Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.


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Unfortunately, there are people out there who want to see Dorena's World gone. And I don't mean gone from OSW, but gone altogether. Shut down for good with every last one of its residents disappearing from the Hypergrid along with it. There has definitely been quite a variety of attacks against Dorena, Anachron and their grid. Some people actually, totally unironically want to see Dorena herself dead, and I'm not just talking about her avatar.

Dorena's World is home to a bunch of very controversial people, that's clear. This includes some of the "weirdest" DJs on the Hypergrid who, instead of just tossing out party hits, select the music for their sets by topic rather than by genre. Even if it's by genre, it's genres that "nobody" wants to hear. Clearly, all their events have to be inflated with bots because "literally nobody" would attend such crap. Nobody comes visit this POS grid anyway, right?

This includes Klarabella Karamell who, next to being one of the "weird" DJs, just doesn't stop making original mesh clothes that "nobody" wants to wear for mesh bodies that "nobody" uses anyway. All this in spite of Athena with tons of matching clothes, and even that is slowly being displaced by newer stolen bodies with matching stolen clothes. I can already see some copybotting proponents celebrate Klara's retreat from OSW as a victory.

This includes myself who not only openly prefers legal content over illegal content whenever possible, but who even advertises legal content and helps it spread. Who "tries to ruin freebie sim owners' businesses" by even peddling Linda Kellie stuff. And who flaunts his badly-concealed female alt everywhere despite clearly being too dumb to make good-looking female avatars.

And this includes Dorena herself who runs a small and very openly very leftist grid in an otherwise rather conservative-conformist grid landscape against all odds. Who even keeps generating good publicity for her grid with things like HG-Safari visits or the one-week peace festival last year. And let's not forget the annual grid birthday at which she "brags" with how long this grid has been around and "hogs" live acts from the Hypergrid like Wolem Wobbit and Torben Asp.

Some say all this has to be terminated. ASAP. It's too weird to be allowed to exist. Same goes for all those pricks who dare side with Dorena.

From my point of view, Pagane let herself be dragged into the total war of destruction and annihilation against Dorena and her grid.

Leider gibt es Leute da draußen, die Dorenas World weg haben wollen. Und ich meine nicht weg von OSW, sondern komplett weg. Für immer abgeschaltet, und auch noch der letzte Einwohner des Grid soll gleich mit aus dem Hypergrid verschwinden, und zwar für immer. Es hat definitiv eine ziemliche Bandbreite an Angriffen auf Dorena, Anachron und ihr Grid gegeben. Einige wollen tatsächlich komplett unironisch Dorena selbst tot sehen, und ich meine nicht nur ihren Avatar.

Dorenas World ist das Zuhause eines ganzen Haufens sehr kontroverser Leute, das ist klar. Das schließt ein paar der "komischsten" DJs im Hypergrid ein, die, statt einfach nur Partykracher rauszuschmeißen, die Musik für ihre Sets nach Thema zustammenstellen und nicht nach Genre. Selbst wenn's nach Genre ist, sind es Genres, die "niemand" hören will. Ganz klar, daß ihre Events mit Bots aufgeblasen werden müssen, weil "buchstäblich niemand" sich diesen Mist geben würde. Kommt doch eh keiner dieses Drecksgrid besuchen, oder?

Das schließt Klarabella Karamell ein, die, außer daß sie einer der "komischen" DJs ist, einfach nicht aufhört, eigene Meshklamotten zu machen, die "niemand" tragen will, für Meshbodys, die eh "niemand" hat. Das alles, obwohl es schon Athena gibt mit haufenweise passenden Sachen, und selbst die wird allmählich verdrängt von neueren geklauten Bodys mit passenden geklauten Klamotten. Ich sehe schon einige Copybotting-Befürworter Klaras Rückzug von OSW als Sieg feiern.

Das schließt mich ein, der ich nicht nur ganz offen legalen Content gegenüber illegalem bevorzuge, sondern legalen Content auch noch bewirbt und bei seiner Ausbreitung hilft. Der sogar "versucht, die Geschäfte von Freebie-Sim-Betreibern kaputtzumachen", indem er sogar Linda-Kellie-Kram anpreist. Und der überall seinen schlecht getarnten Female Alt rumstolzieren läßt, ob wohl er ganz klar zu blöd ist, gutaussehende weibliche Avatare zu bauen.

Und das schließt Dorena selbst ein, die ein kleines und sehr offen sehr linkes Grid in einer ansonsten eher konservativ-konformistischen Gridlandschaft entgegen allen Widerständen betreibt. Die sogar immer wieder für gute Publicity für ihr Grid sorgt mit Sachen wie HG-Safari-Besuchen oder dem einwöchigen Peace Festival letztes Jahr. Ganz zu schweigen vom jährlichen Gridgeburtstag, bei dem sie damit "protzt", wie lange es das Grid schon gibt, und Live-Acts aus dem Hypergrid wie Wolem Wobbit oder Torben Asp "einsackt".

Einige sagen, all das muß beendet werden. So schnell wie möglich. Dasselbe gilt für die ganzen Penner, die es wagen, auf Dorenas Seite zu stehen.

Wie ich das sehe, hat Pagane sich in den totalen Zerstörungs- und Vernichtungskrieg gegen Dorena und ihr Grid reinziehen lassen.
Welches Grid die paar Pixel Personen :D wenn du die Software meinst ok das ist ein Grid.
Was hast du denn vorzuweisen?
viele Sachen die du nie im Leben haben wirst .......
Troll nun woanders weiter, du bist letztendlich diejenige, die sich hier negativ präsentiert, schönen Tag noch Schätzchen.
ich denke du brauchst nun ein wenig ruhe um Kraf zu schöpfen :) man liesst sich wer auch immer du bist .. .eigentlich egal :D
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There are people who use AFK bots to deliberately fake visitor numbers. You can usually tell them by not even bothering to give their bots something to do and e.g. parking them on a sky platform where no teleporters lead. You can also tell them by how quickly they log their bots off when Pagane complains, just to log them back in when they think it's safe again.

But then there are also those who use AFK bots as greeters or decoration. They don't want to hassle around with NPCs or even animesh. They don't put their bots on the exclude list in their OSW beacons either, be it because they don't know about the exclude list, be it because they don't care enough about rankings to take that step.

And then someone comes and accuses the latter of being the former.
Haha............godd Joke
Nonsense! They are not at all afraid to do it brazenly and demonstratively!
Not only do they not hide, but they are proud of how good they are and how bad I am for bothering them!
Bothering us, that's what you do, Pagane..
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You've heard (or read) him. Go put on your winter coats, get your skis ready and take the tour! Have fun ice-skating on frozen lakes or Clark Griswolding down a hill side!
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If you want to visit the shops, enter the coordinates 136/170/502. Between the shops, there's a teleport system.
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Xenos Yifu owns Xenovar which you're complaining about because he has bots on it.
Dorena Verne allows his sim to be attached (!) to her grid, Dorenas World.
This is justification for you to attack Dorena in public and spread lies about her private life.

Xenos Yifu also owns Xenotown which at least has had bots in the past, and I wouldn't wonder if the bots returned.
Dan Banner allows his sim to be attached (!) to his grid, OSgrid.
If the bots returned to Xenotown, and if you judged everyone alike, you would have to attack Dan in public and spread lies about his private life just the same.

In fact, go find a sim on OSgrid that has bots, any sim, and insult Dan Banner and spread lies about him because he allows that sim with its bots to exist on his grid.

Believe me, if you do that, Dan Banner won't be as gentle with you as Dorena. He will retaliate by banning your ForgotenWorld avatar from all of OSgrid, from the whole grid. In fact, I'd expect him to block ForgotenWorld inbound and outbound.

And if you don't, you're a heavily biased hypocrite.
Again i NOT ATACK Dorena! I report XenosYifu who is hidden behind Dorena and she protect him!!!
And why you try to use Dan Banner like dragon who will eat me? May be next will try to use VovaPutin or Kim Chen Un???
Stop to LIE about "This is justification for you to attack Dorena in public and spread lies about her private life."!!!!!! I not write and one sign about Dorena private life! Be carefull with qualifications and charges!
"I understand that you work on paid projects and investors want results. Yes, but the money comes from OUR taxes! I am your employer and you are lying to me!"
"I am your employer and you are lying to me!"

"No matter how much you scream about my sins and how miserable, untalented and bad I am, the facts are that I work and pay taxes. And you and your company steal from me and people like me."
"And you and your company steal from me and people like me."

Suuuuuuure. All the truth. Every last word.


You sound an awful lot like a certain someone who keeps attacking Dorena for allegedly living a luxury life on government money.

Besides, if you lived within the same borders as Dorena, you'd quickly be busted by the cops, charged with criminal offences and convicted, "anonymity" or not. What you're doing is a crime where we live.
we both live in same borders - EU.... If not know what is EU stop to write long long inadequate comment and to try to hide liers behind quantity of empty words!
and unfortunately the police in EU do not take away petty crooks who ruin the reputation and work of hard-working people
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Question: What if Xenos brings back the bots to Xenotown (https://opensimworld.com/hop/89687) which is pretty much the exact same sim as Xenovar?

Would you dare to slander Dan Banner in public and spread outright lies about his private life?

I guess you would. I guess you wouldn't care because the OSgrid admins have already banned all your avatars from OSgrid.
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Dorena has exactly nothing to do with Xenovar. Nada. Zilch. Niente.

The sim was built and is owned by Xenos Yifu who even runs it on his own rented server capacities. It doesn't even run on the Dorenas World grid server. It's attached to the grid from outside.

If you say that Dorena and Anachron are Xenos' willing accomplices for allowing Xenos to attach his sim to Dorenas World, then you can just as well say that Dan Banner, Sarah Kline & Co. are Xenos' willing accomplices, too, for allowing him to attach Xenotown (https://opensimworld.com/hop/89687) to OSgrid. The sim is pretty much identical to Xenovar, down to the bots that appear sometimes. Thus it's the exact same situation.

Besides, Xenos doesn't care for visitor numbers. I know him. He simply can't be bothered to blacklist his bots in the beacon.
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Pagane is from Bulgaria.
Lol, well then, I think it's nice that they pay extra taxes for me in Bulgaria.^^
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Looks like someone has thoroughly bullshitted you to draft you into the total war of annihilation against Dorena, Anachron and Dorenas World that has been going on for years.

Don't believe everything people tell you about Dorena.
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"You do not have access to the region parcels." Is this a private or group-only sim?
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This sim is rated Adult here, but General in-world. Which rating is correct?
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Yeah, Austin and I have both filed bug reports. Good thing they could fix it by partially reverting a change in the latest version.

I hope we'll soon see whether the fix works as expected.
Thanks Jupiter :)
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On a sidenote, can we please coin "MILF wear"?
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Okay, I guess some explanation is due.

What speaks against Athena for the fans of the new bodies?
* It's old. Outdated. At least in comparison with Legacy, Reborn etc.
* Most of the clothes are old. Everything for Legacy, Reborn etc. was copybotted less than 12 months ago.
* It isn't curvy.
* There are racier, sluttier outfits available for those newer bodies than for Athena.

What speaks against Ruth2 then?
* It's old, too. The latest version is from autumn 2020.
* It's perceived as even older than Athena. If you tell people that it's actually newer than Athena (the Ruth 2.0 test release is from 2017 whereas the first Athena is from ca. 2014, and Ruth2 v4 is a couple months newer than Athena 6), they won't believe you.
* It's legal. Linda Kellie stuff is legal, too. Legal stuff is uncool, and if you wear something legal, you're a fucking wimp.
* It isn't a L$3,000 SL body.
* There are no L$5,000 SL heads for it, and Athena heads don't fit.
* Most freebie stores don't have it anyway, and they probably have very good reasons not to have it. (Most of the time, the reason is because the store owners don't know the body exists.)
* It doesn't look like a mixture of a supermodel and a professional porn actress out-of-the-box with a matching shape.
* It looks even worse with an Athena shape.
* It's unusable anyway with its super-coarse alpha HUD. (It relies on alpha masks, but these have been considered outdated and stone-age technology in OpenSim since 2015.)
* There are literally no clothes for it. (Stop looking for "for Ruth2 rigged" clothes and see what else this body can wear.)
* Especially, there are no sexy/racy/slutty skin-tight mesh outfits for Ruth2 at all. (Ruth2 is excellent for a believable girl-next-door look, but allegedly, nobody wants to see that.)
* "Literally nobody" uses this body anyway.
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As long as you tolerate people not considering micro-thongs casual everyday streetwear... or female avatars that wear jeans or over-knee-length skirts with no hip-high slit...
You make do damn sense.....I'm not the one calling out people for their outfit choices!
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Tell that to those who'd like to have all non-racy women's clothes purged from the Hypergrid for being too conservative and boring, leaving legal female bodies with literally nothing to wear except some obscure old layer clothes.
Well afaik racy and minimalist outfits are not illegal yet, though surely not from a lack of some trying. I have seen a lot more who attempt to ban such clothing vs your stretch to say that more conservative clothing should be banned but if there was someone who said it, it was likely in response to the much more common witch hunting for those items that have asses or tits on display like streetwalkers. Remember, there is the derendering and blacklisting option in the viewers so one doesn't have to see such if it offends.
I think the point is the conservative clothes being purged and the gradual lack of options for those who prefer more "coverage."
And I have not seen any sort of purging. If anything I have seen a greater range of clothing styles than I have in the 13+ years of being in Osgrid and Opensim.
We get more new outfits but mostly the "sexy" sort in detriment of more classic outfits. In a way that is purge.
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Did I give you a list of places where you can find good clothes for Ruth2 v4 yet?
Yes, I have that list. :)
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I hope you've notified the other users of the move. I had to re-add two, yourself included.
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Ah, the comments section shows that there aren't exactly few people here for whom three inches below the crotch is too long already, even if a skirt or dress is made in such a way that you have to go commando under it. Guess some would like to see the kind of outfits that currently come in for Legacy and Reborn, namely those that don't even try to hide your underwear, become a new standard, even for Christmas outfits. (FYI: Christmas = winter = snow = cold. Even 98% of the current women's Christmas/winter outfits couldn't be worn outside in winter IRL.)

This is the main reason why I see the "curvy" Legacy and Reborn bodies become the new female standard this year because Athena doesn't cut it anymore, putting even more pressure on legal bodies and their users. https://opensimworld.com/post/97501

I hope that there'll be at least some shopkeeps who don't stock their shops with the attitude, "Not slutty enough, ain't gonna hang that up," and there'll still be at least some tolerance for female avatars who dress more practically and realistically.
Actually Legacy is not all that curvy. I've only seen Legacy Perky here and those are the outfits I stock in my store. Its more of a sports / fit body if anything. I also don't think you should be throwing all of us who make clothing for those bodies into the one basket. I stock clothing that is conservative and sexy, mainly because women tend to have many moods and reasons to be conservative or sexy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I also wanted to remind you that we are in a fantasy world and our 'pixels' don't actually feel the cold lol! So what the hell, you want to wear a bikini in the snow? I say do it and flaunt the beautiful woman you are!
I'm more on the immersive, "light role play"/"character play"/"playing it real" side. I'm as far from "it's just pixels" as it ever gets.

If it looks cold, it is. I can't be convinced that it's 30°C in the shadow on a Christmas-themed sim with snow-covered ground, snow-covered buildings, snow-covered trees and enough ice on lakes that ice-skating is possible. And then I'll dress accordingly. This also means I won't hang around a sunny tropical beach packed up from neck to toe in badass black leather like a Mongols MC one-percenter.

The same goes for Juno, whether you folks like it or not. If there's snow, she won't stride around in nipple pasties, a G-string and high-heeled sandals. You'll rather see her in a knit dress, usually with a coat over it, in flat boots that are fit for winter and either in knit tights or in leggings over nylon tights. She prefers clothes that are warm and believable over clothes that are as sexy as possible. Not to mention that there are exactly zero of those super-racy clothes for her body, and you'll never get her to switch to a body that's ripped from SL.

From what I've seen of Legacy (and that certainly wasn't Perky), it sure isn't as curvy as Decadence-HG/BBHG/Je'Thai HG that has hips three times as wide as its waist (body measures like 50-20-80).
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That's partly because of what copybotters considered "sexy" and even more because of what shopkeeps consider "sexy." And that means to bare as much skin as possible, especially in certain body areas, no matter where and when. Most Athena outfits involve either a micro-minidress or a micro-miniskirt that isn't longer than two or three inches below the crotch. Few stores offer jeans, even fewer offer longer skirts or dresses except maybe for ballgowns or wedding dresses.

The same goes for tops. Freebie stores that don't have 600+ boxes on their walls only offer stuff you could wear to a club party on Ibiza, but hardly anywhere else. There are actually blazers, buttoned shirts and non-midriff-baring hoodies for Athena, but nobody wears them, partly because few stores have them.

And the new standard for the new curvy bodies seems to involve wearing your underwear out in the open. Inb4 mass-bannings of Reborns and Legacies for breaking the outfit rules at the OSgrid Plazas, but they've got nothing else to wear.

It's actually ironic. They say that it isn't worth getting a body from the Ruth2 family because there's allegedly literally nothing for these bodies to wear, which in turn is because the big freebie stores don't offer anything for Ruth2. And yet, my little in-world sister Juno has more skirts and dresses over micro-mini length than anyone else. Some of them are based on Clutterfly or Damien Fate meshes, others were actually made for Ruth 2.0, some only within the last year or so. She even has jeans that aren't skin-tight. Granted, she has the advantage of knowing three important creators of Ruth 2.0 clothes and being friends with two of them.

If you don't have this privilege, finding clothes that don't sacrifice decency, tastefulness, usefulness and/or keeping you warm in winter for maxing out (alleged) sexiness will require detective work, visiting lots of sims and a great deal of luck. This is regardless of whether you have an Athena, and you only wear Athena-rigged clothes, or whether you have a body from the Ruth2 family, and you wear whatever fits you.

Generally, don't bother with visiting the newest, hottest freebie sims. For Athena, the first step is to spend some time going through the biggest freebie stores you can find. Afterwards, and for Ruth2 generally, the older and/or more obscure a sim is, the more likely you can be to find some hidden gems. And even Athenas should take a look at Clutterfly (inb4 "yuck, Linda Kellie"), Damien Fate and clothes made to be Fate-compatible.

Oh, last but not least, BoM doesn't mean you can only wear what has "Free Bakes on Mesh" or "EvoX" written on it. You can also wear classic layer clothes. You can solve the problem of Athena-rigged mesh leggings or tights clipping through your skirts and dresses by wearing older layer leggings/tights instead. No freezing legs beneath super-short sweater "dresses" on snowy Christmas sims anymore with Tosha Tyran's old knit tights from the Craft-Store.
600 boxes of broken junk nobody will ever bother to fix.... This form of "Sharing without Mercy" does NOTHING for Opensim but add database bloat and WASTE valuable server resources!
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Athena is living mostly on a huge backlog of clothes and accessories imported over the last eight years. Also, it can benefit from still being compatible with EvoX, matching soft thighs having been imported and some female store owners who refuse to rebuild their avatars around newer bodies and still import Athena clothes.

But Athena is no longer universally considered the hottest female body around. Especially Legacy and Reborn are trying their best to redefine sexy, and it looks like more clothes are being imported for them than for Athena.

I'm not saying Athena-based avatars will soon be banned from some club sims for looking child-like in comparison with Legacy; more likely, Legacy-based avatars will be banned from the OSgrid plazas for not having any clothes to cover up their undies.

But chances are it won't be long until the first Athena user is derided by a Reborn or Legacy user for wearing an "unsexy" and "outdated" body, just like users of bodies from the Ruth2 and Roth2 families have risked being derided from within the Athena/Adonis/Apollo/Decadence crowd for the very same reasons.
In my opinion!!! I think the new ones look funny, not sexy. Even the clothes when tried on, have huge arses, and boobs. Athena body is very sexy.