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C'est OSGrid que tu critiques. Opensim marche mieux que jamais et on ne perd pas d'assets. Ne te laisses pas décourager.
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You never disappoint us.
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Only if it is free, Aeris. Wich restrict the choice quite a lot.
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Goto grid.pescadoo.net:8002:Showcase a grab your copy.
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Oniric, awesome experience. C'est top, Cherry. C'est TOP !
Merci beaucoup Jeff pour ton commentaire très motivant et encourageant! ♥
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Don't trust LLM generated code. The proposed script does not assert that item 'X' is an object nor item 'Y' is a notecard. There is no need to iterate on the inventory.

integer objectFound = llGetInventoryType (objectName) == INVENTORY_OBJECT;
integer notecardFound = llGetInventoryType (notecardName) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD;

From the LSL reference: If name does not exist, INVENTORY_NONE is returned (no errors or messages are generated), MAKING THIS FUNCTION IDEAL FOR TESTING THE EXISTENCE OF A CERTAIN ITEM IN INVENTORY (caps mine).
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Really need to change this 8 yrs old outfit.
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Rehearsal is running and our fashion director says : Nobody allowed to see our models before show day. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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OSSL are often added for a specific project or need. Then, they open new capabilities for the scripter. The all new AESEncrypt/Decrypt are (for what I understand) to support a money plugin. You can now use them to secure any kind of communication.

osParticleSystem sets an expire flag in the particle system, what doesn't do llParticleSystem. Blame the documenter, that is ourselves since documentation is a community effort.

This page may help clarify the ll/os differences, as it's sometimes cloudy.
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Manipulating inventory in child prims. For example, managing a hierarchical inventory storage (boxes of textures comes in mind, 50 boxes of 100 textures = 5000, not an easy task inside a single prim).

I don't know why they have been added specifically, but I'm sure I can put them at work. The *s family (GetInventoryNames/Keys) is a significant shift in the way we handle objects inventory. They return a list, avoiding the need to iterate.

As for the two functions in the scripts, that's a fresh proposals (MANTIS 9116). I use them to adjust the sittarget of a slightly misadjusted seat without restarting the whole process from nil.
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Super travail. Pensez juste à autoriser l'incrustation des vidéos sur des sites externes à Youtube, cette permission est fermée par défaut (Video unavailable, Watch on YouTube). Merci pour tout.
Salut Jeff, merci pour le commentaire; je vais m'informer à propos des sites externes
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Merci Kelso, merci Ladyka, Rage, Minord. Merci les organisateurs. C'était très réussi (je n'ai pas pu assister mais j'ai regardé le différé).
Salut Jeff. Merci pour le commentaire; il est très apprécié. Il y aura une autre version des vidéos d'ici quelques jours. Celui que tu as vu était une capture du streaming original, mais il y avait d'autres caméras et James va faire un montage des meilleurs points de vue pour la version finale
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You can do a quick-and-dirty Mumble-Opensim integration inviting your visitors to click on a script building an url like mumble://Avatar.Name@your.mumble.server/region_name and funnelling it to a web server. If your visitor has a Mumble client installed, it will connect to channel region_name of your Mumble server, identified by his avatar's name.
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On a eu trois générations de materials : Les horribles bump et shiny originaux. Puis les textures normales et spéculaires introduites en 2014. Enfin les PBR et les reflection probes. Ça marche sur Aditi, la grille test de Second Life. Je crois qu'OpenSim n'est pas encore prêt techniquement.
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Je confirme. Nous expliquerons le passage crucial de .NET framework 4.6 à .NET core 6 en donnant les recettes pour configurer un serveur Linux et, pour les plus aventureux, la façon de se procurer OpenSim 0.9.3 avant sa release.
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We use voice and none of us is a native english speaker. So, unfortunately, yes.
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This build is great.
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C'est avec plaisir que nous te ferons une démonstration. Notre prochain atelier est ce soir, mardi 2 mai, 7:30 PM GMT, atlasgrid.fr:8002:atlas-ecole . Nous poursuivons nos études ballistiques par un règlage continu de la hausse du canon pour mieux contrôler la ballistique. L'usage en transport consiste juste à assoir l'avatar au moment du tir, une astuce que je te t'apprendrai pas :)
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Full bright flattens all 3d and is like phosphorescent at night. It should be restricted to light-emitting objects. This is for screens, not plants. The major material revamp which is coming, a.k.a. Physically Based Rendering or PBR, should make reflective objects like metal more realistic without using full bright.
It should. In theory.

In practice, there are sim builders who are like, "It's so fucking dark here, I can't see shit, I'mma switch all this crap on full bright!"

Sure, they could install proper illumination. But full bright is quicker and easier and more convenient, they couldn't see proper shading on their toaster hardware anyway, and it saves them from having to copybot lamps from SL first (which, in turn, is quicker and easier and more convenient than looking for lamps on the Hypergrid).

Related meme: https://opensimworld.com/post/99120
Love this meme. I'm a big fan of projectors, as almost everybody has Advanced Lighting on nowadays. Even without projectors, adding point light to a scene is always a big plus, especially at night. Lights do not need to match light fixtures position. In fact, they never do. Make them transparent and move them until best illumination effect is achieved.