Isaac Wild @IsaacWild Offline

I am openminded and like good conversations also a good role play

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself


OpenSimulator Version

Our Grid runs under OS, at time self hosted

Viewer Version

Mostly Firestorm for OS


HPE ML 350, 2 CPU, 256GB RAM, SSD HDD´s

My Regions

2 0 0 Users
Part of the Wild Grid, where slaves run our farm which currently specializes in agricultural production. Implemented Weather System Recommendation: Advanced Lighting / Shared Environment, some PBR. For graphic cards under 8GB VRAM, it is recommended to use the view range below 100m.
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2 0 0 Users
Entry point for our Grid, the Wild Family, we are an adult 18+ area and use slaves to run our farm. The grid is currently under construction. Recommendation: Advanced Lighting / Shared Environment, some PBR. For graphic cards under 8GB VRAM, it is recommended to use the view range below 100m.
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