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JFlame @JFlame


Love to comment. ; D

Question: Does anyone know the address or the name of the Region that had stuff made by R. Lion ? I needed a copy of a skybox I got there and went to get another but could not find the store listed any more, at least as best as I could search for it. He had really amazing stuff...It was there a couple of months ago. Any help would be soooo apreciated. xoxox
Just a note about "Whispering Oaks". As I do I was looking for new destinations and chose "Whispering Oaks".. I landed there and was not able to move around the area much... I started looking online for another destination on to go to and had trouble connecting to the next place. I came back to my awareness of where I was and found these remarks. 'This is the beginning of the conversation. I had never been there before and didn't know the person who was IM ing me. "[21:59] KrisTina Resident: welcome :)
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: erm?
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: may I help you?
[22:01] KrisTina Resident: LOL!
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: finally get a clue?
[22:02] J Flame: pardon?
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: did you need something?
[22:02] J Flame: get a clue about waht?
[22:02] J Flame: what
[22:02] KrisTina Resident: ?
[22:03] J Flame: I came to look at the place for a moment...what do you mean by finally get a clue?
[22:03] J Flame: about what?
[22:03] KrisTina Resident: I am joking :)
[22:03] J Flame: no you were not
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: yep :)
[22:04] J Flame: are you the welcoming committee
[22:04] J Flame: ?
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: the point being you was there silent for a peroid of time
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: i own this place!
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: welcoming???
[22:04] KrisTina Resident: I own it!
[22:04] J Flame: and its open to the public ?
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: yes?!
[22:05] J Flame: or is there a mistake in the listing?
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: 99% of OS people come to copy shit
[22:05] KrisTina Resident: sorry not a store
[22:05] J Flame: No idea what people do
[22:06] J Flame: well its been an experience
[22:07] KrisTina Resident: it's rather odd how people "oddly" bob up and down in silence when they land is all LOL
[22:07] J Flame: I was tryihng to connecdt to another gird
[22:07] J Flame: connect
[22:07] KrisTina Resident: what one was you have issues with?
[22:08] J Flame: I don't have issues
[22:08] J Flame: nite
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: LOL!
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: yes you do and rang ip banned
[22:08] J Flame: no idea
[22:08] J Flame: have fun
[22:08] J Flame: maybe change your ad
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: nope!
[22:08] KrisTina Resident: why? lol
[22:09] KrisTina Resident: because you land and creep?
[22:09] KrisTina Resident: creeper"
and that is my experience at Whispering Oaks. THe worst experience I have had on OS since the day I arrived. I do not recommend this place ...obviously. I couldnt review it because this angry avatar actually banned me for bobbing up and down ..the place is public so no idea what the issue was. I had been alone in the area and had done nothing except look around. Hope things get better than this tomorrow