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The Love Lock Bridge
El Puente de los candados del Amor, es un lugar hermoso y muy especial en todo Opensim, el cual esta ubicado en
Es un espacio dedicado al amor, y todas las promesas dadas al amado o amada; las puedes sellar allí en un candado que las guardará como prueba de amor eterno!
Punto de llegada: hop://
Que viva el amor!!

Carpe-Noctem-Zoo will soon open up its doors.

Jerralyn Franzic: Can't wait! 1 years ago
The Christmas Market @ Winterfest, Alternate Metaverse Grid

Visit one of OpenSim's best ever Christmas Markets for all your Decorating and Gift Giving Needs! 22 Market stalls filled with goodness from edibles to Dinkie wear to Christmas animeshes, decorations, Trees & so much more! Open now - All content is free! While there explore the region, go ice fishing, skating, skiing or peek in on Santa at his workshop!
Part of Winterfest- Alternate Metaverse Grid. What do YOUR Christmas fantasies look like? Market

Kelso.Uxlay: Well done! 2 years ago
Introducing Tiki Cove - Free Adult Housing on Alternate Metaverse Grid

Private individual parcels.......Adults only......High Prim Count.....Mothly Renewals
Community Areas: Beaches, Club House, Dance Pavilion , Pools
Come join us at Alternate Metaverse Grid

La Nube
#newregion #arkhamgrid #2022

I wanted to open this sim next year but cause of some not so good news I open the sim for public right now . Items for every kind of Festive Occasion and more .Perhaps have a look at the boxes, it it might be of interest?:-) . The sim is full of scripted items, all is working so that you can try the items out...
New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.

Virtual Life: complete new body with 5 pair feets, HUD and BOM system. A must have for the brand new ATHENA (Maitreya) clothes 2 years ago
ADVISORY: If you are NEW to Opensim, there are many choices for worlds to live in. Do yourself a favor and run a background check on ANY GRID before you open your wallet.

Google search: Alex Pomposelli

Spax Orion: Knowing what this operator has done in the past, I would be doing a major disservice to the community by being silent. Is it wrong to warn others of potential danger based on a proven track record? If... 2 years ago
Have u been attacked by Priscilla Kleenex with prim-made penises? Did ur SIM or grid survive? So this 3D sign is for u lol.. Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy:)
PS. Before someone asks me why a transsexual pic remember the old motto in SL:
"In Second Life, men are women...
women are men...
and children are FBI agents".....

GlennXpletive: HAHAHA Ok that is some true and funny shit fer shure! lol Thanks for the morning giggles! 2 years ago

...Hair Peace...
.......Bed Peace......
..........Peace On Earth.........

March 15, 2022

Antonia Ling: My Installation in Opensim was inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Maybe not everybody know this Story from 1969. 2 years ago
Burns Night on the Auroa II
A Dinner & Dance
Addressing the Haggis by Clan Escotia
followed by traditional tunes
and Clan and his Band live
