Jupiter Rowland @JupiterRowland

Germany (Real Reality™), Dorenas World (virtual reality), OSgrid (secondary virtual reality) Online

Far-travelled on the Hypergrid and convinced of Roth2 v2.


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Have you tried SFposer by our very own Satyr Aeon yet?


No need to convert, it's a drop-in replacement for PMAC. It can use the same config files. It needs only one script per piece of furniture, and it's fully shut down when idle, so it's easier on the server.

And it has lots of features on top: Anyone can adjust the position of their avatar, for example, and props are supported, too.
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And there I thought that's Lou Reed, portrayed by Andy Warhol.
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Probably botted from SL and set to no-mod, no-transfer.
This is not problem - all users here have God mode:)
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Asylum. I kind of like that.

A pity that Arcadia has never built one for Urban Blight.
Oni Kiri used to have a very nice madhouse and I'm sorry I didn't ask for a copy before she closed it down :(
I've seen one around someplace...so, while that information is entirely unhelpful, it might at least give you hope of finding the madhouse again. The Halloween season is a good time to go looking.
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Don't worry, it's my private parcel surrounded by a public area. And the group is a private family group.
I'm not worried about you. I'm just recommending your land setting for others to use, with some modifications
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That kind of irritates me as well. Freebie sim owners who ban everyone upon first strike who picks up more than three items or so or enters the "wrong" store. Or, worse yet, freebie sim owners who change the permissions on everything they offer to no-transfer. All so nobody can use that stuff in their own competing freebie stores.

Mind you, they themselves have acquired all that stuff on other freebie sims. This means it's still out there on other freebie sims. Almost always full-perm even. Their aspiring competitors can put together the exact same collection of items by visiting two or three other sims.

No-transfer won't stop them anyway. I guess most freebie sim owners have god-mode access, so they can change whatever they've acquired to full-perm. They may respect notecards that come with original OpenSim creations or SL content imported with permission and ask people not to god-mode these items and share them in their freebie stores. But in the case of blatantly copybotted SL content, there's nothing keeping them from god-moding it back to its original state.

At the same time, over-zealous banning as well as no-transfer will keep the main target audience of freebie sims away: normal customers. No-transfer will come back to bite them when they create a new avatar to move grids, but they can't take half their stuff with them, and they have to re-acquire it. And blocking them will have them go shopping elsewhere. Besides, not everyone who picks up more than three or four boxes wants to fill a competing freebie store. Maybe it's a newbie with an almost empty inventory who needs to stock up.

By the way, something else that's senseless is exporting a freebie sim as an OAR and then re-installing it from the OAR, just so that everything on the sim is attributed to the sim owner as its creator. Nobody will actually believe that the sim owner has created all that stuff anyway.
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The sales box or all the loose items?
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Producers will always have a hard time in OpenSim, regardless of whether they offer their creations for money or for free. They risk being laughed at or out-right insulted because their creations aren't up to par with the stolen premium SL content, not quality-wise, not regarding the amount of output and especially not regarding both combined.

So on the one hand, it takes detective skills to gather the necessary material to build a fully legal avatar. But on the other hand, it actually takes some courage to flaunt that avatar in public.

You won't get many commercial SL creators here either unless they're willing to offer their SL payware free and full-perm. They'd have loads of SL "freebies" as competition, too, and chances are that their content is already available in OpenSim free and full-perm, just not with them entered as the creators.

And if people are willing to buy content on the SL Marketplace, just to export it, import it into OpenSim and offer it as full-perm freebies, they're just as willing to buy content on the Kitely Market, just to god-mode it to full-perm and put it into their freebie stores. That's actually even easier.
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Two things are important to do in the land options.

One, define a landing point. Keep in mind that the landing point includes the orientation of the avatar.

Two, set teleport routing to "Anywhere". This will have avatars teleporting in without coordinates (e.g. with an OSW hop) land at your landing point instead of in the water. But everyone with a landmark will still be able to land where they've taken their landmarks.
thank you :)
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Also, at least some of us refuse to use a corporate-owned, proprietary, closed-source piece of proven spyware for voice. Especially if it has flaky Linux support on top, or it's actually Windows-only.
That was a primary concern of mine when I was considering voice options for a project I was involved with in 2014. Voice was a necessity, but Vivox being proprietary and closed source wasn't actually a deal breaker, but the fact that it eavesdrops was.
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I've told Shelenn that the EchoVoice crowd-funding campaign has ended, and that there's no way to donate for it anymore. I hope there'll be a solution for that, and that the IMA hasn't completely given up on EchoVoice because nobody wants to fund it.

Granted, yes, there are people who are on OpenSim because they'd like to use Second Life if they could afford it, but they can't.

But I think there are also people who have expanded "Never buy in OpenSim" to "Never pay a single penny for OpenSim in any way" or something like that.

I'm actually wondering what'd happen if the free software/open-source community became aware of OpenSim. As far as I can see, they're completely unaware of its existence. What the OpenSim ecosystem lacks is not only money, but also capable coders to get at least something done until money comes in.
I think that part of the problem there is that virtual worlds are so niche. Second Life can afford to pay its developers and also for a Vivox licence. Opensim suffers from a malaise common to opensource/libre projects in that too many mistake the free for free as in free beer rather than freedom. Another common error is to view opensource as hobbyware, which it most certainly isn't. Far from Openlife's view that the opensource community is full of passionate people selflessly giving up their free time to bring us amazing software the truth is that they are passionate, and they do do other work in order to keep a roof over their heads and their families in clothes and food etc, but they'd far rather that people donated money to their projects so that they could give up their day jobs and focus on their projects and bring us much better versions much sooner than is currently the case.

I currently run Ubuntu MATE 22.04 on all my machines, and each time I download and install it on one of my machines I make sure I donate the recommended $2.50 to the project. No one expects those who cannot afford that to pay, but those that can afford to pay that small amount should really do so, in my opinion.
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To cut a long story short: because they need someone to code it. They can't do it themselves.

They've got two options. Option one, find someone who's willing to do it for free in their spare time. If this worked, they wouldn't have to raise money now. So it obviously doesn't.

Option two, hire a professional software developer to do it and pay them for it. Sorry to say, but if you absolutely need it done, that's the only way to go. And that costs money.

Now, paying for development will not mean that EchoVoice will become a proprietary, non-free, closed-source, copyrighted binary blob offered as commercial payware. They can just as well pay someone 60 grand to develop something and then make it open-source and publish it under the GPL or the BSD license. It's their decision. And if they pay the developer through donations, EchoVoice won't have to make any money anyway because it is already fully paid for.
I understand, Giove. Your explanation is, as always, very simple, direct, and clear. However, I still maintain that the project should be an initiative of contributors and experienced open-source programmers. Otherwise, wouldn't there be a risk that every update needs to be funded again? Ubit, Fred, and other contributors don't support their families with open-source work; they do it out of passion, and updates, bug fixes, etc., are always present.
Well, it has to be developed from the ground up. But I'd say that once it's up and running, keeping it maintained should be fairly easy if the code is good. And if they hire an experienced open-source programmer, the code will be good. Better than OpenSim itself by magnitudes, I dare say.
I understand... what can I say? It seems difficult to go from $800 a year to $60,000. Giove, however, Ruth RC#3 and Roth RC#1 with the updated HUDs and BoM are well-made, and honestly, there's more satisfaction in presenting your grid cleanly. You've been truly valuable throughout all of this. Apologies for going off-topic, but I'll take the opportunity to thank you again.
I think Jupiter covered that with his Option one - basically it ain't happening, there are no opensource programmers out there willing to work on this project. So the only viable option is to pay for a project.
Well, there might be open-source programmers willing to work on this, but the professional kind who demands payment. Just because they're paid, doesn't mean their code will be proprietary and closed-source. Novell has paid devs, Red Hat has paid devs, Mozilla has paid devs, Canonical has paid devs...

What you're unlikely to find is a spare-time hobbyist dev willing to develop something like this from scratch for zilch. Maybe if they're passionate about it. But seriously, OpenSim is completely unknown in the open-source community.
And if this is the only solution, I'm afraid that with each update, there will be a need for payment. Without contributors who are free from economic ties and are driven by passion, every update will always require an expert. Essentially, we'd be funding a company rather than a project – a company that hires an employee, and for what? To have a voice channel in OpenSim that might not work correctly after the first viewer update. It might be better to try with FreeSWITCH at this point.
The viewer issue would remain even if FreeSwitch were used, and good luck finding anyone willing to sort that mess out.

There is no reason why, once a voice module were developed that it couldn't be maintained and updated as and when needed. That might well require some payment for the person doing the work, what would be so wrong with that? No one is free from economic ties, we all have bills to pay etc. Even if someone could be found to do it just for the kudos and because they operate solely on passion, they would still only be able to devote some of their leisure time to it, so it would likely a) take a very long time to get to a working stage and b) any updates, bug squashing etc would likely become very delayed, And then what about the documentation?

Passion can't be eaten, and doesn't pay the bills!
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As long as you haven't lost anything except for two days of uptime, everything's good.
Thanks Jupiter & that's all I lost was time all else is safe & sound :)
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Doesn't make you want to nope away like some of Arcadia's or Vbinnia's barrels.
Not sure why those other barrels would have such an effect....mine is brandnew handcrafted, the contents: thats your sense of humour,sort of. To make sure there's no misunderstanding, I added a TM logo to the design inworld:)
Look at what they imply to contain. If you're lucky, it's just gross.
I'd need to find em first:)
Try Steam on OSgrid which is not listed here, but which should be online.
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Witchcraft, burn him!
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One could say that Linden Labs screwed up twice.

Once was with how the official viewer measures the height of an avatar. Not to the top of the head, but to the eyes which means that it's inaccurate by about 6" or 15cm. Since it's inaccurate, users have stopped paying attention to the avatar height measurement altogether and started adjusting their avatars' height until it looked roughly okay.

And then there was the default camera angle. Classic 3-D third-person "platformer" angle, namely behind and way above the head. Every last viewer has taken this over.

For one, this means trouble in all buildings with ceiling heights under about 12' or 3.60m. If you're lucky, the camera will constantly collide with the ceiling. If you're unlucky, the camera will end up upstairs.

Besides, builders in both Second Life and OpenSim tend to take whatever height their camera is at for eye height. This explains some sims with ridonkulously oversized buildings because whoever built them has been flying all the time. But it also explains why houses are even too big for 9' avatars: Whoever built them built them as if the eyes of their avatar were as high as the default camera.

Both contributes to how oversized almost all buildings in OpenSim are. If your avatar is realistic, door handles may be at eye height, railings around porches are as high as your chin, and some windows are so high up the walls that the avatar needs a ladder to look outside. Even if the building has a kitchen built in, it's sometimes even too big for a 9' avatar because it had to be adapted to the overall proportions of the building in which the kitchen could double as a boat shed.

Sim builders like Xi Shi or Suzi Avonside build the houses on their sims at realistic sizes, but they constantly have to shrug off comments by users with oversized avatars that their buildings are too small.

The Firestorm Viewer has taken a first step at fixing the camera height issue. Version 6.6.8 has introduced Penny Patton's camera angle (see https://pennycow.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-improved-sl-came... and https://modemworld.me/tutorials__trashed/camera-offsets-pe...) with a few modifications as the new default camera preset. It places the camera behind the head with only minimal height offset.

All of a sudden, you can navigate the in-scale buildings in Ruritania or Paradwys without your camera bumping into the ceiling. And all of a sudden, you feel like a dwarf or a small child in many typical Second Life/OpenSim houses.

However, it's still only this one viewer in this one version which is buggy enough for many not to upgrade. A few older Firestorm versions have camera presets, but you have to enter the Penny Patton values yourself. All the other viewers don't have custom camera presets, and you have to jump through hoops to edit the camera position, if it's possible at all.

By the way, a side-effect of the default way-up-high camera are extremely long-legged avatars. From that top-down perspective, your legs look shorter in comparison with the rest of your avatar than they are. Since people aren't used to looking at other people from that angle, they find it looking weird. And they go and increase the length of their avatars' legs until they look okay from the default Linden camera angle.
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There is no such thing as a "correct height" for avatars.

If OpenSim user A with your typical pea-headed, T-Rex-armed 2.50m male avatar barges in and says that the "correct height" for a male avatar is 2.40m or 8', it implies that everyone with a realistically-sized avatar is "doing it wrong" and has to "correct" their shapes.

Of course, OpenSim user B with a realistic avatar will protest and say that realistic height is or should be "correct". And those Second Life-style giants are just plain ridiculous, as are childgates configured to kick and ban female avatars as tall as the real-life average height of Western women.

Then OpenSim user B is being confronted with stuff like, "The viewer doesn't show the correct height anyway." The official Second Life viewer doesn't because it measures the avatar height up to the eyes; Firestorm measures it correctly. Or, "all furniture is adjusted for 8' avatars anyway." But it can be resized. Or, "That's how everybody does it anyway." Because way too many OpenSim users use the shapes that come with their heads unmodified, and these shapes are completely unrealistic. Or, "Male avatars in SL are 9' as well." Only that OpenSim isn't Second Life. And even in Second Life, that arms race of giant guys is over. If you still have a 9' avatar, you've spent quite a while under a rock.

I wouldn't be surprised if many realistic female avatars refuse to dance with oversized male avatars. They're tired of being told to make their realistic avatars taller.

It's basically the same as Second Life proportions (9:1 to 12:1 pea heads) vs realistic proportions (7.5:1 to 8:1 heads which make you look like a kid in comparison), T. Rex arms that barely reach your crotch ("That's how everyone does it!") vs realistic arms with your fingertips in the middle of your thighs ("gorilla arms") or standard female bodies (implying that petite = underage) vs petite female bodies (what most actual real-life women look like) vs "hourglass" female bodies with hips several times as wide as the waist (implying that nobody would want to fuck an Athena or a Ruth2 if a Decadence-HG or an eBody Reborn is around).

But if you ask me, I'm OpenSim user B, and I say that the "correct height" is realistic height. Wouldn't be the first time that someone calls me "dumb" for having the "wrong" opinion.
"...typical pea-headed, T-Rex-armed 2.50m male avatar..." You stole my comment!
I also set a realistic height my avatar, and you are right, there are giant women who want me to raise the height of the avatar.

I've noticed that I interact better with vehicles and other home furnishings, but I've also noticed that some classic avatars are made with super tall shapes, such as some ReactOS classics that I have in inventory are super tall.

In theory everything should be made with the actual proportions, in mt or feet as you want for your national unit of measurement. But still I notice that having an avi with proportions closer to reality seems to be a chore for interacting with some objects.

But it is true, there is no correct height, you made a very sensible point, there are huge chairs and "normal" chairs.

this thing drives me crazy! :)
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You got something wrong here. OpenSimWorld is not a virtual world. OpenSimWorld is not OpenSim. OpenSimWorld is only an info/community website.

If you want to use OpenSim, you'll first have to create an avatar on a grid. A grid is something like Second Life if you know that, only that OpenSim as a whole has many many grids and not only one.

So in order to save you from having to choose a grid first, I suggest you go to OSgrid, the oldest and biggest grid, and register an avatar there. https://www.osgrid.org/
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Satyr's swim rezzer, the one with the two lifesavers around the grey pole, has one built in. I don't recall where I've found my full-perm copy, though.
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First of all, Lone doesn't sell one region for $50 a month. He sells 16 regions for $50 a month. A 4x4 varsim. You're bending facts for your argumentation until they break.

Second, I am one of those, quote, "people who deliberately call others thieves who actually bring free content into OS". Said content is proprietary, copyrighted payware from Second Life, and the license of this content most often does NOT allow exporting it to use it outside of Second Life. There is no proof that the creator consented in their content being exported. There is no proof that the creator consented in their content being given away as freebies, especially not full-perm. What these people do is not liberation. It is theft. It is illegal.

And it hurts OpenSim's own creativity which, yes, actually exists. And also yes, it exists beyond Linda Kellie creations from 2008. Not all freebie creators in OpenSim are alts of Linda Kellie, regardless of what some people imply.

Third, your profile is blank. You don't have anything filled out. You have neither sims nor friends. Your only recorded interaction with the community on OpenSimWorld is this very thread. Plus, you have a rather generic account name. And you want to make us believe that this is your one and only OSW account that was not purpose-made to attack Lone Wolf and excuse everyone who stands up for him of "ganging up" and lying intentionally?
You Write : "First of all, Lone doesn't sell one region for $50 a month. He sells 16 regions for $50 a month. A 4x4 varsim. You're bending facts for your argumentation until they break."

is the same Jupiter, nothing changes, a Var is still a single region and in this case very expensive with little quality, this point does not change things.

You write : "Second, I am one of those, quote, "people who deliberately call others thieves who actually bring free content into OS". Said content is proprietary, copyrighted payware from Second Life, and the license of this content most often does NOT allow exporting it to use it outside of Second Life. There is no proof that the creator consented in their content being exported. There is no proof that the creator consented in their content being given away as freebies, especially not full-perm. What these people do is not liberation. It is theft. It is illegal."

The license is internal to the DRM that Linden Lab offers for content under DMCA (there are cases where creators have been sued by real outside companies), the DMCA is an American law so not ALL NATIONS fall under that, also, to claim a right on another platform you have to be the owner of the registered trademark and patent or otherwise of the model even outside the Second Life platform... and that is not always the case, also a lot of content from Opensimulator is sold in SL without permission, a lot of Opensource scripts are sold along with objects in SL without permission and respect for Open or Creative Commons licenses, Also a body model is not a trivial copy, there is work behind it to redo scripts, alpha and it can NEVER be the same as its original model in SL, so when you call someone a thief, remember, the only thing you can dispute is maybe the textures because the model even for physics issues will NEVER be the same as the one uploaded in dae with Havok on SL. .. also this point of yours I'm sorry doesn't hold up at all, copying a model from SL with a copybot that La Linden allows you to use without guaranteeing real security to its creators, is not stealing, it is taking a reference model. Remember that many models in SL come from 3D sites where you find free or otherwise freely purchasable content, in fact there are many identical outfits sold by multiple "creators" where only the Textures change... so I repeat, even this comment of yours is USELESS, Great jupiter... (quote Back to the Future, Doc.).

You Write : " Third, your profile is blank. You don't have anything filled out. You have neither sims nor friends. Your only recorded interaction with the community on OpenSimWorld is this very thread. Plus, you have a rather generic account name. And you want to make us believe that this is your one and only OSW account that was not purpose-made to attack Lone Wolf and excuse everyone who stands up for him of "ganging up" and lying intentionally?"

i don't think it's your problem, do i have to enter information to interact? i don't have a grid and that's my name, what more do you want? that i send you my home address? hahahaha ( and by the way it's not my only interaction... do you think you know everything here? i commented on a region now rightly closed because possible scam, and then i talked in chatbox until a day ago... but what do i have to justify to you? you already know everything right? hahahaha)

you don't know any better than to attack people who are not part of your "family"?

Great Jupiter, FACTS, not empty WORDS! FACTS!
"You Write : "First of all, Lone doesn't sell one region for $50 a month. He sells 16 regions for $50 a month. A 4x4 varsim. You're bending facts for your argumentation until they break."

is the same Jupiter, nothing changes, a Var is still a single region and in this case very expensive with little quality, this point does not change things."

A region is 256x256m. Always. FACT.

A sim can be that size or a multiple of it.

So you aren't lying, but if you can't tell the difference, this doesn't really make you look competent.

"the DMCA is an American law so not ALL NATIONS fall under that"

The same reason why most copybotting went through Russia and Kazakhstan. Doesn't make it any better or any more compliant with what SL creators allow people to do with their works.

"also a lot of content from Opensimulator is sold in SL without permission, a lot of Opensource scripts are sold along with objects in SL without permission and respect for Open or Creative Commons licenses"

Stooping as low as whataboutisms already to support your pro-copybotting propaganda?

"Also a body model is not a trivial copy, there is work behind it to redo scripts, alpha and it can NEVER be the same as its original model in SL, so when you call someone a thief, remember, the only thing you can dispute is maybe the textures because the model even for physics issues will NEVER be the same as the one uploaded in dae with Havok on SL"

Same reason why Athena is allegedly a 100% legal original OpenSim creation. LOL.

"also this point of yours I'm sorry doesn't hold up at all, copying a model from SL with a copybot that La Linden allows you to use without guaranteeing real security to its creators, is not stealing, it is taking a reference model"

...which you need the permission of whoever offers the model for nonetheless. If you don't have it, it's theft.

"i don't think it's your problem, do i have to enter information to interact? i don't have a grid and that's my name, what more do you want?"

You look like a sock puppet created to attack other users, and you act like a sock puppet created to attack other users.

Your likes are a dozen a dime on OSW.

If you want people to trust you, you have to gain their trust. And that is not by attacking and insulting them being just about the only thing you ever do with a fully blank account. Again, we all have seen this countless times before.
4x4 is a SINGLE region with no simcrossing by OPENSIMULATOR standards that brought down MEGAREGIONs a few versions ago, so if you compare it to a single SL region in size, it is EQUIVALENT in size to 16 SL regions or a standard region, but it is still A SINGLE REGION, SOLD AT $50 AND INEFFECTIVE FROM A TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL POINT OF VIEW!

Also, it has 1.2 million prims, if you want to change grids, you have to pray that half of your content (or maybe 1/16) won't be lost!!! you will never do anything with that region, how many really filled them? and how many use all of them??? (actually ALL of them because it is a single Region for glis tandard OS!).

Other grids offer Var, which travel fairly well, at half the price!

Can you understand that, Great Jupiter?

The rest I have already answered you so I don't even read, what I wrote above applies, otherwise you won't stop writing rubbish.

(ah already you know everything, wait then I'll send you my home address... ah no, I guess you already know!) loool

I will not answer you any further, because it is useless to do so with unobjective people like you... Great Jupiter (always quote from Back to the Future, DOC.)!
That's good because it's absolutely pointless to try and discuss technical matters with someone who is both too stupid to recognise that there's a difference between a region and a sim and too arrogant to learn something that has been established in OpenSim since its very inception.

Not to mention who doesn't even try the least bit not to look like a troll.
"At least you've got some self-awareness."

actually, the person who offended was really you... and you are continuing to do so, but believe me, you are too smart for me, I give up... I really can't answer you now...

too bad, great Jupiter!
When a person does not know what to say anymore, he is only capable of offending....

ohhh Great Jupiter!
"When a person does not know what to say anymore, he is only capable of offending...."

At least you've got some self-awareness.
ah just to clarify, you are insulting, call me a puppet...anyway you are also a puppet here and in the virtual world don't you think? but I don't need anyone's trust, I externalize my thoughts regardless, freedom of expression, but unlike others I try to be objective and face criticism and speak knowledgeably, you check profiles, who are you the person in charge of user profiles or what they do in their grids?

ohhhhh great Jupiter! lool
You have Policed my grid many times. Checking to see if I am up to your code, is my Ruth and Roth latest versions in my stores, checking to see who the content creators are of my content-most is created by me or I bring it in the same as the SL content creators, many upload resources from the very same places opensim people do but because it is also seen in SL you assume it is botted from the SL creator when they got it from the same free sites.

Here is the TOS from Blender Content from Blendkit---User contributions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Without limiting any of those representations or warranties, Blender Foundation has the right (though not the obligation) to, in Blender Foundation’s sole discretion (i) refuse or remove any content that, in Blender Foundation’s reasonable opinion, violates any Blender Foundation policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable, or (ii) terminate or deny access to and use of the Website to any individual or entity for any reason, in Blender Foundation’s sole discretion. Blender Foundation will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid. https://devtalk.blender.org/tos When you buy the assets from the creators each creator has their own TOS some say can use even commercially so you need to check the assets you obtain.

Turbo Squid---Detailed list of allowed uses: News, film, movies, television programs, video projects, multi-media projects, theatrical display, software user interfaces; architectural renderings, computer games, virtual worlds, simulation and training environments, corporate communications, marketing collateral, tradeshow promotional items, booth decorations and presentations, pre-visualizations, product prototyping and research, mobile, web, print, television, billboard advertising, online and electronic publications of blogs, literature, social media, email campaigns, website designs and layouts, desktop and mobile wallpapers, screensavers, toolbar skins, books, magazines, posters, greeting cards, 3d printing, apparel items, brochures, framed or printed artwork, household items, office items, lenticular prints, product packaging and manufactured products.https://blog.turbosquid.com/turbosquid-3d-model-license/

Have you seen ArtStation? https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/game-dev/assets Content is coming from sites like these Jupiter, it is perfectly legal. Maybe some are still botting but there is absolutely no reason to with these free resources.
Thank you for this information, Marianna. :))
Marianna, I know that you would never allow illegal content to be offered on Virtual-HG. I also know that you're one of the top creators of original mesh in OpenSim, and I like how your creations aren't rigged for any one specific body except for a few rings.

And yes, I acknowledge that there are free-by-license sources for high-quality 3-D models which are being used in OpenSim. Usually, users who do that name their sources. If they do that, it makes their works trustworthy.

A few have actually acquired content from Second Life legally, some still do, I acknowledge that, too. At least in more recent times, they add notecards to their sales boxes that name their sources and the conditions under which the content is being offered.

However, way too often, it's still too tempting to simply steal Second Life content, especially content for avatars such as mesh bodies or clothes rigged specifically for these mesh bodies. There still aren't exactly few freebie store owners whose business model is limited to this because they want to offer the highest quality possible and a large selection at the same time.

And by the way, when I come to visit your sims, it's either to see if you've got something new and interesting or because you've actually announced that you have something new and interesting. Occasionally, I show your sims to someone else who didn't know them yet.
I appreciate the kind words, and that you would recommend me that means a lot. I took it personally I guess because I am often questioned about my own content. Not all content in opensim is botted as long as others are aware that good content also comes from reputable sources too, is important to clarify that it isn't all botted.
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Maybe your shoe bases are faulty. This is how you can acquire working ones:

Go to one of these sims:

Find a square or cubic box named Ruth2 v4 - Extras.

Once you've unpacked it, put on the item named Shoe Height Adjust for Fixed Feet High.

That should take care of your problem.