Hyacinth @Hyacinth

New Hampshire Offline

All the negativity got to me, and I deleted my old account. OpenSim is precious to me. Trying to spend my time doing something positive here.


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We get quite a few 2.0 - 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in New Hampshire per year, and all around New England. There was a 5.6 in 1940.. and in the past there were several 6.5 earthquakes. The Pilgrims recorded one in 1638, which was estimated at 6.5, and the Cape Ann earthquake which occurred offshore, and destroyed much of Boston's waterfront. Before white settlers arrived, some Native American tribes attributed the very common seismic activity to the powerful Manitou, Hobbamock stamping his feet in anger. There is a sleeping giant mountain in Connecticut that is said to be Hobbamock sent to sleep, to keep him out of mischief.

We have likely just been in a quiet period, the Northeast has historically been pretty active. Perhaps Hobbomock is waking. :)
Could be we were in a quiet period they say at least 180 years for NY anyway. Just glad it's quiet for now. When you aren't used to the earth moving kinda throws you off track. But I do follow a few seismologists since about 2019 when my son moved to Japan. He's gotten used to the quakes and tremors now, his mama? Not so much hahaha. They track seismic activity around the globe and have been spot on with their predictions since I've started following them. They did give us a heads up about these two quakes we had yesterday. So I was kinda ready but not if you know what i mean LOL.
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I love that castle. They actually used the same model from Sketchfab in the Blue Eye Samurai series too :)
Yes, I found this at Sketchfab (https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/japan-castle-74ba809fd7334...) I love it too. We also purchased kits to use beautiful buildings it will take some time to get them inworld, I am just learning how to, so this is a work in progress. Shogun series is out on FX and it is so inspiring for building this.
Shogun is SO good! I can see how it would be inspiring. Thank you for sharing that link and good luck on those buildings!
Thank you Soda! It has to do with cutting the roof to bring in parts, utilizing a script that reduces vertices something like that, Ferd explained it I have yet to dive in and try it I have been so busy with all the other fun details like clothes, shoes and landscaping lol
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I finally pulled the plug on SL a few weeks ago. I have a few friends there, and a church community that I have been a member of for 15+ years. Other than that, the place really held little interest for me. It didn't take much of a nudge to get me out of there. The activities mentioned in the article were not all that shocking. That stuff has been happening for years. In OpenSim, we are a lot more empowered to decide what kind of world we want to build and live in. In SL, the cost is prohibitive, most things are strictly controlled, but the rules obviously don't apply to everyone. Our church community there pays almost as much as our RL mortgage payment for two sims there that they have little control of, it is crazy.

I work full time at a pretty brutal job. I only have so many hours. I'd rather spend my time working on our own little relatively happy, peaceful corner of the world. I hope more people come to a similar decision.
In Opensim like SL, it is the Grid owners and Admins that are empowered, not so much the residents. Opensim at least though allows anyone to create their own grid.
Our residents that own regions have way more power than people who spend $240/mo or so for a single 256m sim, and are a slightly glorified 65536m parcel owner. :)
Indeed! That shows you how bad the SL system for land ownership has become. Sure, land rental in SL comes with many more assets that OS does not... cloud systems, enhanced lighting and you can actually get an IM to someone on the other end of the map, but even that stuff does not come close to justifying the HUGE gouging that is going on. The pricetag is so high in SL, that anything not purely prophet drive, (Like your wonderful church for example!) Are nearly impossible to accomplish in SL
I'm not quite sure what you mean. At least on our grid, we have all those features (other than their marketplace and economy). If anything we are technologically superior. I always felt like I'd been wandering around in a dirty, decaying wasteland where nothing works, in SL... and logging back in to OpenSim is like coming home to Wakanda. lol Generally when any new features are implemented in SL, it takes them years and years to roll out. And it takes us about 3-6 months to catch up and implement the new features here, and they just wind up working better on our end.

The church idea... I am actually emulating what we currently have in SL. They have two full regions out in the middle of the ocean, that cost close to $600/mo. About half my RL mortgage. About 10 or 15% of the time, one of their regions is down, or causing problems for the other one. Unless you are a single, isolated sim in SL, that is usually the case.

The church area that I created on our grid is 54 SL sized regions in land area, and surrounded by a HUGE mainland. You can sail a boat or take a train ride from there and travel and explore for hours without really hitting a snag. That is possible on the mainland in SL, but it's definitely not much fun. There are ban lines and regions down everywhere, all around you.

As far as the sheer numbers of people, and the old real estate adage "location, location, location!". At least as far as the church community goes, that has not been the case. Wayyyyy back in the day, when SL was hot, and had a lot of excited people. We would get a lot of new traffic. For the past 10 years, every weekly service, we might see one or two new faces. And they were usually a griefer. lol We would gain maybe one or two interested members per year. So for a project like this. SL literally has no advantage whatsoever. In OpenSim we can attract a lot of new people, and just have a much nicer, bigger, lag free and less distracting environment. That whole 54 region area... costs me maybe like $3 or $4 to host. It is nothing. It is as close to free as you can get. :)
I hope you are correct because that sounds amazing! Being fairly new here, I did not think OS was capable of Physically Based Lighting yet, so I am glad to hear that it is! I will have to get on my landlord because he seems to be dropping the ball because I do not have it. Not to mention that sending an IM to a person who is offline, or who is standing on another grid is a 60/40 chance of success for me. Again, being new, I was unaware of an in-world currency that we can transfer into RL currently. All I have been able to use are the Gold Coins which, let's face it, have no actual value attached to them. (not to mention I have to empty my trash folder almost every day and I thought it was because a lot of my inventory was saved on my PC instead of server side!) Wakanda Forever! Woot!

Also, I am sorry to here that the visitors you were getting at your church were griefers. I would think that would take a special kind of soulless bottom dweller to commit such an act, but I guess they are out there. As a minister of the Universal Life church myself, I am glad you have not let it stop you!
That's true but on that grid people are paying for continued development, long term backup, consistency and a support staff that in theory at least stages events, polices the grid, and handles the economy for micro payments. If we had all those services here we would need to be paying more then we do.
Sorry Arielle, their "Support Staff" is pretty much non-existent. I had only seen a blue dot 2 times in 15 years. The only time it was "Policed" was the day they banned me for defending myself against being attacked by 20+ insane uneducated political activists who read my profile and found me in an empty sim cleaning my inventory and felt the need to attack me for existing. But I was banned by the "police" because the attackers were losing their argument and particle/push/verbal attacks.

As for that economy. When they forced everyone to use "TIllia" it became a dictatorship. Even though I would not use PayPal now anymore because of their donating to racist BLM, I have an account since 2001. To force me to use DIE Affirmative Action activist Venmo, is dictatorial and a reason I stopped doing business activities in SL.

Long term backup? that's a joke. Continued development? Like having the whole grid crippled for a year to implement "mesh"?

Staging events that I refuse to be a part of like Doctors Without Borders? A political activist NGO funded entirely by George Soros, poster child of Anti-Capitalism and America who made his millions in the currency market in New York City to make himself a billionaire but wants you to suffer and stay poor? No thanks, and fuck the Breast Cancer bullshit crowd who never actually provides money to breast cancer victims and gives the money to execs, rehashes it to pay for more events to raise money to pay for the fees of the next event?

Consistency? The only consistent thing on SL is that there will always be stupid noobs who are easily offended. Idiots with emotional and mental baggage. Finally the most consistent thing on SL, Griefers.

SL is a self-righteous, virtue signalling, political activist and toxic pile of garbage that should die a slow painful death in the annals of business history.
Wow. I had been there 16 years and was not aware of that. I had no idea it was so awesome. lol
Yah I think we forget sometimes what it would really cost if we had all the services they have there ;)
On a happier note. Because I will no longer be attending our church services on Thursday nights in SL, and will miss them terribly, I decided to do my own thing here. Starting April 3rd, every other Wednesday night, we'll be doing some church services.. usually just kind of vaguely spiritual, or about cool nerdy stuff. Just trying to keep it uplifting and groovy. I'll post details over the weekend. Everyone is welcome, but we're all woke libtards, so a trigger warning for certain people is probably in order. lol
April 17th the service will be about "Women in Astrophysics", and their amazing work and struggles in a male-dominated field from 1925 to present. Sounds strange for a church service, but we are Unitarian Universalists. This is fairly typical subject matter. Quite a few of my friends from SL have already signed up on our OpenSim grid, and have helped a bit, I think they just need to see me follow through, and not flake on this. :)
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A couple of years ago, I read a paper by Roger Penrose laying out the case for a cyclical universe in which there is constant expansion and contraction. Which means after the universe is pretty much cold and dead after trillions of years, it collapses and expands again, recycling itself. It made for some pretty dry reading, but the concept is beautiful. :)
heh, but this still seems stuck with the idea that there is an expansion of space of some kind. I have found no observable evidence that shows space to expand. And so, my notion is that what we see is what has always been.
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It is one of those projects that is never finished. I am not sure when I will work on the surfboards again. We are working on a huge railroad now, that is taking up what little free time i have. :)
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Having your own grid makes a big difference. I think we got GroovyVerse right. We'll never be up in the arms race for most registered users, or be party-central, etc.. But we just have really good, creative people. Our active user base is sort just right. Where we are busy, but we can take time and make sure people's needs are met. I hope no one feels lonely there, we try pretty hard to let people know they are valued. But I think you're on the right track with Caribou grid. :)
Look at SL. You can be surrounded by zillions of people online, and utterly alone without a soul to talk to. You can just disappear one day, and no one will know you're gone. What few friends you have are fleeting, or always have their head up their ass doing their RP stuff. lol That is an absolutely wretched existence.
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I should add too, men are absolute welcome as well if they are respectful and have a sincere interest. :)