JasonFlux @JasonFlux

pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:FLUXANTIS Offline

Liked posts

Zoree Jupiter Live at Pangea Grid's Summer of Love Event
11:00 am
Wallraffplatz Cologne

FinjaFlux: That was a wonderful evening, in the Pangea Grid, with great people and Zoree has enchanted us once again with her wonderful voice. I am already looking forward to the next time. ♥♥♥ Das war ein wund... 2 years ago

Playing with EEP again

Luna Lunaria: I love playing with eeps 2 years ago

Friday, June 17th, 11:00 am
Remy Farman & Zoree Jupiter
Duets and Solo Performances
Pangea Grid, Live at Mangrove Cove Stage
pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002:Mangrove Cove

"Pangea lässt die Sau raus"
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
☆ Live und in Farbe anwesend: Porky Pangea Famlie
☆ 11 PDT/ 20.00 Uhr europäischer Zeit
☆ Am Musikpult Gridsau Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002: Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info: www.pangea-grid.com

"Pangea Porky-Freakout!
Friday, May 20. 2022
☆ Live and in color present: Pangea Porky Famliy.
☆ 11 PDT / 20:00 European time
☆ On the music desk Grid sow Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002: Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info: www.pangea-grid.com

Porky Party Pangea
"Pangea Porky-Freakout!
Friday, May 20. 2022
☆ Live and in color present: Pangea Porky Famliy.
☆ 11 PDT / 20.00 European time
☆ On the music desk Grid Sow :-) Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi pangeagrid.ddns.net:8002: Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info: www.pangea-grid.com
"Pangea lässt die Sau raus"
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
☆ Live und in Farbe anwesend: Ponky Pangea Famlie
☆ 11 PDT/ 20.00 Uhr europäischer Zeit
☆ Am Musikpult Gridsau :-) Marlon Wayne

Es war ein unglaublich toller Abend, magisch! Vielen Dank an alle.

It was an incredibly stunning evening, magical! Many thanks to all.

Thirza Ember: That was so much fun, I loved it. 3 years ago
****EEP SKIES HUD V2 UPDATED RELEASE **** You can now change your EEP sky (*) in your SIM with serveral nice seasonal day cycled options by a simple touch in a HUD! You just need add it to your avatar! Super easy! Nice for those who has zero skills on EEP settings or... just lazy!
Pretend you want play ur SIM as New York city RL so grab the correct HUD for it (and You will experience the same Sun position /angle, sunrise/sunset (approximated values) there! Like on RL. And many options of skies for clear day/nights, foggy, cloudy and rainy!

Available for FREE and FULL PERM at the newest BOX 08 or click teleporter and choose EEP as destination.

(*) Check to your grid manager if EEP sky is enabled;
(*) You must be SIM owner to make it work.
(*) Special thanks for Clifford (AMV Grid owner) who built this script and allowed me to share to Opensim community).
(*) Make sure ur Firestorm viewer is properly set to see EEP skies:
MENU > WORLD > ENVIRONMENT > "Used shared environment" must be selected.

Jimmy Olsen: ** EEP HUD V2 updated *** April 21th 2022 - Just fixed the SUMMER skies for LATITUDE 70 NORTH only. The others ones remain ok, if you don`t use it, update is not necessary. Thx (and sorry for the ofte... 3 years ago

The Elven Magic Hud is here. For elves everywhere in the grids, come get your copy today. If you find a bug let me know, and i'll fix it. :)

Thirza Ember: I found a bug, it's eating my roses. Let me know when you're dropping by to fix this. 3 years ago
Herzlich willkommen beim Pangea Osterhunt 2022
Es gilt 7 + 1 Ei zu finden, also eigentlich 8, aber das 8. ist ein wenig tricky ...

Welcome to our Pangea Easter Hunt 2022
There are 7 + 1 egg to find (actually 8 eggs) but the 8th one is a little bit tricky ...


Thirza Ember: You've got balls, I'll say that for ya. 3 years ago

*** WEEPING WILLOW TREES V2** Not a new release but found a better decent model, now looking more like RL - Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05.
Ps. Seasonal textures included!

Ludo Davis: Hello, I tried the V2 but in my opinion the other version look better. I'll keep the first one safe in my backup. 3 years ago

Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]

Come learn Blender one little bite at a time.
We are learning many things together, rigging, animesh, converting prims to mesh for OpenSim.
Don't be shy to ask a question or discuss a problem with Blender, bring it and we'll see if we can solve it.
I've created a YouTube channel with some of the beginner stuff the way I teach it. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IheM2z1E9P5IhT9yjjNiw/p...
Class is held almost every Wednesday at 9:30AM, you must be able to hear voice to get the instruction, a Blender screen is shared on a media prim and on a WEB page (using Screen Leap).

Koburk - Firewood Rental
As soon as it is cold outside, the firewood rental is indispensable!
Koburk -Brennholzverleih
Sobald es draußen kalt ist, ist der Brennholzverleih unverzichtbar!
