GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

Still Chat Banned by "Inclusive Weak minded Libtards that allow a fucking idiot like Suzie Avoside who cannot even write in English, to profess her fucking retarded love for old fat dirtbag idiot Karl Marx. Fuck You.NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now DONE Helping you weak minded Libtards..

At the present time, Amoa Nude Beach is experiencing technical difficulties. I cannot say how long this will take to repair, but I apologize for this asset issue happening a second time in 2 weeks.

It is apparently being caused by Dreamgrid software that I, nor the grid owners have control over, which causes a failure of assets.

So we have missing textures, failing scripts, body in-completions among the most notable. I will have to redo alot of it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

GlennXpletive: Thanks everyone. It is not a FS issue or Barefoot Dreamers. It is based on the Dreamgrid Robust Asset Server disconnecting. It happened 2 weeks ago. All the new additions and changes, were completly... 8 months ago
I found the root problem of the Opensim Community

It has become 100% apparent the one consistent problem of this community is criticism. Whether it be constructive, productive, observed or helpful it is automatically deemed an attack and the emotionally disturbed retaliate.

The severe lack of mental maturity is almost astounding but makes apparent as to why this website becomes a soap opera, every couple of days.

One person could post a new dress. Yes every sheeple will post ooh ahh and oh. Maybe it's an awesome dress? But if one person notices a defect, something missed or something out of place and says anything. AHHH OMMMaGAwwd!! The critiquer is immediately attacked, de-railed, accused of being uneducated and MUST have mental disabilities, a.k.a. un-hinged! The person is labeled a troll or a post hijacker, etc.

That one person would then be subjected to the rest of the sheeple, trying to one up the other for glory points, clout, community appreciation, medal of dishonor? Take your pick, it probably has been awarded and true.

In the end, what has been accomplished? The dress is put into obscurity and ignored. The creator lifted on some social chair among the crowd for being a VICTIM. Oh the horror that someone noticed an error.

Rather than thanks, let me fix it and re-post? Which would be the BEST option and solution. Very rare chance.

It is pretty pathetic and this post will be attacked because it goes against the grain of the sheeple. You must agree and obey and follow without individual thought, logic or suffer the wrath of the emotionally disturbed!

And people wonder why I rarely post so much so, that even Swiss coocoo clockmakers, accuse me of making a first post, because of the space in time in between them.

Once this community can mature, and stop with the self-righteousness and take criticism constructively, will it thrive. Only time will tell, but I doubt it. Because in the years I have been here, and this is no different than toxic secondlife, it hasn't changed for the better.

Give it a try and be better.

For the record, as an experiment, I will not partake in this discussion.

Here is a great chart to compare: Difference-Between-Constructive-and-Destructive-Criticism

Nico Kalani: SheaButter: For some reason, I can't reply to your comments either. I don't have you blocked, so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm sorry that I left off the sarcasm thingy on my comment. Yes, he is... 1 years ago
Regarding the drama and debate of issues that really do fill up the front page with piles of horseshit and sauerkraut, I am hoping the constipated, confused, uneducated and self-righteous can simply take it all to private messages.

It absolutely does not benefit the software, community or potential prospects that have considered making the switch from SlimeyLife Libtard Labs to Open Sim and it's abundant community. All this crap does is clutter the front page and leaves people discouraged, confused and disenchanted. We get enough of that crap from the militant uneducated media. Let's at least keep THIS place honest and pleasurable to visit. Got it? Great!

So I am hoping that in the future, a lesson can be learned from this ordeal. Until then, If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer.
Coming soon to Amoa, Buckwheat sings everyone's fave hits! Come join the 3 or 4 bots placed around for atmosphere and aesthetics while Eddie Murphy, oops, I mean Buckwheat sings all the tops songs for you! (Couldn't resist!)
Amoa Nude Beach has been re-designed, re-built and re-opened.

After a few false starts, a serious error was discovered that took time to correct. Because of this, the region needed to be rebuilt. While doing the re-build, changes, improvements and additions were made. Still a little work in progress on some of the newer areas and features, but overall, Amoa Nude Beach is open.

We hope that you will enjoy it and use it as so many were upset when it was taken offline for the rebuild. We don't advertise it, we don't look for big crowds but we hope that people will use it for more than just a pickup joint.

There are sections for swingers and group sex, and as always MOST pieces of furniture are for play. (Can't have you banging on the tables in the food court though lol).

Again, hope you use and enjoy it.

For a rare time, I went out on the HG to get some updated clothing. I know a shock. However, nice place and don't want to say the location is bad or allowing this. But, while shopping, an avatar landed in the region and immediately ran to intercept my walking path. I was approached by this child avatar that looked like (the Little Dutch Boy Paint /Angela Merkel / Hillary Clinton) who thought it was just fine to try to pull off my bathing suit. I asked it's age, "holds up 10 fingers". I said, there's things called laws and second, you are wearing 2 bodies (Proving it's a dude) and you do NOTHING for me. Replied "You Scared?".

This idiot who is 90% chance a 75 year old, Dirty Old Man living in Alberta Canada playing as a little kid (Like the one I knew about in other grids.)

Apparently this old, hippy dippy piece of dog shit feels that Viagra can't do the job anymore and needs to prowl the grids looking for willing participants to satisfy his sexually challenged fetish. Conversation is Note Carded for anyone interested.

I would recommend, as some already have done to ban this avatar from your grids:


Hyacinth: Not to blame the victim.. But if you're wearing a clickable, pull-offable by anybody bathing suit, isn't that inviting use? 3 years ago
Amoa Nude Beach has been re-opened.

No one was banned, but due to all the issues and repercussions related to emotionally disturbed idiots griefing regions and grids over the past couple of weeks, changes made across grids caused issues with performance at Amoa Nude Beach.

To slow the influx of so many IM's letting me know the beach was a lag monster crawling at a massively slow pace, I shut the region down until it was resolved.

All group members were sent a notice regarding the issue, however if the half that would actually read it, may have never received it.

Again, our apologies for the inconvenience and much thanks to grid owners Huga and Gabe of Barefoot-Dreamers grid as well as Fred Buckenhausen for his assistance as well in improving the performance and helping restore the best and only nude beach on the hypergrid.

GlennXpletive: Apparently, the beacon went offline for 24 hours yesterday as well. Geez. Anyway it is online and available. 3 years ago
Just wanted to put a quick note of clarification for the group and visitors. I have received a few messages of people claiming to be STAFF of Amoa. This is the fact:
Glenn Xpletive and Robin Sission are the ONLY Staff members.
However The grid owners of Barefoot-dreamers Grid, can be contacted in the event of their absence. NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER BE STAFF. Glenn built the beach, terraforming, trees, waves, islands. Robin Sisson has made it the beautiful region it is. So please give a warm thank you to Robin for all of her decorating and amenities that have made Amoa such a great place.

If anyone else tries to claim they are staff, or if you need assistance, please contact Glenn, Robin, Huga or Gabe.
Wishing all you sexy ladies, a very Happy Valentine's Day and a big welcome to Amoa Nude Beach for all of you Valentine's couples to enjoy a romantic setting upon.

Whether a stroll through the woods, stroll along the beach, hit the waves, catch a sun tan or getting it on, there is something for everyone ))

It is a hot and erotic or romantic setting either way.

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and hope Santa Claus gives you all what you want or need.

A question has to be posed to the community, in regards to illegal activity, preventions and counter measures.

I am the builder of Amoa Nude Beach. Along with my partner Robin, we created a nude beach region that we donated in appreciation to the amazing generosity of the owners of Barefoot-Dreamers grid. A win-win for both, in which my partner and I who have loved nude beaches since our days on secondlife, could enjoy once again. We have permanently left secondlife and no longer have to endure the abuses committed and performed by visitors or owners of those beach sims, some in a pro-active manner. All because we didn't agree with their opinions. But that is another subject altogether and not part of this discussion. We didn't build this beach for massive traffic influx nor profit. We take NO donations, traffic means nothing to us. But exists, for those that wish to enjoy it. Amoa is a place where everyone can enjoy that wishes, without question.

All that is required is 3 BASIC rules to be observed and adhered to. Human, Nude and Adult.

Measures were taken so that this is clearly prevalent BEFORE even arriving. It is shown AS an adult region. The name itself states NUDE. Our very very limited advertising (Since we do not seek waves of avatars and want to keep it comfortable and not overwhelming) states HUMAN. Simple and easy right?

However, recently it has attracted a daily stream of nothing but naked toddlers, naked pre teens, dragons, Japanamation cartoon children, demons, lumberjacks who stand on the landing fully dressed spraying and praying all females on radar and lastly, women dressed in ball room gowns.

I am not one to eject or ban and usually give plenty of warning, in hopes that all will enjoy our creation in whatever way they wish. Our aspirations have been to provide a little of everything for everyone. However, I have held back from providing some amazing custom creations, because of this recent wave of illogical behavior.

The guys dressed as lumberjacks will never stop. Same old excuse, it's to hard to take clothes off, lag, blah blah. Even when I hypergrid, I can still change to a saved outfit within 1 minute, thus proving this is merely an excuse for them to spray and pray every chick with "How are you?", "hru", "U'r Hot, want Fk?" or some other classic pickup lines like "yo" and "Hi Fk?". Because every chick just melts when a guy says those things to them. Which makes me wonder why each of these girls IM me and ask me to save them with a TP.

Which brings me to the question of this article. Is it complete lack of common sense or just a flagrant arrogant disregard of rules or merely laziness (because reading is so hard and takes too much time to read 3 words) for this increased wave of violating visitors?

I have asked some violators, what did we not do to make it clear enough? I was told that I should extend the title of the region name to include all 3 rules, plus add it to the description (even though it already is stated in description). Flagrant arrogant disregard.

Now I know for a fact there already exists pedophilia regions like Golden Sun that is comprised of mostly senior citizens using toddler avatars trying to convince each other that their mic is broken but they are really 12. Why do they feel the need to visit THIS region that clearly states that pedophilia is NOT tolerated? Which indicates a leaning towards flagrant disregard.

Some known pedophiles have already been banned such as a 70 year old man in Alberta Canada that we know his avatars.

But it all brings me back to the original question. Is it Lack of common sense, Complete flagrant arrogant disregard of rules, or just flat out laziness?

I would love to hear the feedback so I can impersonate Spock and say "Fascinating!. I am sure, enquiring minds would like to know.
I wanted to say how delighted we are at how quickly Amoa has grown in popularity. Everyday, I and my partner Robin, receive compliments and comments regarding how much people enjoy Amoa. It has been our goal to create such a place for most people, in which we try to provide a little of everything for everyone.

But none of this would be possible without Barefoot Dreamers and it's staff Huga, Gabe and Luna. All 3 of which are the nicest, kindest and helpful people you could ever meet. We are honored to be a part of their grid and glad we are contributing such a wonderful place for all. So please reach out and thank Huga Bug for being the best and kindest grid owner to date. While you are at it, PLEASE check out BarefootDreamers grid and explore. You will find, most likely, what you seek and maybe more.
Launch Day
Where: Amoa Nude Beach Swingers Resort
When: 4 years ago [5 Aug 2021 16:20 SLT]

All Day and ALL Night. Come experience a day of nude Samoa. Let your inhibitions down and explore this massive, professionally designed and built region that will transform your day into a fun and relaxing tropical experience.