James_JR @James_JR

AviWorlds, Russel Cay Offline

Outdoorsman living in a grid. lol

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

I am an outdoorsman. I like fishing, hiking, climbing and exploring when I am outside my home and I like playing in the grids and watching a movie or playing GTA5 online with my sisters when I am inside.

My Interests

Building a park for everyone to enjoy at Russel Cay in AviWorlds
If you go there, everything is free so please, no tips.
Adult sim with adult situations.
Please, no child AVs

Favorite Quote

The best way to have a private real life is to not tell anything about it in a grid.

Music I Like

some rock from the 60s, some jazz from the 50s, some big band and some pop. It all depends on my mood as to what I want to hear. lol

Films I Like

fantasies, happy endings, magic or wizardry, chick flicks.
Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Twightlight Saga, Christmas Switch, Leverage, The Bureau of Magical things, A Christmas Prince, Christmas Chronicles, ... you get the idea. :)

Books I Like

The books are ALWAYS better than the movies. These I have read all the way through many times: All Harry Potter books, LoTR, Twighlight Forever, as well as some history books and one about Admiral Byrd. (I met and became friends with Admiral Byrd's 1st Mate when I was a teenqager so I found that very intreresting since his 1st mate told me many stroeies from back in the day.

My Heroes

Capt. John Walberg, Robin Williams, My RL sister and Kyra (Kimie Tsukakoshi) for chamioning being the most honest person in TV series of, The Bureau of Magical Things.

OpenSimulator Version Yeti Release (win/.net)

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.4.12


10 Commadore 64s hooked up in series with duct tape and bailing wire holding them together.

My Regions

This member has no regions yet
