Johnny Rebel @JohnnyRebel

Earth Offline

I am just me. Same here, as anywhere else. Nothin special. :P lol Nice to meet yah! :)

Hangin in, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend so far. :)

I am having health difficulties. So not here much, and often AFK when I am. Pardon me please? My worlds are always open to everyone. Enjoy your weekend. BIG HUGS, and HIGH 5'S ya'll. :)

Just droppin a hello. Thieves broke into my home while I was in the hospital. Stole a LOT tore my computer up as well, so server is running by thread... However it IS still running, and once again, I didn't die. haha :P So life is ok-ish. ^^ I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night/rest of their weekend. lol Prayers, hugs, n high 5's ya'll. :)