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Kayaker Magic @KayakerMagic

California Offline

Software developer retired to the Metaverse


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I found Crash's manifesto a bit confusing, so allow me to try and translate each point as I figure them out:

1) Copybotting (stealing intellectual property) is hard, so we should appreciate the thieves who do it for us.
2) Copybotters who pass on copies of the property they stole should have a right to control who gets it because (see 1) stealing stuff is hard.
3) When the original creator of an item comes out with a new version, it is hard to find stolen versions of the update.
4) It is bothersome to see the same stolen items in stores all over the Metaverse.
5) If you don't appreciate the work done by other thieves, you should learn to copybot and violate the creator's copyright yourself.
6) Show appreciation to thieves by visiting their freebie stores often and throwing traffic their way.
7) Ask the owner if it is alright to take their items. (It is unclear if Crash means to ask the original creator, or to ask the thieves at Sacrarium if it is OK to redistribute stolen items from there.)

Do I understand all these points correctly?
Kayaker, I agree with you, you seem VERY confused. I guess your waves are not selling very well and you are sour because the activities you offered are not so welcomed? However, you can understand those points in any way you want to understand them. If that makes sense for you then, by all means translate them as you wish, I allow you the copyright.
My thoughts aren't meant to protect anyone's copyright it was meant to stop an entirely pointless fight between who is sharing what, where, how. And if I touched a nerve it wasn't personal. As I mentioned above it had entirely another meaning, but by all means if you need translations to that, feel free. I wasn't talking about myself it was a general discussion. So you are ALLOWED to rename and translate my original post? :P...I guess if I would not agree with that it would count as copyright theft? :D Btw...a manifesto is something else...those lines were just my thoughts.