Joined 7 years ago

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My Regions

Serene Vineyard Island
1 0 Vineyard Island 0 Users
Ocean Waves Mall II in DigiWorldz The home of ~EDD~ Emmalena Damour Designs gloebits enabled store, as well as several other creators store. Store Rentals, RL travel agency, and part of the 11 region trail for walking and horseback riding. Items you can find here include, System clothing, Mesh clo...
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Damour Enterprise Three
3 1 Enterprise Three 0 Users
The west half of Ocean Waves Mall. The mall contains rental stores. A Trail that goes across 11 regions for walking or horseback riding. A ferry to take from here to a new region of the trail. Barrel racing track, Rez area for people that make a purchase in the mall.
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Damour Enterprizes
6 1 Enterprizes 0 Users
This region is located in Digiworldz. Home to ~EDD~ Emmalena Damour Designs main store. Clothing for Men and Women: System or classic clothing, Mesh Clothing, costumes, medieval clothing, dinkie clothing, Sci-Fi clothing, merfolk clothing, Formal casual and sporting clothing, hats, shoes and acces...
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Damour Ocean 1
2 0 Ocean 1 0 Users
This region is located in DigiWorldZ. This is an Ocean region with Ocean and islands and the Fishy Fish Game on it. Lots of fun fishing tournaments. open to the public! there is also a horse ranch located on the region. Along with that a Ferry comes from Damour Enterprises Three and comes across to...
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Damour Enterprise Two
6 0 Enterprise Two 0 Users
Home to Emmalena Damour's Art Gallery and Photo Studio. Prints of RL Art-charcoal and chalk drawings, acrylic paintings. Photography, Digital artworks, and grid photography. 2 other artists work also on the 3rd floor. Space for 3 more artists available.
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Damour Enterprise Four
5 1 Enterprise Four 0 Users
Damour Ocean Waves Mall region Has many rental stores. The mall is set up with 3 blocks. There are 5 stores in blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 has an additional store but is on Ocean waves mall west. Ocean waves mall is home to The Wedding Salon, The Wine Cellar and Exquisitely Designed Runway Theater and...
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My Reviews

All Graders Vets

I love this place. All 3 venues on the region. The all Graders club. The Outdoor Venue and now the Golden Rose Ballroom. The Golden rose has live singers on Saturday and Sunday nights. there is so much beauty here and fun! I saw someone from the hypergrid say they couldn't get in. That depends if yo are from Copy bot grids. DigiworldZi has some of those grids blocked to protect us here in Digiwor...

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