Liked posts

For better or worse, I am sharing things I have done for online safety in Opensim, as the reader you can decide for yourself which actions to take. If you can learn from your own mistakes, you are pretty smart but if you can learn from SOMEONE ELSE'S mistakes, you are a genius!

After reading a number of posts on Opensimworld, it is apparent that some hobbyists of unaware of protections they have available when running Opensimulator for the first time. Some tinkerers may opt for running a simulator on their spare computer at home and connecting the region to an OPEN grid like OSgrid or Zetaworlds. Nothing beats the excitement of having your own land for the first time. You spend hours designing your city, giving it a theme, placing sit targets on all of your furniture; everything is 'ponies and rainbows' until some jerk comes in and decides to populate your territory with questionable objects in the hopes they can READ YOUR COMPLAINTS HERE ON OPENSIMWORLD while they are fondling their (ahem - your favorite depiction here) ego at your ire.

THE BEST RESPONSE TO TROLLS IS NO RESPONSE. When you ignore them, they move on to someone else who will make some noise... They are like vampires feeding off of negative energy.

The screenshot above illustrates things you can do to protect your simulators. In 'about land, options' section I un-check the Everyone boxes. Only Group users may use those features. You can also define who may enter, in 'about land, access' you can restrict access to a group or only certain individuals. Now some of you will say "Stop right there, my visitor's AO will not work or they cannot use their custom dance huds". The good news is that if your visitors are using the AO built into their viewer, that is not a problem, they will have their own custom animations or dances and will not need to run scripts. If the visitor is someone you can trust, you can allow them into the group... If you are having a party, you can temporarily enable script access to guests while you are present. When you are running the region it is up to YOU to POLICE IT. You have options for blocking hostiles in your built-in configuration files. There are also scripted solutions for traffic control where you can banish individual users, entire grids or IP ranges in real-time. You are free to seek out any technology which keeps your world safe. I strongly advise that you examine the code before employing these security devices.

For Hypergrid users: Enjoying a LAG-FREE experience is not the HOST's responsibility. IT IS YOURS.

As computers get more powerful each year, region operators WILL populate their sims with content that could bring many CPUs and display adapters to their knees. Lets face it, not everyone can afford to buy a new computer every year with all of the latest bells and whistles. When traveling you want to make sure your PC is optimized for controlling client side lag. Luckily, your viewer has features available to combat these issues. Reducing draw distance, particles, LOD and avatar complexity will give you better frame rates at the expense of reduced visual quality.

Other ways to protect yourself when traveling include: Making sure your SUITCASE IS EMPTY - the more junk you have in there, the more BLOAT that follows you as you travel. You can also make a lightweight hypergrid avatar. The screenshot above shows my actual inventory window. Instead of carrying everything on my person, I have everything rezzed on land in a hidden region on my grid that only I can access. Less inventory means less orange smoke at login. I have been told that some shady grid owners can use rogue simulator code see what is in your suitcase and copy it. I have also heard of grid operators cloning visitors via collision scripted objects - it is easy to copy stuff a cloned avatar is wearing. I always say "Never wear anything when traveling that you do not want some simpleton to copy". I have seen some nasty OSSL code that will crash the sim of the person who cloned you without permission. Trolling the trolls can be fun BUT I digress, TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.

Opensim does not have to be the 'WILD WILD WEST' - protect yourselves & protect your regions. You and your guests can enjoy the best of Opensimulator.

As always, feel free to share this article when needed.

Peace & Love

Pagane: One more.... will say only once. Years ago one of oldtimers here show me how connect to IP port 8003 with linux terminal and direct send SQL commands. Priscilla use this hole and BASH SCRIPT yes, li... 1 years ago
On Saturday, the Hypergrid International Conference hosted more than 60 visitors who came to hear talks in German and Italian - with subtitles!
Lampithaler Artist and CapCat ragu performed spectacular art, and Marlon Wayne, Dings Digital, Lorenza Colicigno and Gianni Spada presented talks about life and creativity in Opensim! Read about the event here

Dorena Verne: Don't let any troll badmouth your great event. 8 months ago
*OPENSIM FIREWORKS V7 (VERSION 7) UPDATED RELEASE (less complexity than the previous version and effects now look more real - All you see on that picture is mesh! With sounds and animation! Available for FULLPERM and FREE at PARTY SECTOR inside a box for fireworks. Enjoy :)

P.s Version with particles available as well, if needed.

Ankhsenaton: Thank you, I will to to see that :-) (I hope you took lots of photos for the Daily Planet ;-) 5 days ago
* Black White Village *
A small, sleepy village on the brink of mayoral elections. There are posters on the streetlights everywhere. Really annoying ...
* * * *
* Black White Village *
Ein kleiner verschlafener Ort, der kurz vor den Bürgermeisterwahlen steht. Überall hängen Plakate an den Straßenlaternen. Echt nervig ...

Jerralyn Franzic: A quick way to find a black and white avatar is to visit Shapeshifter. Felix Ringtail's avatars feature black and white skins. Many of the avatars wear monochromatic outfits. Ruth and Roth bodies are ... 5 months ago
I’ve crafted this article to assist individuals eager to upload their models to Opensimulator but unsure of where to begin. This guide aims to direct you toward exceptional resources, making the process much more accessible.

---->It is not all botted from SL
Many SL creators obtain their models from these same resources.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no tr... 17 days ago
OSgrid has announced a scheduled downtime from Wednesday, January 10th, to Saturday, January 13th.

Given OSgrid's track record, I could impossibly not meme it.

Jamie Wright: This is the perfect meme for this:) 5 months ago
Thinking of those of you who have marine worlds, I have left copies of a jellyfish, an octopus, a giant squid, a loggerhead turtle, a Beluga whale, a Yubarta whale and a whale shark at the base of Subnautica (and the whale skeleton can also be copied).
There are also 5 new NPS in the class that you can copy.
Enjoy them

Pensando en los que tenéis mundos marinos, he dejado copias de una medusa, un pulpo, un calamar gigante, una tortuga boba, una ballena Beluga, una ballena Yubarta y un tiburón ballena en la base de Subnautica (y el esqueleto de la ballena también se puede copiar).
También hay 5 nuevos NPS en la clase que puedes copiar.

Chad Deischer: I used that trick by wearing item at your region come home and drop item and open into my inventory. Then had to go back to your region wear the opened folder content . Then go home an assets were ok ... 1 years ago
Il me tarde d'être à samedi, pour ce magnifique évènement que nous prépare la grid Atlas. c'est sans aucun doute un des grands évènements d'opensim de 2023, à ne rater sous aucun pré-tesque. annuler toutes vos obligations réelles, annuler même vos propres activités virtuelles, pour venir assister à ce grand défilé comme vous n'en aviez jamais vue !!!

le taxi pour Atlas :

MinordLoup: C'est vraiment très gentil pour eux 1 years ago
I have scripted an absolutely gorgeous vendor board. I've left it in my sandbox, where you can take a copy, right in the center. It's very low cpu usage. It works perfectly. You must put at least 6 items in it. You also put the pictures in it. Name the pictures the same thing as the items, but put a period in front of the picture texture name. That's all there is to it. It's very smooth, sleek, and sharp. Definitely the way to modernize a lot of these old dated vendors you see in so many malls these days. :)

ZoeyRavenheart: Exactly what I needed! Thanks Cyberglo! xD 1 month ago
+ osGiveLinkInventory
+ osGetInventoryNames
+ osGetLinkInventoryNames
+ osGetInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKey
+ osGetLinkInventoryDesc
+ osGetLinkInventoryName

Eight new OSSL functions, and maybe two more.

This rocks.

alexa maurer osw: ...just have to wait for a built version at 3 months ago
Week 9: Lets get Moving with SF Poser
with out animations we wouldnt be moving. So lets learn how to set up our own sequences Center
10 am Saturdays is when all classes start

LeonitasLionheart: Good job esse. You rock. If knowledge is power; sharing knowledge is divine! 2 months ago

Lundi 15 Mai, à 21h30 heure de Paris, sur ATLAS : OpenSim 0.9.3 : Pourquoi ? Quand ? Comment ? Les ateliers se déroulent par voice et en langue française.

Hange: c'est sur la grid : ? 1 years ago
SkyRealm Observatory is a work in progress-please stop by anytime and see the transformation of this observatory. We are making progress, thank you to @FerdFrederix just wow! Also @JamieAnnaWright thank you for contributing to my clock collection!

Luna Lunaria: Reminds me of Citadel on the Isle of Wyrms in SL. Always loved that place. 1 years ago
Leather has long been associated with luxury and sophistication. Its rich texture, distinct smell, and timeless appeal evoke a sense of opulence and prestige. Throughout history, leather has been used to craft items for the elite, symbolizing wealth, status, and refinement.

"leather textures" by bm.iphone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Come see the Leather collection of textures that are waiting for your next project!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Lizzy: Oh....mmmmm......Leather....whips, corsets, floggers, gags, bindings.......the list is endless, but sooooooooooooo erotic ;-) 1 month ago
ATLAS is pleased to host the HG Safari on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 9 PM UTC. This event is brought to you by Thirza Ember

ATLAS aura le plaisir d'accueillir le HG Safari Mercredi 21 Février à 22 heures, heure de Paris. Cet évènement est organisé par Thirza Ember

LadyKa: J'ai hâte d'y être !!! A tout à l'heure :-) 3 months ago
It's nice when a region gets a "like". But it's PHANTASTIC when people are inspired by the ideas of others to create great things themselves. Like the beautiful photos that some visitors took with an extra black and white styled avatar at Black White Castle and published here on OSW.
I myself was inspired to build the region in 2022 by the wonderful Christmas present from my friends Finja and Jason, who had built a Wednesday snow globe especially for me. Wednesday (Addams, from the Addams Family) is supposedly allergic to color, and so the two of them made this particular globe predominantly dark ...
So when an idea inspires another person to create a new idea and this idea inspires other people to create new things, that's what makes OpenSim really fun ...

p.s.: The original Wednesday sphere can also be found on Black White Castle: If you find it, you are welcome to look at it, but better not click on it ... :)

* * * * *

Es ist schön, wenn eine Region ein "Like" bekommt. Aber es ist PHANTASTISCH, wenn Leute durch die Ideen anderer inspiriert werden, selbst tolle Dinge zu schaffen. So wie die schönen Fotos, die einige Besucher mit einem extra schwarz - weiß gestylten Avatar auf Black White Castle gemacht und hier auf OSW veröffentlicht haben.
Ich selbst wurde 2022 zum Bau der Region das wunderbare Weihnachtsgeschenk meiner Freunde Finja und Jason inspiriert, die eine Wednesday-Schneekugel extra für mich gebaut hatten. Wednesday (Addams, von der Addams Family) ist angeblich allergisch gegen Farbe, und so haben die beiden diese spezielle Kugel auch überwiegend dunkel gestaltet ...
Wenn also eine Idee eine andere Person zu einer neuen Idee inspiriert und diese Idee andere Personen zu wieder neuen Werken anregt, dann ist es genau das, was einem richtig Spaß an OpenSim bringt ...

p.s.: Die Original-Wednesday-Kugel befindet sich ebenfalls auf Black White Castle: Wer sie findet, darf sie gerne betrachten, aber besser nicht anklicken ... :)

Marianna: Bink, when I saw this I was elated you created this. I have often thought of creating a monochrome-themed sim I love this! Wednesday is a favorite character too, very well done!! 5 months ago
The Metaverse in the Fediverse
Anyone on Mastodon already? Or elsewhere in the Fediverse? I know some of you are, I've already got almost two dozen contacts from OpenSim. Mal Burns is already there, the maker of Inworld Review, as are Austin Tate a.k.a. Ai Austin, the maintainer of Ruth2 and Roth2 with a separate account for his avatar, and vrsimility who rebuilds Liverpool's Old Dock in OpenSim (in case you've seen it at OSCC21), just to name a few.

If you consider the switch from the Birdsite to the Fediverse, or if you generally want to dive into free and decentral social networking, I've got good news for you:

There is now a Mastodon instance for OpenSim users:

In spite of its name, I don't think it's that affiliated with OSW, maybe not yet. It comes from Quintonia, you know, who brought you the Satyr Farm enhancements.

So this may be a better place for you to go than the big and overloaded instances if you're an OpenSim user.

Anyway, whether you're already there or interested in joining, see you soon!

Buzzy Cnayl: Hello there and thanks for the post :-) I have to confess I was initially going to use as the 'social' but then I found that the .world was on a special offer and at the time it didn'... 2 years ago
Two great trips this week for the Safari
Thank you so much to Trouble Ahead and all the Catronians, and to Kitely owner Ilan Tochner for our great visit to Kitely
Thanks to Andron Rae and the glamorous Chilli Bean for letting us come to Sharingiscaring to see Brigadoon
If you'd like to see what happens when 20 people go hypergridding...
plus the vid by the ever brilliant lifted pixel

Thirza Ember: For the record, Jup, that wasn't barf. 2 days ago
Lundi 5 Février 2024, à 21h30 (Paris), Atlas reçoit un invité spécial en la personne de Kelso Uxlay qui animera un atelier sur l'animation des objets avec la fonction llSetKeyFrameMotion. Kelso a présenté ses travaux à l'Hypergrid International Expo ainsi qu'à l'OpenSimulator Community Conference. C'est avec grand plaisir que nous le recevons pour cette série d'ateliers. Une connaissance de base des scripts est demandée, ainsi qu'un micro-casque fonctionnel.

LadyKa: Atelier à ne manquer sous aucun pretexte ! :-) Kelso nous avait mis l'eau à la bouche au cours du HIE, j'ai hâte d'en apprendre plus. 4 months ago

Our best wishes virtually to everyone
Special Thanks to everyone who visited our winter region
see our celebration firework at

falene hawks: bonjour bonne année c'est superbe 5 months ago

Ce Vendredi 1er septembre, faites d'une pierre, deux coups !
Venez fêter l'anniversaire de notre cher Minord Loup et participer à l'inauguration de la grille Francopholie, dans une ambiance festive .
Nous comptons sur vous !


hicks adder: joyeux anniversaire papi 9 months ago
Il n'y a pas que les idées qui fusent chez nos apprentis scripteurs. Après une étude ballistique très réussie, à grands renforts de balles traçantes, nous avons imaginé la téléportation ballistique. Une innovation majeure dans le monde des téléports, où votre avatar se retrouve assis sur un boulet de canon et projeté à grande vitesse. Personne n'a été blessé.

Kelso.Uxlay: Wow - je veux voir ça! 1 years ago
Greetings, Gridlings. Best wishes to all our OpenSim friends on the 13 YEAR rezz day of Lani region on 1 May 2023. ..."May your footsteps be soft upon the sand. May the giant worms make a smooth path through the dunes of your future destiny." - from Lani Global

Kylie Brimmer: wow 13 years and still going strong :) i like that place so much. 1 years ago
Willkommen bei Bubble Land 3D Art Erfahrung! eine gemeinsame Anstrengung von Veritas McMaster und Nyx Breen Dies ist die letzte Kreation, an der Veri und Nyx gearbeitet haben. Veri am 23.12.2022 verstorben; Ihre Liebe zu virtuellen Welten und der Wunsch, dass alle einbezogen werden und am Prozess teilnehmen, war ihre Vision in realen und virtuellen Leben. Bitte feiern Sie die Vision und den Traum dieses bemerkenswerten Individuums am 28.01.2023 @ 11SLT, Pangea hop://
We are greatly honored to be able to add a beautiful tribute Memorial Wall for a very precious man who did much to help many, Rudi Bakerly, was one of the most kind souls I have known and it was my privilege and honor to create this Memorial Wall to him. May he rest in eternal peace until we meet again at the rainbow bridge.

Hugabug: very beautiful memorial Rudi will be missed 1 years ago
Worlds First In World Midi Player (Sorta)
I created the first practical in world midi player. By midi player meaning being able to convert midi files into notecards for in world scripts to play back on animated musical instruments. To say the difficulty in programming and ensuring that it remains in sync was a world war 3 battle. You can check it playing a song here!

Jupiter Rowland: It's even better if you see it in-world. Oh, and it can handle a full HG Safari as its audience without breaking down. 3 months ago

At Novale's Main Observatory we track Santa around the world
A collaboration with NORAD
Currently, at 11h30SLT, he is heading toward St-Petersburg

iekocatnap: Il a réussi à faire toute sa tournée le Papa Nowell ?? Bon Noël Dabici !!! 5 months ago
Serez-vous là pour soutenir la communauté francophone opensim ?
Le week-end prochain aura lieu l'Hypergrid International Expo.
2 jours d'interventions des résidents d'opensim, en 4 langues : allemand, italien, français et espagnol. Les sous-titres seront fournis !
Nous nous unissons et partageons notre expérience des mondes virtuels, à travers différentes langues et cultures.
Vendredi 06 octobre - soirée d'ouverture - Musique live et Expo à partir de 20h de Paris (11h SLT)
Samedi 07 octobre et dimanche 08 octobre : Discours et présentations artistiques spectaculaires, à partir de 18h de Paris (09h SLT)
Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur le site du HIE.
Veuillez PARTAGER ces infos avec tous vos amis et dans vos groupes Inworld

Kelso.Uxlay: LadyKa sera la présentatrice pour la session francophone; Kelso Uxlay, Rage Darkstone et Minord Loup y feront chacun une présentation. 8 months ago
Safari returns with a roar today at 12 noon SLT with a visit to Dinkies and Dinosaurs on Discovery Grid! Join us if you can we depart from Safari where you'll find the details of the trip.
Can't come? There will be the usual writeups on a big thanks to @ShalHeira and @KayakerMagic for making this wonderful debut adventure possible!

Thirza Ember: wow thanks to everyone who showed up to the event, about 25 of us (including the naked and the clouds!!) If you'd like to see a few pictures, here are the links 9 months ago
Our weekly Safari trips start again on Wednesday April 5, hope you can join us!
Opensim is full of cool places to visit anytime of course - and the Safari Blog never stops, here are three recent reviews
Angkor Wat:
Monet's House:

LaviaLavine: Love going on these Safaris when I have a free moment to go!! 1 years ago
ATLASGRID a pris sa vitesse de croisière avec cours tous les lundis. Nous travaillons actuellement sur les scripts. Les étudiants de premier cycle ont réalisé de très jolies boules puantes. Les events n'ont plus de secret pour eux, mais l'algorithmie laisse encore un peu à désirer. Les cours de script se font sur inscription car il faut constituer des classes homogènes.

Kelso.Uxlay: Superbe initiative. Félicitations 1 years ago
I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 1 years ago
Opening of Bubble Land 1/28/23 @11AM SLT on Pangea

The last art exhibit Veri and I worked on, please experience her dream.


LaviaLavine: Astonishingly beautiful this is a must see for everyone! 1 years ago

I've updated the Hypergrid Teleport board for everyone to enjoy my favorite spots :)

IvyEdenflower: Thank you! :) 24 days ago

Big thanks to Thirza and the HG Safari for their visit. Hope you had fun playing with the TV studio -- Jeff, Harth and Chip

Read report :

harthelie: Merci Thirza et à tout ceux qui sont venus 3 months ago
The Next Hypergrid International Expo is April 19-21. We are building our new program, and you're invited to participate in the Expo Park!
If you want to build a publicity booth for your grid, your region, or your project, come over to HIE Welcome and pick u a copy of the basic booth, to modify according to your needs. Please read the notecard inside the booth for full details, the deadline for Booths is March 15

Thirza Ember: To clarify - while the talks and art presentations at this event are not in English, but there are subtitles in English (and many other languages!), the Expo booths are available to all grids all lang... 3 months ago

C'est une caméra. Ça vole. C'est donc une flycam. Elle s'ajoute à notre panoplie audio-visuelle.

Kelso.Uxlay: Beau travail 4 months ago
I've released 14 new boxes with Clutterfly furniture, upgraded to SFposer. One of them is the super-rare Christmas Firepit Set, even the original version of which has become largely unavailable.

Get all 19 boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid or at the Kaufrausch Mega-Store in Santiago in Dorenas World!

RemmyRavenhurst: Wow nice work! cant wait to try them 7 months ago
Hypergrid International Expo opens this Friday and sessions start Saturday in multiple languages!

HG Address: Welcome

For full information go here:

TrisTH: thanks for thinking about the subtitles, I will try to remember and attend 8 months ago

New month, new Items in the ZZhop.
Including my 2 best Carnivorous,made with Sculptris.
Have fun, Peter

For OSFest 2023 in September as of 7/12/2023, 12 of 68 exhibit parcels and 6 of 40 merchant parcels are reserved, please spread the word around the HG.
Register for your spot on the OpensimFest website
You can start building on your home grid and transfer the build later when the grid is open.
Like to build? OSFest is looking for a creator to work on a new Welcome Center. Contact Banker Ibor on Discord or on the website for more details
Discord group:

Luna Lunaria: Sadly, I am not able to commit this year to building out infrastructure on the OSFest region due to RL commitments and medical issues, but if you see any of my structures that might work I will be hap... 11 months ago