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Iris Dolphin @Iris_Dolphin

http://www.dolfinsdream.ddns.net:8002 Offline

Simple girl loving the HG life..

This is Hummingbirds_OSG The region is an amusment Park with lots of rides. there is also a Hummingbirds Shop on the sim. there is a few shops people can ask for to show and sell their wares for $0 All you have to do is send Iris Dolphin a note of Request.
3 Year annivershery of Warthogs passing
Where: Anawigi1
When: 4 years ago [7 Oct 2020 01:00 SLT]

Come visit the Gardens on your own. there is no need to have a chaperone. Place a note in the mailbox and I will make you a memorial upside-down pot. or get your own gravesite..
Happy visiting.. stop by Warthogs grave and say hello.. He is always with me..

Bring your boat and come sail away to other lands..

Thank you for visiting.. it is wonderful to have you stop by.. please enjoy yourself.. Region cleans every 12 hours. Be sure to use the teleport system and go visit other areas on Dolfins Dream World