Jerralyn Franzic @JeromFranzic


An Explorer... still looking for her home in the OS but enjoying her time within it. ^_^


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Managed to talk to Trizzy a few times in world, mostly when I began exploring Open Sim three years ago and I was looking for clothes. RIP
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Mmm, muscles lol... TY for launching this. =D
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I can get enough of this look shown here, even with all of the shaders turned off and PBR settings at minimum. For shinier things I do need to set PBR a bit higher than minimum, but it doesn't affect my FPS too much, unless I have shadows on, a high draw distance (past 128m) and a sim is too crowded with avatars and some NPC's. I'm still rocking a GTX 1050 laptop with 4 GB of VRAM, and 32 GB of RAM.
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Made this shot with the 6.6.17 viewer. Still looks OK, but I also run the PBR release and beta viewers.
Yes, those are the original textures which I left intact for people still using non-pbr viewers
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I'd go for the TP-connected levels.
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I don't know... maybe something with the latest server code is causing these issues you're experiencing? I've never had a problem entering Dallas with my four Open Sim accounts.

(ET US @ 9:30 PM) OK... just tried to enter with my Alternate Metaverse account. I got kicked out, after one second and sent back to AMV Welcome! :(
Same for me with my AMV avatar!
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Wow, nice to see you continually improving and adding to SkyRealm! I need to spend more time in Open Sim again lol... SL sales are crazy this time of year... need a break from that. :^)
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Her outfits are wonderful, and I love the playground nearby.
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Bummer... was trying to find Aaack's store recently. Was wondering why it was down and not accessible. Is there some place in Open Sim... anyone hosting his creations for him or are they gone to the virtual dustbin of history? I enjoyed using some of his objects. Good luck, Aaack! Hope good health comes to you soon enough. :)
If you read the post, you'll see he has a store on Wright, and the HG Address is at the end of the post (the photo shows Aaack on the sim)
OK, thanks =D
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Ah... figures. Thanks for the info, I'll try a few from those links. :)
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OK, managed to get both systems installed. Still in a 'preinstalled' state... will fill out the Windows 11 partition first, then Linux. Maybe I will TP using the 12-year-old PC running Linux and Cool VL. I don't know... hmm... better to get the main PC sorted first.
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Oh wow, all great but I have to send a male alt to grab the Raphael outfit lol
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These aren't PBR enabled, just TP'd in to check.
Jimmy is never far behind ...hopefully he will have some before too long :)
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*makes note to stay away from SL for a while and grab some of these goodies... if she doesn't forget lol*
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Maybe not, but it's great for a few chuckles! *rawr* lol
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Haven't seen everything yet, should be perfect for testing the latest firestorm release or whatever... I'll be back soon! =D
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Oh, really? That's impressive! I don't think I've come across similar tech in SL.
Defintiely have in SL. But it was clubs. I bought a club from a place there wayyyyy back and we were able to rez before we bought one. It's a cool feature! I wish others did the same.
we have one and its not new the rezzer has been out for some time :-)
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Ok then... if they are screaming about that, to me the uncaring admins are the problem, not an individual hypergridder who chooses to be transgender or anything else that is fully adult.
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Wait, what is up with that? Recently I created a slightly slimmer 6 foot shape for my main Irina based body. I use Athena, Simona and Xara.

I still roam around in a 5.5 foot shape. No one in Open Sim has thought yet to call me a child and boot me from any Adult sims. I ported the shapes from Second Life, and same thing, no one has booted with those shapes. I have even shorter body shapes in SL, but they will stay there for now.