropolis from the Sonic SatAM series. Stealth Bots, Swatbots, the command center, Roboticizers, FREE ROBIAN AVI'S in the entryway, so those of you whom enjoy robots and 'mecha can have a starting point for your own Robian avi's.

THe customer service is spot-on, too. for 20 bucks a month, I get quite a lot more out of Opensim than I ever have from Second Life. To think, if I wanted a sim the same size as what I currently have on Opensim, over on the main grid, I'd be spending HUNDREDS a month.

It also stays up to date with the progress of the main grid, and is going to be getting some cool little additions that will make it more immersive soon!
