EllieVenusa @DaphneVenusa

USA Online


Joined 2 months ago

About Myself

Builder, Club owner, 104.4 WFLAV Pirate Radio CEO, And Starting soon a HUD-ZINE (HUD based Magazine

My Interests

Love building and seeing great things built by others... wish to learn blender better and learn to script...

I'm Looking For

Who says Im looking for any particular thing or things even? I find what i find and go from there...

Favorite Quote

I am the Great Cornholio you will give me TP for my bunghole...

Music I Like


Films I Like

Ready Player One

Books I Like

Stranger in a Strange Land ... by Robert A Heinlein

My Heroes

Monkey D. Luffy

Viewer Version

newest firestorm

My Regions

Pirates Cove
8 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Pirates Cove 3 Users
Adult tropical sim home to Club Nakkie Our Premier Adult Playground ... Also Pirates Cove Rock Club , Pirates Cove Mall, and 104.4 WFLAV Pirate Radio Plus many more cool sights plenty of hidden romantic / Naughty play areas
more info
