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Ellen: Such a beautiful person and friend. I am heartbroken to lose you, Ladylove. 2 years ago
All good things...

One day in 2019 I packed my stuff, got my dog, put it all on my bike and went to spend the summer in another country. That was my routine after all. I took my trusty laptop, an old mac that was barely enough to browse internet and may be log in world for a couple of minutes.

I spent a great month and then corona happened.

Long story short: I got stuck in that country, that's ok though, as long as I have internet I don't have to be in a specific physical place so I could cope, in time I just decided to live permanently here.

Then about a month and a half ago my hard disk of my old laptop isekai'd itself, my main rig is still in another country and suddenly I was data-less. Since this disk was meant to just handle light tasks it never stood a chance against real production work.

That set me back immensely, and that's the reason why I haven't been able to produce any new object in two months, so in the meantime I've been showcasing you the stuff I've made until that point in time.

But, I've a finite amount of stuff to show you! Of course I've more in the shop, did you know I have a cook hat, a drunken bat, a full bathroom set; did you know you can drink coffee at the top of the shop or eat cake at the tower?; did you know every night I mix music but I don't tell anyone?

But, I don't think what I have left is interesting enough so my daily articles ends today, but fret not! The reconstruction of my data is nearly complete so from this point on I'll publish an article when I release a new product because... I can make new products again! Yay me.

So cheers and thank you so much all the people who consistently liked my articles and commented on them, thank you for the visiting and for enjoying the toys I make for this adult playground we enjoy every day.

See you on my next release.
In Loving Memory of LadyB
Where: Club Escotia
When: 2 years ago [7 Feb 2022 13:00 SLT]

Our regular Monday show at Club Escotia is cancelled today as we mourn the passing of our band member LadyB. Our hearts go out to her partner Aussie Envee and all the friends and inworld family she blessed with her music and her love and laughter. Rest well my sister, you are so missed.

DJ Ele Falls down the Rabbit hole!! GasWorks 5PM
Look out DJ Ele! You've just fallen down the rabbit hole and ended up in Wonderland! Come hear the best blues in virtual worlds, but in a land of the surreal. Tonight find your Favorites inside the park -- transformed to a land of wonder! DJ Ele in Gasworks land! The best in contemporary blues and fun await you -- Watch out for the Mad Hatter! Join us tonight for DJ Ele in Wonderland of GasWorks. Come in "Alice in Wonderland" styled outfits, or come as you are. Either way, this is something to see tonight!

Enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Bakes On Mesh

Teleport Arkham City
New House update Reez Version V2.0 !!