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we´ll be back in September!!!

SilviaFrey: Un merecido descanso. Que lo paséis muy bien. Besos 1 month ago
Bad Event Idea #377: Fastest in Poofing

Winner is who disappears from the party the most quickly after announcing their departure and saying goodbye to everyone. Bonus points for the most people bidding them farewell after they've poofed.
One night, I dreamt I stood at the river's edge in a canyon gorge. Terraced along the cliffs were abundant cherry trees, their branches cascading down towards the water. This place is the embodiment of that dream. We observe Hanami here. @FredBeckhusen/Ferd Frederix has added his magic touch throughout this region, thank you Ferd!

Star Ravenhurst: This is beautiful Marianna! On my way to see it!! 1 month ago
Hey Everyone! :) I'm making my debut at the
grand opening of The Train Station on the Trianon Grid!
Come join us for a great time! DJ Essie at 1:00pm
3:00pm - Me! See YOU there!
Ride: Complex
Aretuza on the planet Amasango is designed to be fandom RP for fans of "The Witcher" and beyond. Set in an alternate dimension or universe it follows the adventures of Garalt, Yennifer, Tissaia and others as they adjust to their new surroundings after they "die" in their original universe. This has the potential to be some really great and fun RP for serious role players who don't need a lot of "props" and are good at descriptions and textual RP as well as visual RP. Just contact me if you're interested.

Endora: This place is absolutely stunning in it's lay out and all of the hidden features and the mystique of it all! Gorgeous work. 1 month ago
Avatar Life A brave new world
After over 20 years working and socialising in various virtual communities and meta-verses before the phrase was even coined mainly in Second Life a popular 3D virtual platform. Around five years ago I became a little disenchanted. I had had many great times within SL however over the years it had changed and not all for the good. More and more I was finding people were getting hurt by people who just seems like they wanted to brush their egos and create drama. Many of these people had reported the issues even major breaches of the SL Terms of service to little avail. Even report of illegal activity and paedophiles seem to draw little response. I became to realise that SL had moved away from the community focus platform that it once was and now seems more concerned with making money for share holders than its users,

This led me to looking for alternative platforms and I search through many many words many of them seemed abandoned some amazing features but lacking users. Others seems predominantly populated by teenagers. On a few worlds i had hope and reached out to the owners to ask them what it was they where trying to do. The answers on most where disheartening they either had little long term focus or were simply trying to grab a market share of the meta verse community to make money.

I had even considered opening my own world although had decided that in the current financial climate it was a huge risk. Then a friend asked me to check out avatarlife. Now i had been to avatar-life briefly before and made a mental note that it did show promise but had forgotten to go back. So I signed up an account and soon after met the owner and his right hand lady. They seemed open and very honest people I asked about what they wanted from the world (or grid as its known on that platform). The answers impressed me especially when it turned out they were focused on building communities and giving their users the freedom to build there one communities and create.

Had i found a new home time would tell.

I was offered free land and well felt special and welcome then discovered id missed the sign tell any one they can have a free parcel few small stipulations i noted was that it was one per ip and there were basic rules to reduce lag, so a nice offer and well thought out things where looking up.

Time to see what else was here i was directed to several free shopping outlets bodys, head, clothes, skins, houses, furniture, landscaping all available for free. Awesome I did note that many of these were very similar to items i knew well from sl and some where exact copies. So something to ask about its bot uncommon on the open grid network but I wanted to know.

Then I almost literally bumped into one of my online nice, me and her mother had been firm friends year earlier and ha d adopted each other. I hadn’t seen her in years so we sat and chatted and caught up(it made me feel very old ). She mentioned that the grid had helpers people who were volunteers to offer support to new people. I thought oh ok I can do that and applied went through an interview and was hired.

Had i found a new home began too look like a maybe.

I reached out to the online family to ask them to come check it out and give me their opinions the were amazed. Then it came to them getting there free parcels the land i was on had three parcels free. One of the staff reached out to me and them and said well if we would like we could live next to each other which was kind of awesome. They also pointed out that if they had assigned them land elsewhere first then there would have been a fee to relocate. Again myself and the family were impressed they could have easily made money from this but instead wanted us happy we most definitely where.

Had we found a new home well almost certainly.

So I was talking to one of the head staff lady called angel and mentioned about the stuff i had found that was from SL. Her comments impressed me alot. She didn’t try to deny this but pointed out they had been brought in from another grid and were on that grid for free so were offered on avatar life for free. However if i knew any creators then to invite them and if any of there stuff had been copied they would remove it and replace it with the legitimate ones. This seems like a fair and reasonable solution. She also mentioned that one of the projects they had on was to replace the stuff with their own original content and as I had told her about being a former lecturer offered me the chance to run some blender classes in the campus. well im teach the clue is in the name.

Had i found a new home most definitely.

Avatlfie a virtual world/metaverse

Free Startup

Free clothes

Free land

Free homes

Free landscaping

Freeplay gaming

So from a very battered old dinasour thank you avatarlife for rescuing me from the SL drama and idots. Thank you for giving me the freedome to create and teach. Thank you for restoring my faith in that this dream is possble. Thank you for restoring my faith that most folks are decent people. Are you perfect? No. Are you trying to be better yes exactly like me. But mostly thanlyou for the freedom to be me the me I choose to be.

Still reading well why just come see for yourself the bars open. Lets build a better world together vitualy
EVERYBODY LOVES - Collections of all kinds and here at the "Create A Scene Garden Center" in the Masala Al Kohav Mall, we're no different. We have a vast eclectic collection of statues, fountains, trees, shrubs, lawn and garden décor, bushes, flowers and water plants and gardens and there is plenty of original not found anywhere else items created by "me" just for YOU. Just added some new stuff this morning so pop in and check it out. Blessings and much love, Lavia

city white

Dj Devil in City White

The Grande Phoenix is a reimagined and refined update of an original Moroccan-style build I created for the town of Devil's Fork in the Land of Xzar. I was never fully satisfied with the original, so I recently undertook a complete remodel and am now excited to share it with anyone who’d like to make it their own.

Designed as a charming boutique hotel, the Grande Phoenix features a welcoming lobby with a side bathroom. The lounge is a cozy retreat with a warm fireplace, a stylish bar, and a dance floor for social gatherings. The custom-built kitchen, crafted with full perm capabilities, is ready for anyone who wishes to add their own animations.

Upstairs, you’ll find three beautifully appointed bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom. The building comes partially furnished, showcasing custom artwork I created, while leaving plenty of room for you to personalize and decorate to suit your style.

The Grande Phoenix is a versatile addition to any town or region, but of course, it’s yours to use however you wish. With full permissions, it’s designed for flexibility and creativity. I hope it brings you as much enjoyment as I’ve had in crafting it.

IsisRising: Beautiful! TY. 1 month ago
𝗗𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗺𝗺𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 - 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 😎
Virtual Vista Metaverse - presents our Wednesday Night Party with Emma Florido! You're warmly invited to our casual Wednesday Night Party filled with good vibes and good company. Musical preferences: Partymix, Charts & Mainstream. Don't miss it, we look forward to seeing you! We start at 10 am Opensim Time
Virtual Vista Metaverse – präsentiert unsere Mittwochabend-Party mit DJane Emma Florido! Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserer lockeren Mittwochabendparty voller guter Stimmung und guter Gesellschaft ein. Musikalische Richtung: Partymix, Charts & Mainstream. Verpassen Sie es nicht, wir freuen uns auf euch! Wir beginnen um 19 Uhr EU Time

Heute wird es laut
It's going to be loud today
Taxi: Welcome

In sleep he sang to me, In dreams he came,
That voice which calls to me, And speaks my name.
And do I dream again?
-- Charles Hart, Richard Stilgoe, Mike Batt

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space...
-- Lord Byron

Wake me up
Wake me up inside
I can't wake up
Wake me up inside
Save me
Call my name and save me from the dark...
-- Amy Lee

From darkness did all hunger come,
With passion did all hunger feed,
And so, all passion stems from a darkness...

The Hypergate at Luxor, inspired by the Bifrost at Asgard in the Thor movies

LaviaLavine: Beautiful, it reminds me of the one I built in 2nd life several years back. Well done Luna!! 1 month ago
UPDATE! internet is restored and so is the grid.

Hey everyone! Due to an internet outage at the data center where my servers are, the grid is offline. Hopefully they get it back up sometime today or soon.

Jupiter Rowland: As long as they didn't have key infrastructure flooded with water by firefighters... ...not that this has happened before... 1 month ago
==OUT NOW: Epsilon bed (Futa&K9)==
A requested bed, has similar animations to the Zenith bed, but a few different - and includes Futa & K9 menus.
Comes with 600 animations, materials, and texture HUD.

Yeah...the 'Dog Sex' menu animations are not broken...I just don't think they mean what you think... 👀

Uber: hop://

Ankhsenaton: There is not only "beds" ;-) I love all the other shops arround, and I discovered one about Pokemon :-) Pikatchuuuuu ! 1 month ago
Hello Folks!!
News!!! A permanent small shop with really beautiful,fine selected autumn and Halloween items whose selection is constantly being expanded.
Neuigkeiten!!! Ein permanenter kleiner Shop mit wirklich sehr schönen ausgesuchten Herbst und Halloween Artikeln dessen Auswahl ständig erweitert wird.

LaviaLavine: Love this stuff!! 1 month ago

Angel Leo: Mmm, honey, you're very sexy. 1 month ago
Wieder ein gelungener Abend mit tollen Leuten.

Back to the Roots wurde ein voller Erfolg.
Die Zappelbude wieder an ihrem angestammten Platz, im Hafengebiet.
Frau S.O. wieder auf ihrem Tresen.
Der Ruf wieder hergestellt.
Ich habe neue Leuten kennengelernt, eine Freundin ist endlich Rentner und hat nun Zeit bis in die Puppen.
Also alles wie es sein muss.
Danke für euren Besuch und den Spaß den wir wieder hatten.
Hier die Fotos. >

Lone standing next to a PBR version of our new logo. We even have t-shirts and mugs (RL) available at

Pagane: Since I'm blonde and obviously don't understand, just asking: What does PBR have to do with flat pre-rendered images? In my blonde brain, PBR should have an effect on the light shadows of the charging... 1 month ago
Dj Isadora At Club Paradise Rocking it Come hang out

WHO: DJ Isadora
WHEN: now to when ever
Clothing Optional Beach Club
Dj Isadora At Club Paradise Rocking it Come hang out

WHO: DJ Isadora
WHEN: now to when ever
Clothing Optional Beach Club
Items expiring in Inventory
Is there anyway to stop items expiring when taken into your inventory at all? I know that it is part of the system and can combat copying of items but is there a way for it not to happen? Also is there a way to stop crops etc from dying? Thank you!

Pagane: In one my very very old post BEFORE OpenSIM server v9,2 i try to warn about misunderstanding cache and SQL.... After few years may be is time to return to this warning. But... who cares? 1 month ago

Dj Dave At Club Paradise Taking your Request
Where: Club_Paradise
When: Now till whenever
Come Join Us and Chill to Some good music

The new JET-JEEP rezzer available to EUROPA MINES. A funny way to explore the quaint landscaping and getting away from the magabaga grumpy spiders.. Enjoy :)

Xenon Darrow: So fun! You can terrify your friends by slowing down and letting the sweet spodes catch up! #misunderstoodmagabagaspodes 1 month ago

si Balla

Pagane: Good, you is hired in our ballet:) 1 month ago

Aurora Starchild: You should give some coaching classes on building avis. @Pilar and myself would eb SOOO GRATEFUL 3:D 1 month ago

Just released. Ebody Reborn Ankle Boots with colour changing HUD

I have someone who is looking for this item. If someone can help me out with this, I would appreciate that! TY ;)
moonshine still or the moonshine recipe. It's for the Satyr, Quintonia, Vivo Farming System. THANKS A BUNCH! ;)


Xenon Darrow: Look at you GO!!! 1 month ago




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