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GrayDelwood @GrayDelwood

Utopia Skye Grid Offline

A happy virtual camper.

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

Have enjoyed virtual life for 15 years. The freedom potential to 'create' is endless.

My Interests

On-line education, Hard surface modeling (Blender)

Books I Like

The Forth Turning - Resident Aliens

Viewer Version

Firestorm 6.6.14


CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400F @ 2.60GHz (2592 MHz)
Memory: 16252 MB

My Regions

1 0 utopiaskyegrid.com:8002: 0 Users
A place for thoughtful, kind and articulate folks to join in discussion around a variety of virtual life topics. A place to learn about ourselves. Also where we can join a fellowship of folks that enjoy each other and spending time being together.
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A NEW Year of learning

Here's some upcoming classes.....

Reflection - Knowledge is Power
Weekly Tuesday 12 NOON
Host: Gray Delwood

Topic this Tuesday: "Attitudes from non-users of VL"

Reflections Meeting Tuesday's weekly @ 12 Noon
Topic: changes weekly (What would you like to share or talk about? Let's Gray Delwood know :D
Subject-Reflection - Knowledge is Power
Weekly Tuesday 12 NOON

Topic this Tuesday: Favorite Christmas stories????
from past Christmas then when your bubble was burst found out there was no Santa?

Reflections Meeting Tuesday's weekly @ 12 Noon
Topic: changes weekly (What would you like to share or talk about? Let's Gray Delwood know :D

*Putting Ideas into Practice to Experience to Reflection then finally Developing NEW Ideas
goal is friendship and respect ......we have a good time :D
Voice is our way to listen, so please have voice on too!
Reflection - '"learning Gives Meaning"

Meeting today of the Reflections Group on Fire and Ice grid. (1:00pm grid time) The topic will be: "Retirement - Truth or Fiction?" [the sub-topic will be on "FEAR".] Do they relate at all???? We'll see.
Now for something different

Ya know sometimes it's just FUN (and therapeutic) to just honestly and casually "tell our story". Sunday Oct 6th at 1:00, you are invited to do just that! How did you get 'into' virtual life? How many years? What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened? What have you experienced that was outrageous? How much RL do you bring in? Who is your weirdest friend? What have you learned about yourself? ~~These are but a few of the possible topics for what is now called "Reflection Sunday" Join Us! Alternate Metaverse Region: Reflections

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No upcoming events

My Reviews


Every time I think of Aurora II .....I smile.

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