Thank you very much, it is a real mine of information, however Flickr is in my opinion the most respectful of images, in its presentation, it is the most interesting to handle. I have been on Primfeed for some time now with my SL Nadejdae account and I post there regularly but it is invaded by commercial and photos to sell everything and nothing, and little space for art, the format is not at all suitable for the gallery of Opensim people, on Flickr they are all together, (one next to the other) and I can make albums for each one, instead of scrolling one above the other like instagram, X or primfeed which is only viewable for people with an SL account.
I persist on Flickr because I have not broken any rules and I know that I will get my account back in 3 or 4 days.
I will visit the other links given, all I know is that I will continue to make this gallery and I see that there is a great solidarity in OS and I am confident.
I hope you are ready for the pictures :)
Thank you very much for this post which is very explicit, and very well written!