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Gotta love Bruno Mars♥
Thank you, I was wondering what it was, in any case I'm having trouble translating into French. But I found a page for that ;) https://www.paroles.net/bad-meets-evil/paroles-lighters-tr...
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I joined! Thank you.
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Alternatively, you can use your favorite or any sofa's animations by using the prim with the animations as engine on the new sofa.
You can do the same thing with any furniture, bed, kitchen, chair, etc.
Yuuush! Oneeee day I will do a tutotrial on how to adjust poses...ooooneeee day lol
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Ufff thank you for posting this here, I went there today to get the bed, but the lag is excruciating here, I've never seen anything like it. To get this bed and a pier it took over 10 minutes.
I thought I've had crashed or frozen, but it was the lag, it's crazy.
Now I'm too tired to unpack the bed lol.
Yes I found the lag too, but not the items. lol
Yup that's pretty easy. lol ok someone finally helped me. I couldn't find the shop, is what it was.
Which grid are you on? I have found that people from certain grids do face a big delay. OSG tends to be okay. But there's still the usual HG delay. The bigger the item, the more the delay. If you click on a decor object, it's pretty quick, but this bed has 1300 animations + 90 complex props that include even sounds inside them + scripts to play sounds on rezz...so...yes, it will take a bit.
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That URL took me to under the water, in front of a tp that won't work. I couldn't find these.
hi, i found it but cant buy them until the carnival

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I don't think so. Alex's levels of craziness and narcissism don't have yet a match.
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No, I haven't, and to be honest I still can't understand why do you care about her devotion towards whoever she wants.
She seems happy and the people helping too. So, my question stands... why do YOU care?
And why do you care?

It seems like you also care that she makes a good impression...

I'm all for honesty, and I believe this person isn't showing "sincere devotion" but only "acts of exploitation" to attract users to rent Boam's services.

We've already discussed this in other contexts. That said, if you don't understand, reread the comments and the post, but rather tell me:

I always care to understand why people suffer with others happiness. Every time I see someone suffocating about something similar I ask. So far, no one has been able to explain to me why. You are another one in the list.
I also want to understand why the truth is hidden and why there is such hostility towards those who publicly announce it, asking for explanations about truly strange posts that aim to divert people through servility.

And you too are on my list of people who judge easily and hide the truths that would prevent deceiving people.

I'd say we're even, but we can end the conversation here, as it would be pointless to continue. I don't like those people, like you, who judge without concrete facts and deny evidence by lying knowing they're lying.

Oh, right, remember, true happiness comes from the truth, as many enlightened minds have always said and taught.

But then again, thinking of you, you're definitely one of those who accuse others of making dramas just because they can't respond to topics in a simple and thorough manner... hehehe

bye, bye!
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She seems thankful for a help she got, and showing appreciation. Why does it bothers you?
Why do you care? Jealousy?
Bang on! Sounds like jealousy to me too.
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Creators of original content should go to SL to sell their creations. Opensim will always be free.
I don't know how long you've been in OS, but there is no logical reason why OS should be free, apart from the ludicrous claim by those peddling the ludicrous notion that "Don't buy in Opensim, Opensim should be free!". This slogan, as far as I can tell, was started by that purveyor of pirated content, Sacrarium, which is now a pay only grid, set up for the wholesale pirating of SL content. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the idea of buying stuff in Opensim, and though the market is small, and largely limited to the Kitely Market, I'm happy to pay for those items whose creators want some return for their work.
Girl, you can say whatever, but opensim is not place for sellers looking for a living. Opensim is and will always be free, if you are so desperate for buying stuffs, go to SL, they have a market full of stuffs you can buy.
Firstly, I'm not desperate to buy stuff, as I said, I am happy to buy stuff where the creators have decided they would like some payment. No-one is twisting your arm to buy anything should you not wish to do so.

Neither you nor I are arbiters of what goes in Opensim, it's a blank canvas that can be used in whatever way someone wants, including to make some money.

Hardly anyone makes a living from sales in SL, and no-one in their right mind expects to make a living out of Opensim, but nonetheless running one's own regions server, or even paying for hosting costs, and I dare say that it's more than feasible that the costs of this are at least partially offset from sales on the Kitely Market, or wherever items are for sale with Globits
Nah, from SL a lot of people make a living. I know that for a fact.
Opensim will always be free, mark my words.
Whatever - facepalm.
I don't think that many "creators" here would make a great deal of money in SL.. SL is very competitive with lots of advancements and great quality, low prim, items. Im not saying all creators are lacking advancement.. but there are a few who are stuck in 2006.
Then they would use opensim and its resources to learn, I mean, if they really want to profit from their creations.
The thing is that here, in opensim we don't want a S-SL.
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That guy is troubled, everything I hear from him is a wackadoo. He blocked me for exposing him a year ago. He s a pervert.
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Just the time and creativity that he puts into each creation calls for all of us to be thankful, for having new and yes, original stuffs in opensim. Because is not only export/import like some people would like to make it seem. If it were that easy, we all were doing it.
When I first joined opensim was at least 10 years behind SL, now, and thanks to R. Lion stores and all the others giving their time and creativity for free, we can enjoy a better opensim. That's the true.
I respect and admire Aurora for what she did, it tells me that she is also committed to use her time and creativity on stuff that are not already in opensim, for which I thank you, Aurora.
And NO, many of his items were not his original creations, and were brought into opensim by a group of russians, quit a few years ago, they have been floating all around in opensim,all he did was to export them, and re import them, so that they have his name, but it still doesnt make them his creations what so ever.
Stop the jealousy and hate. OpenSimHater.
I know Gustavo, and everything he puts in his stores are exported from SL. And by putting R. Lion on his exports helps us identify what's good and what's not. Same with other creators in opensim.
You reminded me this other user that was always full of hate and unable to be grateful for what we have.
Seriously, you really need to stop being so jealous of facts, and by the way, i have many of his "creations" in my region, that have been around in opensim longer than he has been, but that is fine, you just blame ignorence rather than accepting the real facts, and its not hatred nor jealousy, just fact that someone really shouldnt be bullshitting others, because sooner or later, oh, someone is going to call them on it.
OpenSimHater, I feel sorry for you.
There is no hate, only the facts, so stop sucking on the straw of dillusions and get back to reality.
But what part of "exported FROM SL" is that you don't understand?
Are the hate eating your neurons or are you drunk?
I won't keel answering to your nonesenses. Grow up.
The reality that you want to invent? No thank you.
Go get a life, find something to do, instead of hating.
Maybe you need to stop, take a look at the things he has there, then take a look on Secondlife marketplace, and i bet you will find everything there, made by other well known sellers, yet i am the hater? You need to get a dose of reality.
Yes, exactly what I meant - I want to focus on stuff that is not in OpenSim.
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You've found it! I wish I knew how to make clothes.
Marvelous Designer is a good Tool + Blender + Avastar (Photoshop and or GIMP ... or Affinity Suite) but .... Without learning the tools you won't be able to do anything and imagination is also part of it.
I barely can edit a box to put a photo in it.
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Get used to it. As long as this website keeps rewarding traffic, people will fake it.
I already know for a fact that all those 1-5 places are fake. Some of the best stores/places in opensim don't even publish their regions.
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What's that for? Will you build for it?
hicks is a good Builder
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As Jerralyn said, you can find some items in the same floor where you get the body. I went today and found enough to get me dressed for the rest of the year *lol*
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Merry Christmas!!! Thank you♥
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Beautiful place, I have to go back with more time but I liked what I saw. Congrats
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Truth be told, we the users, don't care about who is #1 or #100. Only the ego of those owners in need of validation cares about that.
One of my favorites store in openssim don't even report its online status and I still visit it and it's always full.
I like to see the ads and people's profile. Rankings should be taken away tbh.
oh fun, I am a profile reader too. There picks, can be another way to explore.
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I'm as active in opensim as I am in SL. 90% of the hairs (doux) I have bought them all the most recent in SL. A lot of others (like Magika) I didn't know them in SL. After seeing them in opensim I became a client for that store in SL too. So, for me I don't see it as a stolen hair. And I know I ain't the only one.
When I came to opensim my wildest desire was to have my SL inventory here, but oh boy! What a difficult task specially with my beautiful hairs. R. Lion made that possible so I respect their policy. No because I have a region in opensim I will godmod it all. But that's me, apparently.
Opensim is what is it, if anyone feel so uptight about copybot then they should go to SL and pay for everything there.
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Quality control... Terrible customer service... blah blah blah Are you paying a dime?
Can't get it there, go to another place, you yourself just said it's the same stuff. Stop the entitlement attitude all of you hoarders have.
In opensim people live to collect stuffs they know they won't ever use. Just because is there.
Complaining, giving bad reviews for things that you're getting as a gift, Ungrateful bunch and you sound as one of them.
Goes to show you know nothing about me.

I don't hoard tons of stuff that was copybotted from SL like so many others. If anything, I'm after legal content, preferably made in OpenSim for OpenSim, and ideally released under a free license. That's why I keep preaching to the people here that legal content does, in fact, exist and tell them where to get it. I thought I'm (in)famous for that already. That's also why I don't care for all those new freebie sims whose owners seem to mass-copybot everything they can in SL.

It's extra inconvenient for me if I find something at some old (or not so old) freebie store that fits this description but can't be taken. For these things usually only pop up one or maybe two sims out there. Especially if the creator and their sim have long since vanished, and these items are only available from resellers, it's a pity if none of these resellers ever check what they've got on their walls, and whether it can be taken.
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Que buen en vivo, que bonita voz. Gracias por la invitacion