GlennXpletive @GlennXpletive

Republic of the United States Offline

NOT A Builder ANYMORE of many products both in-world and the internet. Left Secondlife after 14 years. Now on the HG trying to create a better experience.

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself

Please don't ask for my assistance or advice anymore. Fed up and tired of providing it, and then being called things like "Ignorant", "ranting", "Un-hinged" with zero clarification, justification or proof by non-contributing, self-righteous simpletons. I will merely treat this website as a source for news. You wanted it, you got it.

Go terraform, script, texture or build the php, javascript, c++ modules and sql queries yourself. I don't need to waste my time, on your ungrateful needs and questions.

Happily on the Barefoot-Dreamers grid. I have built and run Amoa, as a gift for the amazing owners of Barefoot-Dreamers grid. I usually can be found there greeting visitors or improving it.

My Interests

Not interested in contributing, helping or assisting anyone anymore on this website.

Even though Libtards love to celebrate a "Dissenting" opinion, if YOU provide one of your own against theirs, you are labeled mentally unstable, un-hinged, ignorant and YOUR opinion is labeled a "Rant". Why? Because the immature minds, who can barely formulate more than 140 characters can only provide buzzwords and flavor of the week words in their self righteous, jealous convulsions in search of fame and glory.

Want a "rant"?: Fuck you, eat shit and die. Sick of you libtarded pieces of uneducated dog shit. THAT is a well deserved rant.

FACT: I am un-motivated to contribute. I gain nothing, I waste time, I do it out of personal choice to provide advice, knowledge, etc. FOR YOUR BENEFIT. So fuck off, I'm not interested in your problems, issues or opinions anymore.

Create and build with code, virtual world tools and things in real life, FOR MY BENEFIT ONLY NOW.

I'm Looking For

Being cancel cultured more for having a dissenting opinion or trying to provide constructive criticism. Please block, mute and delete me more. I will take and never give back anymore. YOU lose.

Favorite Quote

Success is measured by how high you bounce after reaching bottom. G. Patton.

Music I Like

Trance, Techno, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Classical.

Films I Like

Any movie that blows up DIE Affirmative Action diversity hire failures and their racist ignorant narrative. Any movies that makes constipated Libtards make a mess on themselves.

Blazing Saddles, Meatballs, Rambo, Star Trek II Wrath of Khan, Conan the Barbarian (Original), Patton, Terminator, Kelly's Hero's, Gladiator, Braveheart, Caddyshack, Forrest Gump, Dirty Harry, Good Bad and Ugly.

Books I Like

How to make a Libtard go insane. Sun Tzu Art of War, Art of the Deal, All the classics,

My Heroes

Batman, 6 million dollar man, Capt. Kirk, Eastwood, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Patton.

OpenSimulator Version

Whatever the current thing is that outrages Libtards enough to protest.

Viewer Version

About 8 versions behind the current Firestorm. lol I NEVER update it until all of you guinea pigs have.


My brain, fist and a snake in my pants.

My Regions

Amoa Nude Beach Swingers Resort
33 9 Nude Beach Swingers Resort 1 Users
A public ADULTS ONLY professionally designed and built, high quality nude beach and swinger resort for you to enjoy. Human and Nude Only. High complexity level and. Coastal Afternoon windlight recommended. Experience Nude Samoa!
more info


comments 291 post likes 112
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Grid Tumbler

If this isn't the best surfing region ever, it comes close! A bit of psychedellic scooby-doo feel and some awesome boards to hang 10 on! If you love surfing, this should be the place to go and do it! It's an art lover's haven as well, she has so many nice things even to decorate with. Stay for the night sky and see so many amazing stars while gently lollying around on a raft. Definitely a great pl...


I'm sorry to hear that happened to La Toya! But I am glad it will be back up again. Looking forward to it's return.


I am amazed at the size and attention to detail here. So massive and well done. You really have created a special place and looking forward to visiting it more!

Barefoot Dreamers Welcome

I have had nothing but awesome times with all of people and great music here. TRULY a WELCOME center.

Silver Springs

I have always admired and enjoyed your work and builds. You have achieved providing that down home feel. Great region for RP and simply just to relax and admire. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a country feel and environment.