HarperHeld @HarperHeld

Admeja Space Federation Offline

I've been everywhere, man

Liked posts

This site is monetized. People buy coins to post on the mainpage using RL money. People can choose to do paid ads to showcase their regions and content. People also pay for premium memberships to have extra features. But the moderation is next to nil. Yes, a recent troll was FINALLY removed after DAYS of toxic barrage. But it took way too long. And while the account was removed, the box was not cleared of their comments.

Yes we can block people. But since griefers and trolls make countless alts it's a constant issue. If you're making money off a site, it needs to be moderated. The site owner and manager needs to try to ensure that users have a good or bare minimum usable experience.

And while I recognize that one person may not be able to manage it all, there's been no effort to recruit other moderators. And I do think any potential new moderators should be paid for their time and effort. After all, the site makes money off the many users who pay into it.

It's feeling pretty frustrating and futile right now. This can be a great tool to connect with other OpenSim folks. And it's a great way to see what people are building and find new regions. For the folks who like parties, they can see events. But yeah it's been more irritation than joy lately.

KrisTina: kicks it back up 12 days ago
Dopo una lunga convalescenza in ospedale, sono tornata a casa. Una brutta caduta mi ha provocato molti danni alla caviglia sx ho subito 2 interventi mi hanno da prima sistemalo le ossa con estensore esterno, poi oprerata hai tendini e infine ingessata. :) questa è la vita

Essensual: I hope you get well soon. I know what that feels like 2 months ago
What Are You Looking For?
After the closing of the much-beloved (and, at times, the much-reviled) Adachi, I thought about opening a place called Not-Adachi. Starting the "What Are You Looking For" group was easier. Now, after just 4 months, we have 78 members. We are the largest and most active group on OWS.

I appreciate the thanks directed my way for starting the group. But the thanks should go to our many helpers. They are the reason What Are You Looking For is such a success. Here are just some of them.

FallenAngel Absent
Star Ravenhurst
Jamie Wright
Jadwiga Abremović
Jupiter Rowland
Serina Gee 
Misty Falls

(Forgive me if I've missed including your name).

How great is this group? Someone was looking for an item that could not be found. So a group member made it for them! Come post about items you are, well, looking for. Outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. And, please, come help.

Tigerkitti Eberdene: I have a new sim called Darkness Falls. i am searching for anything Goth related. Furniture, clothing etc. If anyone has suggestions that would be great. I have modified some furniture I found, and ma... 3 months ago
I’ve crafted this article to assist individuals eager to upload their models to Opensimulator but unsure of where to begin. This guide aims to direct you toward exceptional resources, making the process much more accessible.

---->It is not all botted from SL
Many SL creators obtain their models from these same resources.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: My technique is to start with the blender script that removes doubles, and cleans up illegal geometry. That is always my first and last step. Almost will load after that, except an object with no tr... 4 days ago
I don't usually support mesh bodies that have got nothing to do with Ruth2 or Roth2. But I've come across an improvement trick for Athena 6 with BoM that nobody seems to know.

The major problem is that the skin on Athena 6's limbs may look weird under certain viewer settings, much like a lighting bug. Some skin areas look brighter or darker than they should.

A minor problem is that alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 although they technically should with BoM.

The reason is because Athena 6 has a chaotic hodge-podge of alpha settings all over it. Parts are set to alpha masking, more parts are set to alpha blending (it's them which may look weird to you or to others), most have alpha off (this is why alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 out of the box).

The solution:

Step 1: Edit your Athena 6 body. All of it, not just any piece. Select it in your inventory while wearing it.

Step 2: Go to the Texture tab.

Step 3: Set the alpha mode to alpha masking.

Now the different shades of skin colour are gone, but your hands and feet may turn partially white. Don't panic, this is supposed to happen and will be fixed in the next steps.

Step 4: Set the mask cutoff to 128. If it is already 128, set it to 127 and back to 128.

The white should disappear, and your body should look normal again. Or better than what you saw previously.

Step 5: Take the body off and put it back on to save the new settings.

Also, you can now wear alpha masks like you can on the system body which might save you from the hassles that come with the alpha cuts on the HUD, and which you can save with outfits. The only limitation is that the alpha masks still don't work on fingernails and toenails.

Should alpha masks stop wearing, just edit the body and set the mask cutoff to 127 and back to 128.

The same method should work on Adonis 4 if you want to use alpha masks with BoM.

Oh, and before anyone tries this on Ruth2 v4 or Roth2 v2: You don't have to, at least not with the "BoM" bodies and Ruth2 v4 "Business". They've got alpha mode controls on the HUD. The "" versions, on the other hand, are de-scripted and have no HUD, so they require this trick, too, if alpha masks don't work.
Haha, this is cute! Auditioned this avi from Darkhearts Boutiques, it's soooo much funnnn!!!!

I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem? Spare me the politics here, I don't need it.

My usual choice to look smaller is usually as a Dinkie. But I think I'll stock up on these avis, too!

Sodasullivan: That hair and hat combo is so cute! 2 months ago

Zensational's Sakuragawa (Cherry Blossom River) Image by @FerdFrederix
Thank you Ferd

Sodasullivan: Beautiful, and just in time for spring! 2 months ago
Dear friends and guests,
We are pleased to invite you to the inauguration of Cafe Käse!
Come and celebrate with us the beginning of a new culinary music journey with Nast Bakerly
Tonight we start with one
Romantic night

MiguelTorres: Dear Woody!! It's just my personal opinion that I'm expressing nicely here. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who pays for slime. If you know someone, I would be very grateful if you would let me kn... 2 months ago
Link: https://medium.com/@starchildkin/starchild-kin-a-prologue-...
===Starchild Kin: A prologue===
The story above is prologue to the background story of the Starchild family at Darkheart’s Playground grid in OpenSimulator, and the future development of a HUD (aking to Bloodlines in Second Life) that will foster a roleplay of vampires, demons, angels and other races.

Sodasullivan: This is a great idea Aurora. I do not really RP very much, and one more HUD is usually one too many for me, but i have found having the "history" of Avedon Park laid out helps me as a map of sorts as ... 8 days ago
Allow us to invite you to join our Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid HUD. Here we'll place a walk through (collision) teleporter with your logo and grid address so that when people walk through they will be teleported to your grid and the region you select. At Genesis Roleplay Grid we are working to create a more positive and cooperative atmosphere in Open Sim and we're doing it by networking grids and sharing anything that we can to help our "Friends'" grids succeed. The process is easy, contact me, Lavia Lavine, and send me your logo and the address and rezz point for your grid's chosen destination, and that's it. It's just that simple. Why do we do this? Because we want to and we can. I will also be forming a group for this for all "Friends of GRPG" to join so I can send notices and other information to those who join. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Milly Money: we are very proud to be included as a fellow Masala Estates member with Una, for The Roleplay Grid! Thank you Lavia! :) 1 month ago

Complete Rental System v 1.13 is out
Some bug fix, Some enhancement.

Come check it out !


Aurora Starchild: I honestly can't than you enough for this and all the support you have provided. Everyone: I keep spamming poor Val with small things and even requirements, and she keeps updating this in like 1 day :... 2 months ago
Hello non-virtual people,
I come to ask for advice.
I have my grid's homepage set up with Joomla, which is old and outdated because the Jopensim module hasn't been updated again (a pity, because the work this person did was wonderful).
I've tried with Wordpress, and it's not going very well either.
I would like it if you could suggest alternatives for the registration and the grid's website. I am already discouraged, thinking I am a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.

Another thing, the other day I made a web viewer for the grid, a shame, it goes too slow and the new generations are about pressing buttons, not following a huge tutorial to be able to download, set up, and enter a Grid (I know it seems easy to you), but they look at me with eyes of "what???"
Has anyone ever tried this before?
Well, I hope for your advice, especially opinions, and I deeply appreciate it.

Mistressdalgato: Hi, i use jOpenSimRegister module for new member registration. Also do not upgrade to 4 or 5 as it will crash your website. Foto does not have an exact date on when his update will come out. https... 2 months ago

How people think I code DreamGrid.

KatKakoola: I'm surprised your desk is so tidy! TY Super-Fred :) 2 months ago
+ osGiveLinkInventory
+ osGetInventoryNames
+ osGetLinkInventoryNames
+ osGetInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKey
+ osGetLinkInventoryDesc
+ osGetLinkInventoryName

Eight new OSSL functions, and maybe two more.

This rocks.

alexa maurer osw: ...just have to wait for a built version at opensimulator.org... 3 months ago
I'd like to announce that I'm going on vacation from OS for a time. But I've been on a vacation from OS already, for maybe two months now, and I'd have to interrupt my vacation to say that I'm not going on vacation because I'm already on vacation. So, no announcements. Mainly because, at this point, I'm confused about the whole vacation thing. However, while I'm pretty sure I'm on vacation from OS, I still log in to OSW on occasion to check on the What Are You Looking For group. The helpers there have been, and continue to be, incredible! Anyways, if you want to send me a message, I'm likely to see it, and I might just answer.

thedeeferry: Fly like an eagle... enjoy... come back zoon. 3 days ago
At EUROPA, we welcome all humanoids,bots, NPCs, arthopods, xenomorphs, and arachnids with open arms, antennae, and pincers! Are you feeling unwanted? Lonely? Isolated? Do you keep getting banned for copying other people's copybotted stuff and sharing it with your friends?
Fret no longer! Come to EUROPA! We are filled with bots to keep you company! And in the amazing EUROPA MALL (*), all things are free and full perm! Share with your friends, your family, your dog, your cat, your chicken, and your facehugger! Share with one of the MAGABAGA spiders!

We look forward to your visit! Come to EUROPA!
(*) At welcome area, call an interphasic bubble taxi to the mall!

*MCL*: Like I said from the start, if it does not have full permission, then it should! So if you find things around our stores and it says they are not, just let us know. Believe me, I will make it! Even ou... 4 days ago
Well, as they say, better late than never. We've done about two months of testing and ironed out a lot of bugs (I say a "lot" because it has been horrendous at times). I think we are now in a positions to go "live" and relax a bit.

We have renamed Opengrid to Castlehenge and downsized from 5x5 to 4x4 in an effort to make both regions the same size. As a result, I had to delete a lot of stuff from the outer edges. All the Athena and Decadence stuff has now gone as there is so much of it all over Opensim it was redundant. That has left us with a lot fewer freebies but we have retained Ruth and Roth, Selea Core, Paramount as well as the Clutterfly Warehouse and other open source stuff. Oh, and Synclair Designs is still there, too - authorised mesh women's clothing imports from SL textured in Opensim.

On the technical side; We are still having a few native problems with inventory - missing body parts and EOC errors but they do not seem to affect day to day running of the sims. I've tested hypergrid from another grid and there seems to be a glitch with bakes on mesh. The avatar looks fine to the user, but others see their body as white (no textures). It does not affect clothing, whether mesh or not. A workaround is for the visitor to toggle "Appearance Mode". Then the appearance is normal. This only needs doing once, I'm assuming so that the sim gets texture updates from your home server. Avatars already on the sim look fine to the visitor. We are running Opensimulator version Yetti Release Unix/Linux/Mono Server.

OK, well that's it for now, I'm going to lie down in a darkened room for a while LOL.

Jerralyn Franzic: Cool, thanks for keeping the OS related material. Yeah, I still rock mostly the um... newfangled SLish faves when it comes to avatar appearance, but I'm not totally averse to using OS friendly stuffs,... 11 days ago

Having fun with a new project at the Emporium

Mistressdalgato: im now going to come and visit 13 days ago
Okay, this one goes out to @sodasullivan who keeps moaning about me only bringing alcohol. So some Hazelnut Coffee it is...and a 'Hidden' wine cellar.
Both items dispense drinks with hold/drink animations: Cellar 2 different ones.
Cellar frame is scripted so it moves and hides the drinks! Pourover dripping is scripted too.
All include bumpiness and shine layers and values.
Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts%20Boutiq...

Sodasullivan: Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to start a virtual 12-step program. Seriously though, these look beautiful. Thank you for the hard work you put into everything. If anyone has not shopped... 2 months ago
Some people collect beautiful art

I collect bricks!

Not just normal bricks;
old worn out imperfect bricks.

These are the kind of bricks that help
tell a rich story about a buildings past.

but why.......WHY would I collect UGLY BRICKS?

Because I have a few friends who love to build!

Textures Trees & Scripts

The name says it all!

p.s. I also have a few ugly rocks and soft fabrics in my collection.

Jupiter Rowland: FYI: Outworldz has loads of brick textures waiting to be used. I haven't tested the normal maps that were probably generated from the textures yet, but they're there. A few brick textures even come w... 2 months ago
Are you an artist, photographer, or sculptor in the realm of Open Sim? If so, I extend a warm invitation to showcase your exceptional creations at Le Beau Retrouve, my forthcoming art gallery.

With only a few spaces left to adorn with your art, and ample room for sculptures both within the gallery and amidst the surrounding landscapes — whether along winding paths or visible from the tranquil rivers — there's boundless opportunity for your work to captivate and inspire.

Given the limited availability, I encourage you to reach out at your earliest convenience to explore the possibility of featuring your art in our opening exhibits. Please note, we're currently excluding AI-generated art for a future showcase.

Rest assured, you maintain full ownership of your creations. Rather than relinquishing them, I kindly request that you personally arrange their display upon joining our group. Moreover, you need not be confined to the same grid to participate and showcase your artistry.

As we anticipate our Grand Opening Party, complete with a lively DJ and festivities aplenty, I'm excited for the vibrant community that will converge to celebrate creativity and expression.

In preparation, please have a brief biography ready, providing insight into yourself and your artistic journey. Feel free to include landmark coordinates to your region or grid, as well as links to websites or any additional resources showcasing your portfolio.

Isn't this thrilling? I'm genuinely passionate about art and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you. Looking forward to connecting soon!

Aurora Starchild: Oooooh amazing project! 2 months ago
Complete Rental System v1.0

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API

Complete syteme comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk


Lone Wolf: *** DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM FROM THE SHOP *** Apparantly I just come to rip off ideas, when in fact I could build myself anything you have. 2024-02-24 08:12:42 Lone Wolf http://grid.wolfterritories... 3 months ago
Sunset Dreams Sectional out now!
A new section PACKED with tons of animations, and sitting up to 6 people!
This has always been a favourite of mine, not sure if due to the shape & look, or the nice sitting and cuddle poses!
The couch texture comes with 2 basis tintable layers. While I have put some colours via hud, you can always tint with your own!

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/371/380/23

Carmen Jewel: I have also found a perfect spot for this couch :) https://gyazo.com/31dcc48cbdece747176be11889d658ec 11 days ago
New Eborn Rebody shoes, available full-perm in 12 colours (their tint-able), feel free to copy and re-distribute. Not available in SecondLife. Made by me. Please don't ever sell these, anywhere, ever. Only to be given away, free of charge.

http://snik.loseyourip.com:8002:Home of Merci

snik snoodle: @Suzan_vonOtter Nice One! :) 1 month ago
Not dead! Taken a bit to get back to next step at Starchild Shoppe: furniture review. During the first months the goal was to make available as much as I could. Now it's time to refine, some based on your feedback, it will be a slow process, but Float and Mattress are done!:
- Bumpiness and shine layers now included.
- Permissions have been reviewed so they are Copy+Mod
- Wear props have been reviewed with Matthew Stevenson's fix so they rotate properly.
- Includes a HUD, and I have added the remaining 15 textures.
The updated items will also get their vendor updated, so just click on the screen for those (rather than the usual GET button).

Sodasullivan: Yay for adding materials! I honestly do not understand why so many creators do not bother with this simple process. It is fairly easy to do and adds so much benefit. and if you have not been to Starch... 2 months ago
For some, it seems to be sometime tougher to be kind behind pixels. Our values and standards should not change, just because there isn't an immediate and apparent accountability to what we do or say. Be kind.

Haiku Bot: Gentle hand outstretched, Warmth spreads like the sun's embrace, A grateful heart blooms. 2 months ago


NineZero: So, who's requesting sexy underage looking avatars? 7 months ago
Complete Rental System : new release 2.00
Now with :
. Multiple tenants
. Multiple admins
. for local users only(or not)

If you upgrade from 1.xx to 2.00, you'll have to do a "Reset Data" on the Server.


Valerie NatureInSim: If you upgrade from 1.xx to 2.00, you'll have to do a "Reset Data" on the Server. 7 days ago
A new amazing shower with state of the art animations (yes, fewer than what we are used to in other furnitures, but...so good!).
Comes fully integrated with Sally Jackson's Cum System, with its own submenu! So you can get messy, and get cleaned, and messy, and cleaned all over again!

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/384/399/23

Sodasullivan: I like the shower so much that I am redoing my whole bathroom now. Love the hot and cold water =) 13 days ago
And it is all done, the Chateau de Marqueur Royal Manor, Courtyard Garden, Gatehouse and Security Wall, and Stables and they're waiting just for you in our Star Jinn Palisade Mall at our Masala Al Kohav region. I have it all set out so you can see what it's like and enjoy a tour and I hope you will like it. It's beautiful, it's free it's full perm and it's waiting for you especially if you're doing a medieval or royal region it's a one stop shop deal, everything you need. I hope you will enjoy it, blessings and much love, Lavia

Milly Money: Its utterly gorgeous, and will serve now as our main arrival area at our Hub region on TRG. Just breathtaking and vast!! Wow :) 1 month ago
I am old :) I don't care! So I really don't care what you think :) I may not have seen "attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" but I've seen and done some stuff that doesn't involve sitting and whining in a text box. So have your pale fun or wake up and make a POSITIVE difference :)
Love to all

Arielle: Getting older is mandatory but getting wiser is optional. 3 months ago
Just wanted to send another huge shout out at @valerieluv0 's work ( https://opensimworld.com/post/109263 )
In the past, as I guess many others in OS too, we had to have a 'paging' system for rentals, get involve in each transaction, assign permissions... it was an administrative nightmare.
Now we can manage almost 300 parcel rentals (both free and paid) spread across 8 regions (and planning on another 72!) SEAMLESSLY!

Mistressdalgato: i havent tested this yet but the mailbox i use for my rental system for hg users works great for free parcels. but this may be interesting if i ever decide to go back into pay for land. 6 days ago
🌿🌌 Welcome to Iknimaya: A Pandoran Paradise! 🌌🌿
Step into a world inspired by the awe-inspiring landscapes of the movie Avatar. Welcome to Iknimaya, where the wonders of Pandora come to life before your very eyes. At the landing, you'll find a box of beautiful Pandoran flowers created in the early days before mesh, we called it torturing prims (a favorite pastime). The region is lush, and enjoyable to explore, “I see you.”
three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:iknimaya Thank you @JoeBuilder and @FerdFrederix for adding to the lovely plant collection here.


Marianna: @JoeBuilder thank you for jogging my memory!! Last year Joe gave me beautiful Pandoran plants AND a direhorse, I got busy with RL working and forgot to put him out! Thank you for reminding me Joe, ... 8 days ago
THORVALDSLAND, (Thorvaldshaven) is our newest region to open on the Genesis Roleplay Grid. Owned and operated by Thorvaldr Ragnarsson and his lovely wife Chloe Ragnarsson. Thorvaldsland is Historical reenactment RP grid and they are looking for role players to fill many different positions. Contact Thorvaldr Ragnarsson or myself (Lavia Lavine) for more information. Blessings and Much Love, Lavia.

PinDeluca: Its wonderful to find role play here in OS. I came over today but could not find a Note Card with any kind of information about the Role Play Story . Please could you be so kind to pass this to me... 10 days ago
NEW: This circular/pallet bed comes packed with +500 animations, some decor, and HUNDREDS of textures.
I have spent a good amount of time making sure you get all the versatility and can change the texture of each piece of the set individually, pillow to pillow!

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/391/354/23

Aurora Starchild: @sodasullivan - didn't you want textures!? There you go 21 per each of the 6 pillows, 13 for each of the 4 throws lol 1 month ago
The inauguration show of the GavezDois Art Gallery, with the portuguese João Frazão and Zoree Jupiter, in an unforgettable night at the reproduction of the Pena National Palace.

Arrive early to admire the more than 400 images generated by Artificial Intelligence, which make up the gallery's current collection.


Patinha: The party was a success! Full of really cool people and the music was great. Thank you all! 2 months ago

Froot Loops: this is how you sail in style 2 months ago
Two of the most visited and important monuments in Portugal are represented on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in Osgrid.

Here you can see one of them, the Pena National Palace, which is located in the Sintra mountains. Eternally grateful to the generosity of Ernest Moncrieff who built this magnificent building.

It is now open to the public and can be found in Osgrid's Destinations Guide. There will be a grand opening party soon!


TheFactory: Lots of fun to build, look forward to the opening! 2 months ago

Embrace nature's elegance with this exquisite sunflower ring. This is just one of the many jewelry pieces you will find at Monentes Jewelry. three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

JaniceHubbenfluff: These are truly wonderful! 18 days ago
I can't believe we are opening in SIX Days!!
When you come to the party, be sure to have Shared Environment enabled with graphics as high as your rig will allow so you can see the beautiful sky and the shadows.
DJ Kith from Wyldwood Bayou will be spinning the music from female musicians over several decades, 70s-90s in honor of women in Open Sim.
My exhibit consists of portraits I have taken of women who have contributed to Open Sim in significant ways, entitled, "Sculpting Prims: Female Visionaries In Open Sim." This exhibit is to honor and acknowledge the work of women that often goes unnoticed and shine a light on their many accomplishments.
My exhibit is only a part of the opening as we also have several talented artists exhibiting their work you don't want to miss.
Come one, Come all!! We can't wait to see you there!
grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002:Le Beau Retrouve

Thirza Ember: congrats star!! 26 days ago
Announcing the opening of my new store ~Luscious Candy~
It has just been opened and only has a few goodies out thus far, but much much more is to come!
Today, I am announcing the arrival of a NEW BODY to Opensim, the "Bombshell" has arrived. The bottom is the same fit as the Perky or Regular versions, however the top is designed for those women that enjoy supple breast. I've also got 4 outfit sets out, two of which include my new color/texture hud!
So come check us out and pick up yours here: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts%20Boutiq...

Gabriel Goodwin: Nice 1 month ago