Jessie Campbell @JessieCampbell


I have done so many things in virtual worlds. Well almost EVERTYTHING in virtual worlds for over 13 years now.

Currently my passion is creating Burlesque NPC shows at Nara's Nook.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

TSim Open Skies
3 1 Open Skies 0 Users
A dedicated 8x8 VAR for flying!! Fixed wing, helos, lighter-than-air vehicles. Meticulously designed main air hub and lots of challenging airstrips make this a wonderful adventure. Great pub too !!
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Ivory City 1
7 4 City 1 0 Users
Ivory City 1-4 is the OS redux of the Ivory Tower of Prims from SL. Lumeire Noire began building it with Tosha Tyran. It has 40+ superior modules of learning all about the "prim". Most are presented in 5 languages. At the end of the lessons is a show dedicated to the memory of this extraordinary tea...
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24 7 0 Users
Flaire Theater features Burlesque shows daily. Come by and see the show! Now with PUBLIC buttons that let you see the show anytime you choose!
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Nudist Island
16 1 Island 0 Users
Clothing is optional on Nudist Island. Worship the sun in the nude, semi nude, or in swim wear. Jet Skis, Diving, Games, Sailing,Dancing. Naked Tai Chi & yoga. Only NUDE dance ball in the Metaverse! You will feel the freedom!! 500+ members !! beach, swim, swimming, sun bathing, nudist, naked, ...
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Public Productions Now
Where: Flaire
When: 5 years ago [27 Sep 2019 06:50 SLT]

At our new location...I have set the three main shows for public access.....

Look for the big arrow pointing down to the green box. Click it! Watch the show!! It's great fun....!!!

Be sure to set your audio prefs to "auto" and "let scripts play audio"!!!!

We had to leave Nara's Nook and have re-located to Open Sim Grid. Same great shows...same professional dancers !!

Never to old to Rock and Roll !

Hoop it up !!

Enjoy the warm surf !

Lining up for take-off.

Main Aerodrome!

The Pub!

An outstanding Flaire Burlesque show in memory and tribute to Lumiere Noir is now available at the end of the lessons. Learn all about this amazing avatar. Get some history...see and hear some interviews using weblinks at the back of the venue. Watch the amazing Primates as they dance their hearts out to honor the remarkable duo of Lumiere Noir and Tosha Tyran !!

Hula Hoopla ! Bring your friends and get your HOOP on !!

Pop over and get a behind the scenes tour of what it takes to design, stage and produce an exciting Burlesque show in Open Sim. Meet the up and coming stars. View the detailed stage props area. Talk with the Producer and Director - Jessie Campbell.

Do YOU design? Clothes? Sets? Props? Ask about helping out behind stage.

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No upcoming events

My Reviews


Lani has always...and still is...a top destination shopping mall. The shops are from the finest creators in Open Sim...and you can spend hours just browsing around. Thank you, Lani !!


The first feet that really LOOK like feet....Taarna was so far ahead of her time...and still is!! Thank you Taarna!! HUGGS! ♥♥♥

Bullet Dev

Just hot ..and diggety...and hot diggety dog ! What fun !!! Great club...great music and great host....lots of fun and friends!

Nudist Island

Oh come on and get naked. You know you want to !!!


Great shops..wide variety of top quality freebies.....well laid out and easy to get around with handy teleporters. Otto has done a wonderful job. Highly recommend you go see it!!!

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