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▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Party am Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ Winni
Wo: Biergarten
Was: AC/DC & Queen 2 der besten Gruppen
Wann: Mittwoch den 05.06.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am Bikers Heaven
he Mega Store House was born today next to the Mega Store, you will find many houses and buildings all free
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
1/4 sim for free or rent a sim.
I had left the site for a time, the bad mojo happening was too much. Third time is a charm... :)

I have no control over how people think, or how they act. And I wish I had not got so mad and had acted a little better myself. But I just want people to know, if they feel abused by a few people, those angry people are in the minority. Most people in OpenSim just want a peaceful place to be themselves. Even the angry people, they are working their own stuff out too I guess.

Moving forward, I think we should all just cool it, and remember the person on the other side is a human too. This isn't just a "game" What we do and say matters, and can hurt or help people.

Just completed a complete remodel of the Decor Room in the main store building at Lunaria Emporium. All furniture, Lighting, decor, and accessories have been fully updated and new items added.


In Honor of your performance and entertainment in open sim and Gentle fire grid we thank you this is Zorre Jupiter
Performing in Virtual worlds such as Secondlife, Inworldz and Avination since 2009

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting 4 to 8pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Taxi: hop://

KrisTina: I'd like to thank everyone for coming out, it was a pleasure to meet everyone and have fun. 4 months ago

soon!!!! Thursday 6

MiriamRose: What part of the sim will this be displayed in? 4 months ago

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire


Finally I have my own GRID and my LOGO

Thank you so much to Masala at Masala Estate for making my dream come true.
Great friend and server Guy. Always there when I need you.

Finally the GRID is up but still under Construction.
my best friend in all worlds Arthur King are with me and my best friend Linda is with me in this journey, ofcourse we have Santorinishop, REBORN and all as it was, Bella Terra, Mi Amore and a new big surprise store that Linda & Arthur is fixing. Me is building my CLOUD9 with more shops to come, we love to create and do as we want, clubs as before and hopefully we will have DJ s that wanna come and play at our GRID and join us in our adventure, home Islands will be added and much more. This GRID is only for Adults.
No kids,teens or child avatars on this GRID.

At VendettaGrid Life, we believe that living a purposeful life is within everyone's reach,to have friends,build your dream and to be part of something,
living the best in opensim Let's embark on this journey together.
Follow us for updates in opensimworld webb.
We will be back...
Angelina Santorini

LaylaHart42: i love the logo and i know when you open up i will be there to go shopping 4 months ago
Hello Friends! I have been busy working on my shop and have made this sweet stone house available. It comes with a stone wall you can use as well. I built it for Braewood Forest in The Land Of Xzar, so visit there if you would like to see it furnished with the things I made for it as the one at the mall is unfurnished. All should be copy if anyone wants, or ask me. I have included a kitchen you can place if you wish.
I have added a lot of landscaping items: planters with flowers, ground flowers and plants, and a beautiful collection of trees made with AI-generated textures. There are also some new water lilies to add to your ponds, as well as a wooden gazebo with a dance ball.
I make all of my content using sculpts and prims. The shop is full of decor and finishing pieces that help turn a house into a home.
Look for Star Ravenhurst Designs on the teleporter when you land.
Thanks for having a look! Big Hugs!! Al Kohav

Jared Seda: Awesome store! Really enjoyed visiting! Thanks for sharing your amazing creations. 4 months ago

The forests of Madrigal

----- NEW -----

----- NEW -----

Marianna: Beautiful!! 4 months ago
After a successful grid change and new ideas, we are back.
We didn't let much time pass, but used every moment to create a stable and better grid for you.
Step by step, we are getting back to everyday life and are looking forward to planning our events for you in the future and designing our grid in a contemporary way.
We look forward to seeing you again and spending a good time with you.

Emma and Mick Florido

Marianna: I love that you are back planning and designing and creating your grid to be the very best it can be! Making it more stable will help your events to run smooth too, my best wishes of success to you. ... 4 months ago
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en :
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en :
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en :
estamos trabajando en mejoras para nuestro grid, vamos a incluir nuevas opciones y queremos que seais participes de ello
*Vamos a incluir proximamente una moneda en nuestro grid
*Para todos los residentes vamos a darles un terreno de 2048 metros o una casa con terreno del mismo tamaño

Residentes con antiguedad de dos meses o mas en nuestro grid reciviran un 30% de descuento en la compra de tierra
Residentes nuevos que quieran adquirir tierra para llevar su proyecto a cabo reciviran un descuento del 15% del precio total

Necesitamos en nuestro grid, djs, cantantes, personal para redes sociales, si estas interesado ponte en contacto conmigo y te dare mas detalles
Unete hoy mismo en :

To all who is renting on parcel on this region, please collect your stuff if you would like it back. within a few weeks the region will completely change into a new welcome region.

I logged in just a bit ago to where I logged out from last night and this is the beautiful scene. Elk Crossing in Stag Hollow with a whole herd of Elk. The Elk like the Buffalo are static but just so enchanting to see. It was fun to modify them and create an entire herd from mature stags to sleek cow elks and little elk calves. Stop in and visit Stag Hollow, you won't be disappointed. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Back Online

When: TODAY and Each Tuesday - 2 GRID TIME
Where: THROB CLUB at the Inclusive Keys OSG
Map: hop://
After a successful grid change and new ideas, we are back.
We didn't let much time pass, but used every moment to create a stable and better grid for you.
Step by step, we are getting back to everyday life and are looking forward to planning our events for you in the future and designing our grid in a contemporary way.
We look forward to seeing you again and spending a good time with you.

Mick and Emma Florido

Hi everyone, still working on the new welcome region but in the mean time, here is a little teaser.

Marianna: Best wishes on your new Welcome, another surfing destination creates an inclusive environment where anyone can experience the joy of surfing, regardless of their geographical location or physical abil... 4 months ago
The Mega Store House was born today next to the Mega Store, you will find many houses and buildings all free
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
1/4 sim for free or rent a sim.

A trip to Hawaii is not for everyone, but nothing stopped us from inviting the Hawaiian archipelago to Mariposita's home for a Hawaii-themed party, organized to mark the opening of this summer season.
The atmosphere was simply enchanting, the colors chosen were just right, those of the ocean, able to convey a sense of peace and serenity.
Mariposita was able to recreate a breathtaking scenery, full of details that allowed us to completely immerse ourselves in the paradisiacal atmosphere of the islands.
The evening was enlivened by our DJ Tombeur, who, majestic as always, engaged us with his music and infectious energy. His music choices created the perfect soundtrack for an unforgettable party, making us dance and have fun like never before. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts DJ Tombeur!
We can loudly say that it was a crazy night!
Thank you as always to all of you for participating and helping to make the event a great success. Without you, the party would not have been the same.
See you soon for more events, hoping to experience more magical evenings like this one.
A huge thank you to all of you!


I can't find the Grid name of this Viewer

NeoJapan, DJVelero
Thursday 6 at 22hrs europe
costumes to theme at the venue,
opening on the day of the event.....

Joining the Gentle Fire Grid is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:

Sign Up: It's completely free to sign up and use the grid. There's no contract and no hidden charges
Create Your Avatar: When creating your account, you can choose from either a male or female starter avatar. This can be changed inworld later
3. Customize Your Look: There are thousands of free and premium avatars available around the Hyper Grid to give you that unique look
Buy Land: If you wish, you can buy your own low-cost, high-performance full region to create your very own custom space. Land comes with full owner rights and permissions

To get started, just click on the sign-up link provided on the Gentle Fire Grid's website If you need any assistance or have questions, you can reach out to them via their contact email Enjoy your experience in the Gentle Fire Grid! Or use your Use your camera on your cell phone pointed at the picture you see here and go to the website and join have a blessed day and hope to see you soon!
Un viaggio alle Hawaii non è alla portata di tutti, ma niente ci ha impedito di invitare l'arcipelago hawaiano a casa di Mariposita per una festa a tema Hawaii, organizzata in occasione dell'apertura di questa stagione estiva.
L'atmosfera era semplicemente incantevole, i colori scelti erano quelli giusti, quelli dell'oceano, capaci di trasmettere un senso di pace e serenità.
Mariposita ha saputo ricreare uno scenario mozzafiato, ricco di dettagli che ci hanno permesso di immergerci completamente nell'atmosfera paradisiaca delle isole, curando ogni dettaglio con grande attenzione, assicurandosi che non mancasse nulla per farci viaggiare con la fantasia e trasportarci su una spiaggia paradisiaca. Dall'arredamento tematico ai cocktail esotici, dolci e rinfrescanti, tutto contribuiva a creare un'esperienza sensoriale completa. Ogni sorso di quei drink ci faceva sentire come se fossimo realmente sulle spiagge delle Hawaii, sotto il sole caldo e circondati dal suono delle onde.
La serata è stata animata dal nostro DJ Tombeur, che, maestoso come sempre, ci ha coinvolto con la sua musica e la sua energia contagiosa. Le sue scelte musicali hanno creato la colonna sonora perfetta per una festa indimenticabile, facendoci ballare e divertire come mai prima d'ora. La sua preziosa presenza ha reso l'evento ancora più speciale, trasformando una semplice serata in un'esperienza straordinaria.
Possiamo dire a gran voce che è stata una serata pazzesca!
Grazie come sempre a tutti voi per aver partecipato e per aver contribuito a rendere l'evento un grande successo. Senza di voi, la festa non sarebbe stata la stessa.
Un ringraziamento speciale va a Mariposita per aver creato un luogo così bello da guardare e da godere, con ogni dettaglio pensato per il nostro piacere e per farci sentire davvero alle Hawaii. Non possiamo dimenticare gli abiti meravigliosi che ha realizzato per noi, ciascuno dei quali era un'opera d'arte a sé stante, aggiungendo un tocco di eleganza e stile all'intera serata.
Ci vediamo presto per altri eventi, con la speranza di vivere altre serate magiche come questa.
Un immenso grazie a tutti voi!
Lo staff.

PrillLeon: Bellissima serata , fantastico luogo , magnifica musica !!! 4 months ago

A bed where you can snuggle up under the covers? Of course I can do that. Here you go! It's at

Xenon Darrow: Now I just need a snuggler! ;) 4 months ago

still jamming at badass Harley lounge

Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting Now Till 8pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock night
Taxi: hop://

✽✽✽✽·Badass Harley Lounge ✽✽✽✽
✽WHEN: 6-8 pm AMV✽
✽ WHERE: Badass harley lounge✽
Next event, NEOJAPAN
Thursday 6 , 14PST (22hrs europe)
music by Dj VELEROAlf,
(clothes and accessories to theme, at the event site, opening on Thursday 6)

A shout out to the Utopia Skye Adult Hub for the great event at the Fetish Fire Club this past Saturday evening. Special thanks to DJ Mike Chase for the great music set. We had a lot of fun :-)


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