Hyacinth @Hyacinth

New Hampshire Online

A person of note at GroovyVerse.


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That's Tony Levin from King Crimson! Groovy :) My RL Partner sang on a couple of prog rock albums with him.
Yay, King Crimson performing at the Alabamahalle in Munich, Germany on the 29th September, 1982. I love it so mutch.
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Another great tool. Unreal Heightmap. You can specify the image size to match your region: 256, 512, 1924, etc.. and they work great with OpenSim.

This one is centered on New Brunswick Canada, because they have a lot of pretty rivers, valleys and coastline. But you can center it on anyplace on the planet.

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It's aspirational. A daily struggle. lol
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There's more! In the legend there is a giant beaver he does battle with. Hobomock vs Beev-zilla!!!
Wait so earthquakes and floods!
And giant beavers that get beheaded and the head and guts turn into mountains. On cold winter's nights, when the moon is full in the Pocumtuk Valley, you can hear the Great Beaver screaming like godzilla.
Sounds like a Dam full of fun!
Dam skippy!
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*hugs* That happens to us every 6 months or so. Our SSD drives really take a beating. They live fast and die young. I make daily and other periodic backups to several mechanical drives. Don't worry about the trolls. I just read a french book La Mariecomo. It's about a powerful witch that works to make life good, and the weather fair for farmers and fishermen, etc.. And everywhere she travels, no one knows who she is, what she does for them, and they are mean to her. But she knows who she is, and is happy and free, and keeps going. The stupid little people are to be pitied and cared for anyway. Such is the lot of magicians in that world and this world. lol
This sounds like an interesting story! There are themes like that within the heroic story arc in The Expanse and Babylon 5 as well. The ultimate hero: someone who sacrifices themselves for the betterment of others and not only receives no recognition for it, but is villainized for their efforts. It's a bittersweet tale.
I wish I could be more help with the SSD. Unfortunately, in my experience, we are just screwed lol. But dealing with unpleasant people is an ongoing battle. :)
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I finished reading the book. It was wonderful, but I don't think many other people would understand it. :)
I wrote an amazing, scholarly article on the whole odyssey, if anyone cares. :)

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Wow. I have it all translated. Many of the words are unique dialect, or possibly Mi'kmaq or a mash-mash. I am 1/3 of the way through reading it carefully. This is quite a story. Very irreverent. And it explains a lot about my family. :D haha
Hyacinth, As I am currently working at getting the French Lyric from Fayo, as discussed, I would appreciate if you could share your French version, the one that you used for your translation. I would be as well interested to see the translation. I would then know if there is a need or not to further invest efforts on this.
I will message you, with what I have.
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I am about 20% into it. I am OCR'ing the pages, translating them with google, and pasting the english text to a file.. reading it as I go. So far the people in the book sound like my family. French despair and depression peppered with raunchy humor and fart jokes. lol
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oooh! Thank you! This will take some time to read, I need to learn french now. lol I can understand a little, and some place names :)
maybe open it in Google translate? it does websites, too
AhAh, I doubt that Google will be able to translate it. Truly. Google will not be able to digest the dialect.

Just one example of words that you can find in the roman of R. Brun. Yenche : the orthographe is an attempt to translate what is said phonetically. It means : «rien que », depending of context it could be translated in English by « only that » or simply « only »
I read 40 pages before I figured out what Coq-a-Chien means. lol
Yep, many characters have uncommon nicknames :)
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I think demanding any kind of exceptional moral purity would be beyond the scope of this project. This would be distributing single notecards, not all of the associated assets. The assets are already present on all of our grids, because we are connected to HG and our visitors (and residents) bring them.

And the original NPC's in our dance machines are loaded up with all kinds of copybot stuff too. Just really old copybot stuff.
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Thank you everyone that came today!
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That's awesome! Maybe we could split them up too into different genres, like formal dress, fantasy, sci-fi, beach casual, etc.
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Sending my love and prayers of healing to Verna!
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I got a really ecclectic mix set up for the first show. I even found a french song about La Mariecomo. An Acadian witch, that I imagine to be one of my ancestors. haha
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I am glad to see you back Cyber. *hugs*
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Rockin the gray!
salt and pepper
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I just purchased it! It is gorgeous!
Thank you Hyacinth :-)
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I had that same exact computer case years ago :)
Mine was Hewlett Packard lol
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the hop link needs a %20 in place of the space. Otherwise they just go to "Dingleberry", which is a very serious, upstanding and proper region. :)