GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Online

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.


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Yes the Pedo Scandal is destroying SL. Especially since it was proven to be the STAFF promoting it and facilitating it. I relish and enjoy the downfall of what was ONCE a great concept and place on the web. But when the 3 idiot Libtard CEO's paid 500 million for it and made it 100% political. They banned 350k of us paying customers on November 6, 2019. More followed and now they are left with a bulk of non paying freeloaders, and a very small percentage of paying customers. Thus resulting in SL being one og their biggest investment failures, that I enjoy watching crash and burn.

They will not recover from this, because it is worse than when th US Govt. went after them for non tax payment due to Banking and Gambling. Even moving the servers to Iceland, didn't help but they weathered it because the CEO then, was smart. These 3 pedo idiots from Berkley, Stanford and Harvard, couldn't even make an avatar walk in their first visit.
First of all, dumbfuck, Nazi's were left leaning Libtards. So you are calling yourself a Nazi Numbnuts Alswwylkllwnn? Or whatever retarded name you chose to call yourself?

Brad Oberwager, is merely performing Damage Control and if you read all the evidence that SecondLife has coenveniently had pulled down from the internet, Most of it was on Reddit. I will not put the other links on here anymore for his minions and cheerleaders like yourself to have removed.

I would highly recommend performing due dilligence, dumb ass. As for your 45k avatars logged in at once, that number used to be 60k as far back as 2006 when I was on. Of that 45k half are alts freeloading as always. They lost the thousands of paying premium customers with their libtarded political mass banning like good little Lefty Nazis and communists.

Keep trying to defend SecondLife. It is a groomers paradise, and a worthless investment.

And if you absoluletly READ ANYTHING I had written in the past and things I provided retard, you would have seen I and All Trump Supporting Consevatives that Did not vote for Barry OStupid and Joe Shittypants, were banned. WHY? Because you brain damaged, emotionally disturbed, uneducated, self proclaiming "educated" libtards cannot accept a dissenting opinion or choice.

Now maybe you should get back to your Black Pajama wearing Brown Shirt Wannabe boot camp at the Josef Goebbels Institute of Libtard Science and cry harder. As with every Libtard endeavor, you have epically failed with your uneducated presumptions and completely baseless accusations. Now please eat some dog shit and drop dead. Blocked. GFYVM
Some links to reliable sources might actually confer some credibility on Mr Nazi Numbnuts above. He's very quick to point accusatory fingers in the direction of his current hate figures.

Not only has Brad Oberwager, Linden Lab Exective Chairman issued a substantive refutation of the accusations, Second Life blogger, Prokofy Neva, hardly LL leading lights' greatest cheerleader has written a post highly sceptical of the claims contained in an pseudonymously authored post on Medium, that was quickly pulled after publication.

As for Second Life being in a state of terminal decline, well, that's a story I've been hearing since I first started in Second Life way back in 2009. Fifteen years later, it seems that silly rumour still hasn't died, but Second Life still seems to be in rude health; at present there are 45,744 avatars logged in there, about the same number that has been consistently logged in at any time you could care to mention in the past fifteen years.

Now, I know that Second Life is notorious for banning people, and in my experience this usually has something to do with sexualised ageplay. Even Prokofy Neva acknowledges that LL are very quick to ban those with even a whiff of a suggestion of this kind of sick behaviour, stating in their post that it usually takes 12 to 24 hours. Given this, it would seem very unlikely that LL would allow themselves to be placed in a situation such as the one allegedly outlined in the claims of one now deleted post on Medium.

Mr Nazi Numbnuts appears to claim that he was banned from Second Life. I don't for a minute mean to suggest that he is at all connected with child abuse, but I've noticed that many of his comments include unprompted references to paedophilia so it would seem that he has a rather unhealthy interest in the subject. I doubt it would be his stupidity either that got him banned, but rather his stupid habit of letting his mouth get out of control and express viewpoint hardly less offensive than those advocating child abuse. Mr Numbnuts, maybe it was your constant torrent of abuse that got you banned? I myself received a temporary three day ban, (a rather empty gesture, as I didn't realise until long after the ban was lifted so rarely do I log in to Second Life) for placing an advertising board (advertising Opensim, as it happened) near a highway.

There is a part of me that would be in full favour of banning Mr Numbnuts, (or should that be Mr Brainfart?) as I feel all nazis should be, but for the hours of entertainment the idiot provides for us here on OSW.

I now fully expect to be the target of a full-on tirade of abusive verbal diarrhoea from Mr Numbnuts, Hopefully come November when Mr Numbnuts hero, the orange clown, is roundly defeated, and hopefully wearing an equally orange jumpsuit, Mr Numbnuts will be left speechless.
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Excellent asessment! As always Jupiter, I can't disagree with you.
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I honestly do not know since it is not my grid. I appreciate it, but there isn't much I can do as I built Amoa for Barefoot Dreamers and simply built it, run it and maintain it as a volunteer)). It is safe to assume it is Fred's fault as the cause. Last time was caused by him trying to implement garbage PHP 8 which is worse than epic failure PHP 6. I am confident in saying that he did it again and it gets passed through any update. When things run smoothe and perfect, let that be a warning that Fred will a way to fix what isn't broken and cause you to experience this. If I am wrong, I would love to know, but I cannot think of any other reason that this.
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Yes Ankh is correct. You are able to visit. But I would recommend not expecting all furniture, vehicles or features to work because of missing scripts now. Also, I swear it is not an iceburg in the water along all shores. It is due to the textures missing. Same with trees and other aesthetics.
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Thanks everyone. It is not a FS issue or Barefoot Dreamers. It is based on the Dreamgrid Robust Asset Server disconnecting.

It happened 2 weeks ago. All the new additions and changes, were completly disconnected. SO things that were scripted, suddenly the script doesn't exist anymore and the object fails. Anything uploaded in recent period, suddenly had no UUid or existed. So Our bodies disintegrated, Stats counter or something like that failed to work because the scripts in them were gone. The ocean looked like an Iceburg floated into the tropics because the texture for the ocean, disappeared.

The previous failure, the entire TROPICAL area looked like a Blizzard hit it because of all the failed textures leaving everything default white.

Poor Huga is almost bald from pulling her hair out. The reason was caused by Fred installing PHP8 which is a completely useless failure like PHP 6 was. But of course Fred just loves fixing what isn't broken, must be the vax. So it took alot of work to restore, than adding new things, and then when everything runs top speed and looking good, BOOM another Ice Storm of the Tropics, pissed off first time visitors and you are left with half rezzed residents of that grid who's huds dont function because scripts YOU WROTE, are now gone.
Not sure its Dreamgrid (Fred) I'm thinking its something else completely no reason to start pointing fingers without full knowledge at what is wrong or how it happened.
Last time was due to PHP 8 installation by him. So at this point, with nothing else done by either grid or region, leaves this as a likely culprit.
I know you are frustrated but let's look at this shall we? Databases can get corrupted easily and here is how.

A Robust Asset Server disconnect can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Network Connectivity Problems:

Internet Outages: Fluctuations or interruptions in the internet connection.

Network Congestion: High traffic can overwhelm the network, causing timeouts or disconnects.

Firewall/Router Issues: Misconfigured firewall settings or router problems can block or limit the connection to the asset server.

Server-Side Issues:
Hardware Failures: Issues such as failing hard drives, insufficient memory, or overheating components.

Server Overload: Excessive demand on the server resources, leading to crashes or slowdowns.

Power Failures: Unstable power supply or outages causing the server to go offline.

Database Issues:
Corruption: Corruption of the database that the asset server relies on.

Connection Problems: Issues with connecting to the database, including authentication failures or network issues.

Performance Bottlenecks: Slow database queries or excessive database load causing delays and timeouts.

External Dependencies:
Third-Party Services: Dependencies on external services or APIs that are experiencing outages or issues.

Cloud Services: If hosted on cloud infrastructure, issues with the cloud provider can impact server connectivity and performance.

Security and Access Control:
Unauthorized Access: Security breaches or hacking attempts disrupting normal operations.

DDoS Attacks: Distributed Denial of Service attacks overwhelming the server with traffic.

Misconfigured Permissions: Incorrectly set permissions causing access issues or conflicts.

Environmental Factors:
Physical Damage: Damage to server infrastructure due to environmental factors like fire, flooding, or earthquakes
Maintenance Issues: Scheduled or unscheduled maintenance disrupting server availability.

Dreamgrid Software has been working flawlessly for me for over four years. Yes bugs do occur, and get cleaned up quickly, and there is new security patches that need to be released- that is why there may be ongoing updates. Maintenance of the grid is Key, all these variables affect the grid. Because someone is vaccinated or not has nothing to do with how your grid is maintained.
Great list and advice Marianna, however all of those had been checked from my side. Based on grid owner feedback, all of these had been checked. The only one that MAY be a possibility is "cloud" services were are crap and leaving you vunerable to their failures. Based on my experience, I wouldn't doubt that Fred put his on "cloud" crap. I personally never put anything of my own on anything cloud. If you ever read the fine print, anything and everything created on cloud, becomes the property of the cloud owner such as Amazon. Good luck taking their legal team on in an intellectual property battle in court. This website I know uses it.

So that is is a great list, and I am experienced enough to check all of it immediately from my end. However, I cannot check the asset server on Fred's end.
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A V-12 generally weights about 300 pounds more than a V-8. A V-16 weights about 500 pounds more. Even better today's V-12 are made of aluminum and not cast iron anymore.

So My V-8 HEMI is actually lighter than most engines built prior to 1990. Compare a 1970 V-8 426 HEMI to a 2006 V-8 HEMI. You will see the massive drop of weight and hence why I can break 200 mph very easily compared to my old 1970 Charger with a 440. Even a 383 is heavier than my current Hemi.

The heaviest cars are Hybrid, Armored Land Rovers, Unimogs, Tesla and any of that green new deal junk which none can break 200 mph and need a ton of mining to be built.
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In all of my years of experience, the first release or latest updates of anything Firestorm is usually garbage and broken. So I will always wait until they get 2 updates ahead. They are consistent on this, so it's not a one time thing.
that will not be the case so your statement in the case of PBR is wrong .... the implementation in the LL code is bad .. not PBR as such, Firestorm can't change that
yes, I agree. I was just giving a quick overview of my experience of the PBR viewer. I spent 2 hours playing with it today and it was very disappointing. I won't be ditching the current non PBR version any time soon.

I hope the developers have plenty of turd polish, they are going to need several swimming pools full of the stuff.
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I found this place to have outstanding and useful things. Some of the region may be under construction but it's actually fun to explore! Even with Christmas in July music playing lol Anyone who needs quality traffic products, this place has it!
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Wow, very impressive for Sci-Fi fans! Felt like the Starbase of Star Trek Online. You have some serious talent! Really enjoyed exploring this region!
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Welcome to the club! I am a proud reject from that toxic shithole!
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I like the design, can be really useful in some builds!
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Looking great! Nice idea too!
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This is an outstanding idea and great thing to do Sunshine! Seriously, very impressive and helpful to more than just the OS community. You should get the "great Idea" award of the month!
hehe thanks Glenn - I have been exploring this topic for long so just sharing my experiences :) I am very happy that people in the OS community like the idea of a Linux cafe.
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Apparently, they have un-muted me. No notice, but seems, I am able to reply again. TY
yeeyyyy welcome back Glenn !!!
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Hey Jimmy, very very cool and I agree with Jared for the timing! Nice 4th of July addition in time for the holiday.
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That is a positive thing to do Lavia.
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As always, giving us your great wisdom Cyber! You rock dude and nice find.
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Du bist nichts als ein wertloser Libtard, den ich nie kennenlernen möchte und hoffe, dass er nach Nordkorea ziehen würde, deine liberale Utopie.
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Read up if you are educated enough to comprehend English, from your stupid German post.
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thedeeferry is one of my most cherished members here. Such a wonderfully nice smart lady that I will always have the back of and be here for.
Thank you GlennX. Shine on you shiny diamond! Wearing my motorcycle helmet shouting slow down wheeeeee!
HAHAHAHA Just for you I will slow down ;-P