Hyacinth @Hyacinth

New Hampshire Online

A person of note at GroovyVerse.


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Well what I mean is. We are like digital indigenous people in OpenSim. And we make things with our own hands, and don't just rip the commercial mass-produced stuff.
Not to make light of a serious RL thing. But they are like our version of colonizers. :)
Yes now I see what you mean, we are very much like that. The pioneers of opensim came with nothing. I had notes of permissions to use SL items, that had 20 or more SL creators who gave me permission but it cost on some license 15k what I could not bring in licensed I made from scratch my favorite piece was a qtip for my medical center. I have made so many simple but cool things.
I have accepted as a fact of life, that there is stuff from SL here. But things made here are special because love is put into it. I am learning to make RL wampum (shell) jewelry in RL. You can bang out wampum pieces with mass-produced, dyed glass beads in no time. But a REAL wampum bead from a shell .. every one is unique, special and has it's own life. It actualy CAME FROM LIFE! So obviously, if you receive a necklace made from glass beads. It is a $20 Amazon thing, one made by hand, with love, and tells a story, and is a thing beyond price. So that is a comparison I will make of SL things, and opensim made things. The things we make, even if others think it is "crap" or ugly, or whatever. It is something with life, that you put your love into. It is priceless and sacred.
Thank you I feel exactly that too, very nicely written ๐Ÿ’—
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I will make a stand-alone copy of it today, as well as the little coffee givers. The photo jar in our club will eventually share photos to our grid's website. It is in the club where we will be having our weekly parties soon
Excellent! Thank you. ๐Ÿ’—
I have to figure out the correct permissions too. I think the item needs to be locked, and I have to make sure it still works in that state. Otherwise the jar owner drags snapshots to it and it just changes the texture of the jar. haha
I have a mailbox script that I use that adds notes or images to contents without changing the prim texture.
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Look at that dude's avatar. He doesn't have a stitch of anything that wasn't ripped from SL. He is not qualified to critique you.
He complained about the metal shine, he wasn't rezzed at my store his avatar was gray not fully loaded and was judging quality ya cannot do that not fully rezzed that is an indication is you. After a few minutes he said oh now it is more shiny metal it needed time to load. He took four material packs and lots of jewelry :)
Yet he still needed to publically mansplain shame his beef with your tiara...lol
First mistake in the mansplaining is it is a circlet he was critiquing it as a tiara calling it a gothic gate,
yes the circlet which is different from a tiara both are beautiful headpieces, but they carry distinct vibesโ€”tiaras exude elegance and sophistication, while circlets evoke history and mysticism. So my circlet being a gothic gate does evoke history and mysticism eh?
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Joined! :D .
Thank you!! You have the best crap in the metaverse I was so hoping you would join! ๐Ÿ’—
Yeah I am proud of my crap, thank you :)
I love it too, your mesh avatars I still have as my default grid avs, I love her! ๐Ÿ’— and then all the surfing you fine tuned I am now surfing!! Thank you Hyacinth ๐Ÿ’—
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I am getting the same error as well
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Blessed belated Yule :) .
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Merry Christmas! *hugs*
Thank you Hyacinthe without you. Nothing would be possible.
Merry Christmas!
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I tried from GroovyVerse and got "destination does not allow visitors from your world" I also got it when trying to teleport to grid.avatarlife.com:8002 which I presume is the Welcome region. So the problem might be grid-wide.
That's because Avatar Life is only connected to the Hypergrid outbound. Avatar Life avatars can go just about everywhere, but no-one from outside is allowed in. Still, OSW has no rule against advertising sims on grids with only half a Hypergrid connection.
What's the point of being on OSW then?
Advertising for the grid, I guess. Trying to get people to register avatars there.
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This is actually something I have intimate knowledge how to make. I learned when I was a little kid. The ball is made from the knot of a tree, and is quite hard and heavy. An alternate design has a knapped blade sticking out of the top side, so you can brain your enemy with one stroke, then flip it and disembowl them with the second stroke. Arts and crafts for a 9 year old. haha
Otherwise, GroovyVerse really is all about peace and love and relaxing. lol
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That's what the triangles are. lol
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Yep! I've actually camped in one that I made in RL, in the middle of January one time. We survived just fine. I am part Mi'kmaq though... I might have the northern-canada genetics for it. hehe
You must do! Being Aussie id probably freeze
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That's a funny pic. :D I see the virtual world as the opposite of that. We are young on the inside, old and beat up on the outside. haha
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There is more native clothing coming. I am going to kidnap everyone into the tribe. lol
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This is the first time my avatar has had flat feet in 18 years. They went crunch crunch like in the Barbie movie. lol
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Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss. *hugs*
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I am sure it will pass. :)
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You can visit groovyverse.com:8002:welcome and all those wilderness regions are due north, close by on the map. We are still working on it, so I haven't set up a landing point or a beacon yet. Over the winter, we are going to make it an educational project, with displays on how things were made, info on pre-contact everyday life... Learning Algonquin language resources.. It is a fun project :)
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Thanks! I am known far and wide for my moodiness. It pervades all spheres of reality. lol
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The robot vacuum has an ion thruster upgrade like the Daleks.