My little pet project "Shork Group" ( Shork Island; also in Kitely's freebie market and the ChangeRoom and.. .other places ) is creating full perm Freebie Avatars from the ground up for Opensimualtor. Furries, okay... We commission the parts on Fiver, and it took the others and me a while to figure out the basics and get input and help on some aspects.
At the moment we rely on the same design concepts as used with prim and sculpties back since 2006, just using mesh parts.
Still, there is SO MUCH we have no idea about. There is the Ruth and Roth avatars, which would be legal to use and which supposedly are both BOM and Lara stuff compatible. Didn't fid them anywhere in OpenSimulator so far. There are at least 2 other legal and open Source mesh bodies that should be BOM Compatible... again, didn't find them so far.
I am not sure if I'm too dumb to search, if I do not understand how to search or.. .whatever. In any way, one aspect that makes it hard for me is that there'S no really centralizes repository . On my homepage I am collecting links to have at least some pointer where to look, but it's far from complete - or useful - so far.