Hyacinth @Hyacinth

New Hampshire Online

A person of note at GroovyVerse.

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Hyacinth: That's Tony Levin from King Crimson! Groovy :) My RL Partner sang on a couple of prog rock albums with him. 4 hours ago
Two new Tea Houses are now available at the Emporium. Each structure is a mix of prim and mesh and is finished with both PBR and standard textures. Each Tea House comes with a Tea Set Seating Group, working doors, and lighting controls for the interior and exterior. Each structure is about 360 prims, fits a 27M x 27M base area, and has modify and copy permissions. Matching garden pagodas are on display there as well and are also available.

In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area that you can walk through. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Coming up next, I will be working on a temple and a shrine, followed by a more opulent home, and finally a castle. I will eventually wrap up this style with multiple accessories.

Wolf Territories Grid: Ooh another castle for my collection. 5 days ago
The old sofa looks very beautiful when I used PBR material brown leather on it, also I changed the material of the wood and gave the cushions an elegant look with the help of silver fabric material. If anyone needs this sofa, please contact me. Also in my residence there are many more interesting PBR furniture. Сome and see, the photo does not convey this amazing view. My entire residence is 60% PBR

RemmyRavenhurst: Good Texturing really does make a difference. Well done looks beautiful. 12 days ago
NEW Building By Numbers - Mesh Building Supplies, doors, Windows, Roofs, Fences, Columns, Arches, Domes, Decorative meshes & So Much More! Located on the "By Numbers" region at Alternate Metaverse Grid next to Cats Meow - His & Her Fashions & Textures By Numbers

Builders Mesh, Building, Building Supplies, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Rails, Gates & Fences, Arches, Roofs, Decorative mesh, fancy architectual decor, moldings, , floors, walls, textures

Born to be wild. :-)

This is now starting my 15th year of trying to improve Opensim with the DreamWorld and DreamGrid systems. I haven't done an OSCC talk for several years so I thought I'd give a quick review of some Opensim stats that I track. This data is based on anonymous data from the DNS servers ns1.outworldz.com and ns2.outworldz.com and the publicity checkbox, which generates XML for the https://outworldz.com/search function. I am also able to count some stats from known 'other' grids via a web crawler that runs hourly scans.

There are now 259 free OARs, and that includes 63 exclusive regions for DreamGrid owners. I licensed these from the creators, and collections are copyrightable. The most popular Public OARS are at https://outworldz.com/cgi/freesculpts.plx?q=OAR- and sorted by popularity are IARS at https://outworldz.com/cgi/freesculpts.plx?q=IAR- I have many more to upload still.

I do not have access to any of your assets, backups, OARS, IARS, or any personal data. My servers periodically crawl the web looking for Opensim servers from publicly available sources such as my visitor lists, the data I publish and from Hypergrid Business.

DreamGrid goes back to 2011, when it was called DreamWorld. I didn't always track much back then and periodically flushed the database. Since 2018 (6 years) , there have been 5,180 distinct DreamGrid instances. People created 12,280 different grids with it. and 3,378 were online in 2024. In that same time period of six years, I've located 2,935 standard grids. In 2024 alone, there were 2,762 unique DreamGrids online.

Sl has 18,326 private estates, which are equivalent to the 12,334 regions in Dreamgrid. However, we have much larger regions, the equivalent of 73,341 SL regions. An SL region costs $349 to set up, and $209 a month to rent (not own). The first year, one region costs $2,857, the second year $2508.

When you compare DreamGrid with the SL private estates, we've collectively saved $209,535,237 in the first year, and $183,939,228 per year after that.

~ Fred

Racci: Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share ... 18 days ago
Carry the spirit of the bee—a symbol of perseverance, community, and the golden beauty of nature. Let this pendant inspire you to shine brightly, work diligently, and savor the sweetness of life. three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Hola. ¿Cuando abren la tienda? Saludos 19 days ago

📝 Those Beautiful Times

Text: Those Beautiful Times Those were the beautiful times, when we filled the streets with life. With guitars strumming under starlit skies, the dream of freedom lit up our eyes. We went to...

JimJim Falls

Just added an island set with lil church and reception area.

'...And ye shall be free from slavery. And as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy upon Earth, for my law is love unto all beings...'

'...At mine altars the youth of Lacedemon in Sparta made due sacrifice...'

"From wobbly tables to slightly-off wall clocks" Here is one of each and there are a few more clocks in the area too.

groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump

John Sheppard: Anyone have alarm clocks? Digital? I'm making a hotel room mockup, ala Supernatural... 1 month ago
Do you have a web page or blog? Want people to actually log into your home world?

Add a link like this: secondlife:///app/gridmanager/addgrid/http%3A%2F%2Foutworldz.com%3A9000

Like this: secondlife:///app/gridmanager/addgrid/http%3A%2F%2F[YOURRGRID]%3A[YOURPORT] You must escape spaces with %20.

this crap is actually fun for some people or so I was told, the "nuke grid" button.

Frank Hurt: hahahaha, that's awesome! "Not only will it kill you, it will hurt the whole time you're dying." 1 month ago

somes AI generated craps ...

"Almost Works" Toaster. Just had a bit of a burning problem.

"Toaster" (https://skfb.ly/o8oHH) by Anselnick is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Flames and smoke from various old places in the OpenSim early days.

Available at: groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump

Marianna : ahahaahahaahahaaa omg you guys are priceless I adore you! 1 month ago
Little Pooper!! He is @ Dingleberry Dump!
Twisted Dog Poop Balloon
Royalty Free
royalty free license
This license protects the work in the way that it allows commercial use without mentioning the author, but doesn't allow for re-sale of the asset in the same form (eg. a 3D model sold as a 3D model or part of assetpack or game level on a marketplace).

creator Mojo

JamieWright: LOL I'm loving the dog poop collaboration vibes:) 1 month ago

An even crappier version of the potato masher is available at the Dingleberry Dump! You need to dig through the trash for the rusted broken version:)

groovyverse.com:8002:Dingleberry Dump

if you're interested and if I'm in the right group I can play my shitty music for you Hugz

Years of research.. numerous hours.. blood, sweat, tears but.. it's finally here: the Creator's Starter Pack. For everyone who wants to start creating poor, er even: high quality crap. It can be modified into any shape, hold any texture (several even!) and be tinted any color you like. Unlimited availability and you don't even have to come and pick it up. Just rightclick the floor in an area where you have rezzing rights, choose "create" from the pie menu, click the floor again and it will magically be delivered to you, wherever you are. Available in multipe shapes, no scripts, no lag, very low complexity (only 1 Li!). So stop moaning about other people's creations and start creating your own, this starter pack is all you need and it's completely free. Brought to you by Poor Quality Crap!

JamieWright: Classic:) 1 month ago

here is some of my crap. the table, and the crappy seating (not the greedy part)

JamieWright: This is fantastic. I love the textures! 1 month ago
Howdy Folks!
With the new year, the buffaloes have returned to Fort Sand!
We wish you a 2025 full of happiness, health, love and peace!
Mitakuye Oyasin!

Visit Fort Sand!
Here ist Your Stagecoach: hop://moonrose-grid.de:8002/Yggdrasil/89/36/1003

Season's greeding !

Dabici132: Hi Jamie, I will try to visit later today and tried to figure out how I can had a panel in our Travel Agency 2 months ago

The Rainbow Bakery is well stocked for the holidays.

While most of us associate PBR only with mirrors and shiny metals, there is a lot more to it since all surfaces benefit from it. The top pic here shows the room with the old standard (blinn phong) textures and materials taken using the FS 6.6.17 viewer, while the bottom pic shows the same room with all pbr textures taken using the FS 7.1.11 viewer. Note that you can add both texture sets to a surface so that any viewer can see something. Also note that there is a reflection probe filling this room that prevents the blue light outside from seeping in (a current known bug being investigated).

Saturation, lighting, and detail are significantly improved across the board when all surfaces are pbr, which is what Physically Based Rendering was designed to do: to more accurately capture the interplay of light on various surfaces. For those wondering about how performance was affected, these were taken using my 8 year old desktop that has a GTX 1070 graphics card. I was at 40 fps on ultra graphics, but you don't need to set the graphics that high to get this look. That's because the new viewer is more efficient since it uses more of your computer's available resources.

Jerralyn Franzic: I can get enough of this look shown here, even with all of the shaders turned off and PBR settings at minimum. For shinier things I do need to set PBR a bit higher than minimum, but it doesn't affect ... 2 months ago

Passion Jumanji: I have these trees from Luna's Store :D I love them :D I see there are more there that I want now :D Hehe :D 2 months ago

Thank you for the beautiful Advent reading. :-)

EEP Mesh art

This month's OSWF meeting is on Saturday, Oct. 26th at 12pm noon PDT (grid time). It will be held in the dome next to the landing area.

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/998/983/24

IM Koshari Mahana, Kimm Starr or Cooper Swizzle if you want us to send you a LM

Hope you can make it!
Thanks to all the Opensim people who participate in the gallery on Flickr, this gallery is now also present in the Bluebay café in the region: Nadejdae

TP to the gallery is indicated at the entrance

ps: please let me know if you have any objection to the exhibition in the OS world.

For other photos, please contact me, I need to fill this gallery :)
Thanks for your help!


falene hawks: juste bravo 5 months ago


The Mountains of Wolf Territories Grid

Jimmy Olsen: The only reason Furball is not howling because there is no moon on that EEP Sky llol 5 months ago
Please join us for the monthly meeting for the Opensim Worlds Fair, Sat. August 31st @ 12pm grid time. We're getting together to share the latest updates, share ideas, opportunities, and community happenings! The meeting will be held inside the dome next to the landing zone. Everyone is Welcome. We hope you can make it! :)

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/OpenSim Worlds Fair/1024/1024/22

Aeris Irides: oh this looks fun 5 months ago
Something I've been working with for a while now was how to make a decent tree trunk and branches and finally, at last, I got one that doesn't look too bad. It's a North American Pignut Hickory, or what we always called a Hognut tree. They're beautiful and provide lots of shade especially when you're on a walk through the woods in the summer and they smell so good in the fall, and the hickory wood burning on a campfire or in a fireplace smells so good! Anyway, it's at the mall in the garden center waiting just for you to beautify your region. Pop in and take a look around and go a little "nuts"...pun intended. The tree is fully mesh and just 1 prim and it's full perm and free. Blessings and much love, Lavia

I can't stop, next picture. :-)

Fall is coming. These trees would look beautiful at your place. Find them near the Pyramids. You can't miss them. :)

SilviaFrey: He llegado a su sim en busca de los bellos árboles y he quedado impactada con la cantidad de objetos preciosos y trabajados que tienen. Les felicito y les doy las gracias. Saludos 6 months ago
