GeoPerez @GeoPerez

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📝 Dorenas Avatar in OpenSim

Hello folks, since there have been complaints here that I rarely post pictures of my OpenSim avatar, here it is. I don't think it's that important, but somehow this is a portal that deals with topics...

Calling all artists, both seasoned and emerging! Join us for an exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity. We can't wait to see the amazing works you produce under this captivating theme. Ladies, start planning your outfits for the ball—it's going to be a fantastic event with a touch of magic!

We're thrilled to announce a new region to the gallery dedicated to special projects. The first installation will be a collaborative masterpiece by beloved visual and audio artists. Witness how they transform the space into something extraordinary!
Additionally, we've opened another region connected to the gallery, designed for creating art, networking, and collaboration. Simply reach out to me to join this vibrant community and bring your artistic visions to life. Both regions are accessible by raft from the Art Gallery grounds.

Please note, the Gallery is now on a new grid. Old landmarks won't work, so discard them and pick up a new one. At the landing point and within the gallery, you'll find a sign you can click for this ad and a new landmark. You will also need to rejoin the group. Please see Star to be put in the appropriate role.
Many heartfelt thanks for the continued support for Le Beau Retrouve.

So, what are you dreaming of?

Harry Hopto: have some AI generated artwork I could supply 8 months ago

I'm the H.N.I.C. !!! of my Grid! I'm the Head Naga In Charge! Riding a black & white scorpion! What I say goes on my grid pagane! Learn it woman!

Ankhsenaton: I got the big Scorpio ! Thank you CyberGlo ! 8 months ago
Greetings for the morning. When I arrived this morning, a lot of individuals were asking for specific items. I opened Ironhorse for everyone to enjoy, and I've put up a message at the landing asking that you leave anything you like in a note card in the box so I can see if I can deliver it to you. If not, I swear to send you the item, the land, or the person I got it from. I agree that helping and sharing are at the heart of open SIM.

sim free.15000 prims
full administrative powers

Dark world..

Somehow I felt like...
Irgendwie war mir danach..

I will create your own customized Chest tattoo for you
a Name or word you want on the chest.
you have 6 letters from A to Z
and also a heart to decorate your name or Word

maximum of 6 letters

contact me on OSW or in world OS-Grid / Yin Yang Town
for your own customized tattoo.

Wolf Territories Grid: "Luke, I am your father" 8 months ago
Let me tell you about the Genesis Roleplay Grid - This grid was originally started by my daughter, Metal Tango, while I was on another grid with a group of friends. Things went south on that grid for reasons that I do not need to explain so my daughter extended a welcome to my friends to join us on Genesis Roleplay Grid with the understanding that each could have a 1 - 4x4 region with no rent to pay but donations if they could afford it. Everyone has worked very hard to develop this grid and make it a success and build up a good reputation in the virtual community. Seventy five percent of our membership on the grid are Role players and we have fun when we get together, 95% of the regions are developed either for role play or personal use with a scattered few for other reasons because people like to build their dream region. It is a well organized, well run grid with an amazing tech whom we adore and those who were there with us from the ground floor up, working, striving and struggling to make it a success have donated financially as well, particularly Metal Tango. We have an amazing mall with incredible builds and most of the regions on the grid are regions that I personally have developed, some with a little help from other members. If you see a region under my profile, rest assured I built and developed it. bragging, because I have been to other grids and some of them are positively amazingly gorgeous and well done and our Virtual Community is about encouraging one another and working together and supporting each other in our endeavors. Genesis Roleplay Grid isn't about me, it's about every single person on that grid for they are all precious and very talented in their own right, whether creative writing, building, decorating, organizing, everyone has a role to play in making the grid a success. So to our members I say THANK YOU! To my Daughter who has shouldered the burden for these few years, even while struggling through nursing school, I say THANK YOU! To the creative and talented Role Players who make it so much fun and interesting, I say THANK YOU! To the many contributing builders on our grid, I say THANK YOU! To our many (and growing) list of vendors, I say THANK YOU! Together we can do better. If you're interested in role play, contact me or Metal Tango. Blessings and much love, Lavia
Another new shop going in at the Masala Al Kohav Mall (We dropped the Star Jinn Palisade because it confused people). Ezra Millberry will be opening an "Odds & Ends" shop and the Masala Al Kohav Mall is proud to sponsor Ezra in this endeavor. We have many fantastic builders who contribute to the Masala Al Kohav Mall (Masala Al Kohav is Hebrew for "Wish Upon A Star") all working to make sure your wishes for positively gorgeous builds, working, functioning builds, easy to use builds to make your Virtual Life adventure fun, ESPECIALLY immersive ROLEPLAY!! This is why our grid is called the Genesis Roleplay Grid. We currently have land available at very reasonable prices and if you're looking to own a grid of your own, talk to us, we know a guy!! We haveFall's For You Animesh people, Ares Gizmos, Indego's Market and Boutique, Creations by Tainted Angel, Thor's Forge contributed by our friend Thorvaldr Ragnarrson, and of course Your's truly and I build under many names because of the role play I'm involved in, but mostly this name and my shop is Lavia's Little Corner. Stop in and shop till you drop and if you can't find what your looking for, just ask, I might know who does. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks dedicate Sensational Sunday to Pride Month

Sunday June 23rd 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing classic and contemporary Rock along with rock and pop songs celebrating Pride Month as well as his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!

News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://

To all my piggy friends I created this in your honor! Piglets in the Mud cake, a cute decoration for your table! Jewelry

Marianna: Here is the recipe 8 months ago
anyone who's been waiting for the trash panda face tattoo, it's ready! I'm just wrapping it up in a nice shiny box but you can pick it up right now at Zmart, The Arcade Mall, Banarnia: hop://

Shops and stall are filling up!!!!

Jared Seda: I tried going again but can't get there either. 8 months ago

hello and have a nice day. For all cat lovers, I have made a small collection available for you in my store today. A small bunch of cats are waiting here for a new, loving home and owner. They are all Potty trained and sweet. Come and get your new cuddly tiger.

Jared Seda: These are so awesome thank you 8 months ago

Who will be European champion?
Clearly,... "Dorenas World".^^

LeonitasLionheart: I thought you are already champion. I guess I need to keep up with sports better! :) 8 months ago
Though events have had to be postponed or rescheduled other new things are happening at infinity 21. Just added 3 new rooms - in the hidden skyboxes .. must explore to find. A male and female birthday rooms and the new risky romance dark room. :) Have a lovely day!

GeoPerez: Thank you, a beautiful place where your most intimate dreams never come true will awaken. Here is the frontier of forbidden love, many scenarios. I have seen them very beautiful, thank you wicked don... 9 months ago
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "Versus"

Sunday May 19th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing songs by the original artist followed by the same song covered by a different artist and you choose which one you like the best!
As well as his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!


Come on down to the early set at the Fetish Factor.. lots of room for you and your friends.. Great Classic Rock Music with DJ Esse, and as always your requests

Hand painted freckles! Yay.

Marianna: Kissed by the sun! 9 months ago
Das Studio von Radio Xenolandia zieht gerade auf die oberste Etage vom Xenolandia Freebie Center um. Guggsdu schickes Video 😃

Hier zum Video:
9 giuno alle ore 22:00 Grande concerto live con Lucrezia Angel nella grid di Tony Portal Jungle friends. Vi aspettiamo numerosi!!
June 9th at 10.00pm Great live concert with Lucrezia Angel in the Tony Portal Jungle friends grid. We hope many of you will come!!
The Mega Store House was born today next to the Mega Store, you will find many houses and buildings all free
Virtualife hub.Free mesh, races, horse, fishing area, combat system and rp and much more
1/4 sim for free or rent a sim.
Hello, we are three cute little girls and looking for a new home. You can find it in the Yin Yang Town Store.
- Add us to your body,
- we Walk and run around with you or just stand with you.
So come and take us with you to you,
we are also very nice and won't cause you any trouble,
We promise ♥ ;-)

Yana Dakota: Beautiful Store with lots of great items. Very nice set up as well. I love Chi Chi and her creations. Worth a visit ! 9 months ago
Rocking Thursdays @ Harmony Isle
Dj Golbez and his Exciting Rock Show Invade Harmony Isle Now till 6pm grid time.
Then, The Sweet Dj Alex and her sultry tunes return at 6 to 8pm grid time.
Taxi: hop://
See you there!
◂◄◀ 1st Thursday @ Eternity Night Club▶►▸
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴6:00p ∵∴ ❈ ROGUE GALAXY
» Шhat: • LIVE SINGER •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Semi-Formal/Formal ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ City

New Animesh in my Kitely Market Shop. An adorable Cupid Animated Animesh! Check out the other new items when you are there.


Escape to Alba Sex Club, the ultimate tropical resort where your deepest desires and fantasies come to life. Nestled in a serene and exotic retreat, Alba Sex Club offers a unique blend of relaxation, excitement and freedom for adults seeking a safe and prejudice-free environment.
Discover the magic of Alba

At Alba Sex Club we celebrate diversity and embrace all sexual preferences, fantasies and diversity. Whether you're looking to meet new people, dance the night away or explore your wildest desires, our resort is designed to meet your every need.

alba princess
Rock-House (Special) am 07.06.2024.
Freitag 7.6.2024
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Mit allen Wassern gewaschen
Alles ist im Fluss*

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht
Hypergrid :

Best way to reach us: login directly from your viewer putting on destination:

we make weekly parties and combine meetings during the week with little groups of people who want to enjoy dances and intimate encounters .... and enjoy together


This one may be a better pic! ENJOY! ;)

Xenon Darrow: such a beautiful place. I love being a part of it. 9 months ago

Avatar Fantasy, Pleiadiano su richiesta

GeoPerez: Grazie mille Valeria e Gruppo di Lavoro di Creazione Avatar Personalizzati, sono grato e favorito da Dio per questo lavoro spettacolare, Valeria ci ha creato, Pleiadiano, un essere angelico che è venu... 9 months ago

There's a new group gift available for free inside the lobby at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf territories Grid. Look for the group kiosk on the right. Make sure to wear your group tag!

Lunaria Emporium is my main store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products related to architecture and decor in multiple themes.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and experience the builds firsthand. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There are freebies scattered throughout the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars and huds.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:, but all items at the store are 20% off Kitely Market Prices, since Wolf territories is not taking 20% off the top of every sale. I pass on those savings to you.
A 100% legal, non copybotted , creator made mesh head. Boxed as an avatar base...shape, skin, eyes, head, courtesy Ruth RC3 made BOM. The skins I used a template for in part, according to the creator's license it cannot be transfer-sorry about that. You can of course use any skin or shape you want. Responds to bento animations such as smiling and blinking. No mesh eyes or AO included.
These heads I made from 2019 to 2021- I put a couple up an SL. They were intended as a low ARC, "Wear and go" solution without huds and scripts. I made them first for my partner who just HATES most huds. I sold them for about 400L each. People liked them but I got a lot of bizarre comments like "yeah it's really beautiful and good but I have to stay loyal to Catwa even though I like them a lot"... since opensim people seem more capable of not letting brand loyalty totally dictate their interests, they are better fitted here.

Don't sell, don't tell people you made the mesh, don't put it on SL . Please don't god mod the skin, I legitimately cannot give it transfer, if you need it for your alts bring them all in or message me and I'll just give it to you.

Harper Held: I think they're cute, I have to come see them ingame. As far as this specific thread goes? Moderate, rip and tear -delete mercilessly. It's kind of what you have to do here. Anyway -thanks for adding ... 1 years ago

Christmas for the Men because they need holiday spirit as well. Set includes Cargo Pants & Round Neck Sweater.

Now Available in the Holiday Bundles Shop at the RRD Mall Entrance.



BELZE: Hast du gut hinbekommen 1 years ago

Been working on some mesh rivers... on region WT Atlantic 01

Lillysparks: Wow beautiful!!! 1 years ago