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Congratulations Arkham, the second year, Happy Anniversary

Goddess Oksana Live 1-3 At the Dome!
Where: Pomsigland
When: 4 years ago [5 Dec 2020 13:00 SLT]

Goddess Oksana Rocks it at the Dome!
Then Edison's live show 3-5, then the usual party after!

No Hate. Stop Hate.
Do not spread or promote hate. Do not use YOUR club to spread or promote hate. Doing so is very unappealing. There are only a few hundred WORLD-WIDE that visit the Hypergrid, many of which are alts or bots. Perhaps energies would be better spent trying to promote opensim and the Hypergrid, before it dies completely, instead of spending energy on spreading or promoting hate. If you really must profess to the HG about your hate, hold a rally or post a blog.