Team Infiniti @InfinitiGrid


We are a donation only Hobby Grid with both HG and Gloebits enabled. We offerprivate and mainland regions as well as mainland parcels along with Satyr Farm parcels. We have a learning center with permission to host a new version of the Ivory Tower of Prims as well as our version of a build for the Particle Lab. Please visit our web page for more in depth information and we hope you come and explore our grid and maybe Set Home Here.

Joined 6 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

Infiniti Park
0 0 Park 0 Users
Please note that this is a work in progress for landscaping but our Learning Center is done and open for visitors. Learn about Particle Scripts, how to build with prims, editing terrain and more.
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IG Satyr Farm
3 3 Satyr Farm 0 Users
4x4 VAR region hosting the Infiniti Grid: Evolution Satyr Farm. Join the group to work the farm. You can also use either an Infiniti Account or a HG account to access a parcel for your own farming needs. (landscaping work in progress).
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