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JFlame @JFlame


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World Bee Day is also a campaign to save the bee population. Recent research shows that the bee population is in danger, and immediate action is required to prevent further declines in the bee population.
World Bee Day – May 20, 2023 - National Day Today

SheaButter: No MOw MAY..Let your dandelions and flowered weeds grow! 2 years ago

Some new creations @ VallandShop
This time a Nice gong :)

FREE LAND -- as usual!
Update: We have five parcels in Stardew ready. (next sim over part of the continent project) Self serve, just click the mailbox and delete the available sign. All of the parcels are waterfront with street frontage. Lot E is a bit smaller and has the most streetfrontage, would be good for a service station, small marina, gift shop, grocery store, restaurant, or small retail. All free!
Thank you to everyone who so far has stepped in to help with the continent project. I will be parceling later today in Stardew. There will be nice waterfront parcels .
Parcels are homestead sized - 12K meters and up and they are flat. They are suitable for a home site. You will own the land so you can change the name of the parcel and set home. And its free.
You are allowed to fence your property if need be, but no ban lines please. Lets keep these areas semi public, semi private.
Look for the available signs in Stardew to claim a parcel.

Sometimes we get gifts, like this lovely image, from someone I just saw on landing point. Thank you!

The Region Status shows Offline, but its Online and with visitors time to time.
So if you want to visit, please go :)

Jupiter Rowland: Is there a writing above the beacon that says it has to be re-initialised? If yes, do so. If not, I don't know how old your beacon is and whether Satyr has changed something on OSW that broke compati... 3 years ago
Dan Sings Tonight at 6pm Grid time at Gators, 3rd Life Grid

Exposure to all kinds of music, from gospel to bluegrass, rock and pop as a child has made Dan the diverse singer that he is today..

He rocks with the best, shares his soul with country and has been known to have a sexy raspy song here and there.

According to Dan, music is a window to the soul conveying feelings as well as lyrical and musical information. He does his best to feel a song as he sings, and hopes to pass it on to his audience. If you feel it, and enjoy his performance, then he feels he has succeeded.

Surfing Contest
Where: Spirit Rock Ranch
When: 3 years ago [2 Jul 2022 09:30 SLT]

Start your weekend with an adventure!
This week we will have a surf contest with caxh prizes in Gloebits for first and second place. You will be judged for how you attack the wave, length of ride, carving turns, use of the wave, doing tricks, catching air and several other techniques.
A different adventure every Saturday morning, archery, surfing, sailing, BIG GAME hunting, horses back riding, kayaking and more!