KennethMacShane @KennethMacShane

MacShaneShire Online

mature man in his best age

Joined 6 hours ago

About Myself

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Favorite Quote

1- i love hugging my friends that way i know how deep to dig the hole
2-to many idiots not enough axes

Music I Like


Films I Like

1000 things i hate about you

Books I Like

i dont need books reading comments here is funny enough

My Heroes

my grand grand dad

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This member has no regions yet


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My Reviews

Trianon Complex

sorry ESSE not enough stars to rate u deserve a billion for all the work u put into your grid . the most amzing clothes . your nice parties ... SUBJECT 1 FINDING THE PARTIES its easier to find them then on many other grids just click on the pictures on the landing !!!! SUBJECT 2 ALTS an npc IS NO ALT and they dont show up in the o...

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