Jania Cleanslate @JaniaCleanslate


I am 13 years resident of second life and made the switch over to OS and never looked back!

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This AviTron Shop Is Great--If You Want To Pay For Stuff That Should Be Free.
CopyKat Grid is home to Grimm, where you can get the pictured outfit, and many more, free and full perm. Or you can go to this AviTron shop and pay TR$10 for the item (changed to no transfer). You can see Jimmy, owner of Grimm, still listed as the creator of the item. (Oops). The shop owner got this--free--at Grimm.

To be fair, I think about everyone has made the mistake of setting an item for sale and forgetting to change the default price of $10 to zero. But a full perm item someone else created, with the sale price already set--to $0 (https://gyazo.com/1cecf29be200eb98b2d1e2ba4f85336d)--doesn't change to a no transfer item sold for $10--unless the new owner changes it on purpose. This was no accident. And this "not an accident" happened to items from Grimm at least 20-30 times at this AviTron shop.

You will see many residents from the great grid of AviTron shopping at Grimm and the countless other quality freebe shops on the CopyKat Grid. Now I know at least one reason why. You never know what you will find on the CopyKat Grid--but one thing is sure. It's gonna be free.

Visit Grimm for your free stuff. Special sale for AviTron members--100% off of Grimm's already low low price of $0. grid.copykat.ovh:12000:Grimm

LATE EDIT: I have now looked at a random selection of other AviTron shops and find they are not charging for items. If you find any, let me know. But for now I'm changing the post to target just this one shop.

Sweetgrl: I love Grimm. 3 years ago

play-to earn crypto games

AireTenku: I prefer camping chairs. Oh ya, and taking surveys. Remember that? 3 years ago
EEP SKIES FULL COLLECTION (*) Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LAMP AREA (TP main area) for who enjoy playing with different skies!

1- Imported all old Windlight Sky set from Firestorm and changed to EEP;
2- Added also timezoned EEP for all seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter), between seasons (Spring/Summer, Summer/Autumn etc) and for each season or between seasons, all kind of days (clear, cloudy, rainy or foggy) , all ready to use!
3- Some nice textures for moon, Sun and Water included for those who like to customize the skies and give an extra touch on SIM.

(*) Make sure your grid is EEP enabled and using the latest Firestorm - unsure how and if it works on others viewers though).

Enjoy :)
More outdoor holiday decor (or indoor if you shrink them...or...have quite a large room :D).
Some Christmas balls, some plain, some say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.
They are out in the Christmas section of the shop. Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho....or is it Ha Ha Ha. Poor Santa, it looks like he tried to go down the chimney of a tiny house or possibly they fluffed the red suit too much at the cleaners; in any case, dude is stuck in the chimney. He's going to be there a while so you might as well use him as seasonal decor :D! He's in the Christmas section of the Shop, 2 versions, one with and one without snow at the base.
DJ Riker's Saturday Blues DOUBLE Showcase at Rockin' the Blues 6:00!
Where: Rockin' the Blues on Wyldwood Bayou!!
When: Tonite at 6:00! [4 Dec 2021 18:00 SLT]
DJ Riker spins the blues...all the blues, all the time! Original blues artists....blues covers...."Out of the box" blues! Old blues, new blues and blues you didn't even know were blues!! Riker loves to pull tunes out of his magic box of blues and does he ever have a big box of them! Tonite we are lucky to be able to listen to 3 hours of totally awesome, totally unexpected..totally Blues!!! Join us tonight as Riker starts your Saturday night with a BANG!!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Wyldwood Bayou

I really hate to have to do this but, I want to make it clear that my region is NOT a shopping region. Most of what is on it are builds that I have made myself though there are items that I have gotten from around Open Sim in the freebie stores. That said, let's be perfectly clear - there are malls for you to go shopping for freebies if you want, my "Home" is not a freebie shopping mall, it is a residence you are free to visit and enjoy, but after today's experience I have made everything I can "no copy". When someone visits my region and I am there and greet them and talk to them and they do not respond at all even though I send them the same greeting in their native language that is just TOTALLY RUDE. Then walk around just grabbing all the "copiable" items you can find, well I become a whole lot less accommodating and make everything no copy and it will remain so. I'm usually a very friendly person, and I love to meet new people and chat and visit and will continued to be so, however if you wish anything from my region, from now on, show some common courtesy and ASK. Thank you.

Dinkies goes Gothic, full new outfit in the store, check it out!

Romanichel Solitaire-Free/Full Perms continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry
please find this in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer.

Dinkietown arrived and has 4 shops with dresses, shoes, shirts and accesoires

Just in Time for Halloween, Scare your friends with this Creepy Build. Comes with a bloody dance floor inside the Castle lots to see in this region.
Unlike anything in Opensims..

Noodle's Garage Sale is back up .....

Blender Blast 101 w/ Gray Delwood
Where: Koryphon
When: 4 years ago [19 Jan 2021 14:00 SLT]

Back by popular demand ~ Blender Blast 101 w/ Gray Delwood

Baby steps into the world of 'hard surface modeling' with Blender v2.90.1.
3 classes (one per week) to introduce the true beginner to: 1-Interface 2-Tools and 3-Project Creation. Please have version 2.90.1 UP and running before class, able to hear voice and ready to RUMBLE!!

(This class is the same class that was presented in 2020 however repeated at the request of many who attended that very class.)
Blender is a marathon, NOT a sprint. Join us Jan 19th, 26th and Feb 2nd. at 2:00-3:30 PM

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

"Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!"
Grainger Village is back

A Colourful Explosion Of Music 50's Thu 10's With DJ Harmony & Amanda

The Spoiled Diva Freebie Store
Funny how thieves try and play victim......AquaTranquility......Of Tranquility grid you and Cris Tranquility are going down for what you have done to me. You will not continue to steal, and harass people in SL or opensim. I'm not everybody. I support my friends, mind my business and enjoy my virtual life which I have done long before you came in game. But you stole my money and inventory.....and you think I'm going to say nothing? I letting the world know about you and Cris. You not getting away with it this time.

New swimming area with lounge spots with beach feel and open water view..

New swim area pic. 2


YES. BOX #112 Arrived

Helga Socks Fatpack for Athena Now free and full perms available to all grids and freebie shops enjoy and stay safe!!!

Due to Covid- 19 The Social Mouse Will be Looking to give current residents Regions on a case by case basis - If you are interested please message me in-world - Stay Safe.

Welcome!NEW! NEW!NEW! fashionable and stylish men's clothing.


New Poster for Dominari coming soon - Since I do not support cheaters like chris mccraken. If anyone wants to be the poster person for Dominari, please let me know..


for Ladies & Men with funny sayings in English & German (suitable for Athena, Ruth 2.0, Ares, Decadence, etc.)
[ Lustige Sprüche - Shirts für o.g. Mesh Bodies ]

Another wonderful Saturday of unique Entertainment and Music at the Art Factory

Party safely in opensim!

If you are homebound due to coronavirus, stay safe and have fun in the virtual worlds. Many places to party in opensim, and they are all 100% safe!

What viewer are you using?

  • Firestorm
  • Singularity
  • Alchemy
  • Other (specify in comments)
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Electrify your farm! I've just released the new Wind Power extension:
* Generate power with wind turbines to create a region wide power grid.
* Electric pump system with new water towers - one pump feeds all water towers.
* Power your kitchen oven with electricity.
* Electric Swan vehicle.
* Supports Multilingual & updater-box systems.
And more...!
All at worlds.quintonia.net:8002