Jimmy Olsen @JimmyOlsen

Tromso Offline

Playing as a Norwegian Elf.

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https://youtu.be/zPLI_XpxcGg < new custom map tiles at Wolf Territories Grid. Instead of using the generated map tiles, you can replace it with your own custom version through our control panel.

join us
Arkham Grid Community https://discord.gg/urhyMZy2Xf

"Mythologies" Sky Level 400 meters

My cemetery is available for a limited time at OSFest for 20% off Kitely Market prices. Grab it before it's gone. Note: I no longer include the eep environment since those only work on the grid they're created on.

HG Address: grid.opensimfest.com:8022:chlorine

Easy to find on that region with all the bright stuff around it :-D

You can find it on the Market here: https://www.kitely.com/market/product/61408248/Full-Dark-H...
Monentes Jewelry Peace for Ukraine pendant can be downloaded so that you can 3d print this at Sculpteo and wear RL https://virtual-hg.com/JOpensim/index.php/phoca-download Please read and observe the enclosed notecard. Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and inspiring me with your jewelry requests, I will not be taking any requests now for a while, super busy with the holidays approaching. Thank you!!


Now has a clickable menu. You can turn it on /off in the menu. You can click the [ban] button on the menu, and select ban by radar, name, ip, or key. This way you can manually add in a name, ip address, or key OR if the person is on your sim at the moment you want to ban them, just click the radar button (sim wide) and click their name on the menu. They are unsat, ejected, tp'd home, and all their info is saved to the appropriate file. No more manual notecard editing (unless you want to...) I hope you all enjoy it. NOW AVAILABLE NEW AT WIZARDRY!!!

Added new wedding rings to the store, new earrings too. virtual-hg.com:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Enjoying breakfast in bed~you too can enjoy breakfast in bed-Breakfast Bed Tray-Free Full Perms-Monentes store foyer.

In honor of the first virgin atlantic flight. Come get your copy as you like. Just always share it forever. hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/Maze Airport/677/204/28
Set up for ubode...if you want bullet...toggle it.
...created by Jimmy Olsen of Alternate Metaverse Grid.  He has brought all the magic of the Real Life Alfheim. Please read about Jimmy's Photography contest-A magnificent place! https://virtual-hg.com/JOpensim/index.php?option=com_conte... Thank you Jimmy!! alternatemetaverse.com:8002:ALFHEIM

Coming soon to Immersive @ Pangea.

What a great night.. Glad you all made it out tonight.. Happy Fathers Day

Sharing an upcoming event on one of the grids I'm on :-)

This Saturday, June 17th, a unique one-time-only GT number will be performed at Fetish Fire! 3pm grid time!

This Saturday's set at Fetish Fire is going to be truly spectacular. It's a theme night of "Celebrations," as we'll celebrate some very special birthdays this month. On top of that, the Golden Touch is doing a very special number called Golden Fire. It's a one-time-only showing of a number more intimate than ever by GT. So come over at 3pm grid time to Fetish Fire at the Adult Hub. Listen to good music, be inspired by our dances, and join in the happiness of Celebrations! Limos will be ready.
(This event **is** open to Hypergrid visitors!)

HG Address: utopiaskyegrid.com:8002:Utopia Skye Adult Hub

Still lots of time at the Fetish Factor tonight.. come on down

Dancing under the Eifel Tower at Paris on Creative Landform from 10:00am (pst) with DeeJay Ted Junior
Singles and Couples, EVERYONE is welcome, Formal or Casual it is your choice.
Enjoy great company, Requests and Dedications always Welcomed
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Creative Landform