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Moria brennt !
Etwas über ein Jahr ist es nun her, dass wir bei uns in Dorenas World ein Event zum Thema Flüchtlinge in Mittelmeer veranstaltet haben. Titel: Seenotrettung ist kein Verbrechen
In der Zwischenzeit ist viel geschehen, aber es hat sich wenig verändert - und wenn dann kaum zum Besseren. Wir hören von Booten in Seenot die von der Marine nicht nur nicht gerettet, sondern auf's offene Meer hinausgedrängt werden - ein Verbrechen, dass jeder Menschlichkeit Hohn spricht. Und die, die es bis auf die griechische Insel Lesbos geschafft haben, hat man mit unzureichender Versorgung zu Tausenden in ein völlig überfülltes Lager buchstäblich eingepfercht. Es war keine Überraschung, was wir jetzt an schrecklichen Bildern zu sehen bekommen:
Moria brennt !
Es war eine Katastrophe mit Ansage - und das Elend ist noch nicht am Ende. Schon ist man dabei das Problem zu "lösen", indem man die Menschen in ein neues Lager einzusperren versucht.

Wir denken es ist höchste Zeit für ein neues Event und haben die Woche vom 21.-27.9. dafür ausgewählt, denn es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren.

Wer mit Aktivitäten oder Ideen Idea zu diesem Event beitragen möchte, wird gebeten sich kurzfristig mit mir oder Anachron in Verbindung zu setzen.
Event planning

It's been a little over a year since we hosted an event on the topic of refugees in the Mediterranean at Dorenas World. Title: Rescue at sea is not a crime
Much has happened in the meantime, but little has changed - and if so, hardly for the better. We hear of boats in distress that are not only not rescued by the navy, but are pushed out to sea - a crime that scorns all humanity. And those who made it to the Greek island of Lesbos were literally cooped up by the thousands into a completely overcrowded camp with insufficient supplies. It was no surprise what horrible pictures we now see:
Moria is on fire!
It was a catastrophe with an announcement - and the misery is not over yet. You are already in the process of "solving" the problem by trying to lock people up in a new camp.

We think it is high time for a new event and we have the week of September 21-27. selected for this because there is no time to waste.

Anyone who would like to contribute to this event with activities or ideas is asked to contact me or Anachron at short notice.

Get the Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 free, open-source, full-perm, low-ARC BoM mesh bodies and all extras at the new RuthAndRoth Shop! First shop to offer the brand-new Ruth2 v4! All bodies up-to-date!

Jupiter Rowland's new RuthAndRoth Shop with free, open-source, full-perm, low-ARC mesh bodies Ruth2 and Roth2, developed in OpenSim for OpenSim.

Neu auf Shopping-Islands
Animesh Menschen und Tiere
Einige neue Klamotten .
Schaut vorbei es lohnt sich.

Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [6 Dec 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Evening with *Cayoun*
With a little Gift for every Guest.
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [29 Nov 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Weel with *DJane Sylvia*
Come in and enjoy

Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [1 Nov 2018 11:00 SLT]

Enjoy the Country-Blues with *DJ Cayoun Daydreamer*

The Best of Country-Music & Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [25 Oct 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Evening with *DJane Sylvia*
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music & Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [18 Oct 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Evening with DJane Sylvia & Dj Cayoun
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [11 Oct 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with DJ Cayoun
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [20 Sep 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with DJane Sylvia*
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [13 Sep 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Evenig with DJane Sylvia & DJ Cayoun
Come in and enjoy

Country Party
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [6 Sep 2018 11:00 SLT]

*DJ Cayoun* ist readdy to Country Rumble.
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [30 Aug 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with DJane Sylvia
Come in & enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [23 Aug 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with the 2 Top-DJ`s Sylvia & Cayoun
Come in abd enjoy

Country Rocks
Where: Saloon
When: 6 years ago [16 Aug 2018 11:00 SLT]

Thies Week with DJ Cayoun.
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [9 Aug 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with DJane Sylvia
Come in & enjoy

Country-Rock & Hillbilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [2 Aug 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with the famous DJ Cayoun.
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Hillbilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [26 Jul 2018 11:00 SLT]

DJ Cayoun presents the Best of Hiibilly
Come in and enjoy...........

The Best of Country-Music & Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [19 Jul 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with *DJane Sylvia*
Come in and enjoy

The Best Bayou and Cajun Style songs of the Country Scene
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [12 Jul 2018 11:00 SLT]

This time with the best Bayou and Cajun Style songs of the country scene! So come and listen as long it is hot!!!!
With DJ Cayoun

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [5 Jul 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with *DJane Sylvia*
Come in and enjoy

The Best of Country-Music % Rockabilly
Where: Saloon
When: 7 years ago [28 Jun 2018 11:00 SLT]

This Week with DJane Sylvia
Come in and enjuy